Israel - Hamas Gaza Conflict Oct-2023


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Nov 1, 2022
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Orthodox Jews despise Zionism coz they believe the state of Israel can only be created by the Messiah who'd then re construct & re consecrate Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Since Ben Gurion never claimed to be the Messiah nor was he accepted as such, Israel as a state is against Yahweh. Yet they've no qualms about residing in that very abomination & claim all the benefits they can viz exemption from compulsory military duty etc.

Reminds me of our momins. After whole heartedly supporting Paxtan the vast majority decided to stay put & what's more are now claiming they did everyone here a favor while claiming exceptionalism & demanding the same from the state apart from enjoying other state benefits

Detective Pennington

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May 1, 2015
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What "world" are you talking about ? Who is this who'll make Israel an international pariah ? Israel is joined at the hip with the west culturally, politically, economically and militarily. The forces that threaten Israel and her existence intersect with those that are also anti-west. It is a shame that even without spending a dime, the Islamists can find millions of useful idiots in the west to do their propaganda else no one would have batted an eye about Israel pounding those terrorists to the ground! Israel will continue to live and survive in a tumultous region and ironically it won't be the sunset of the American empire but the sunset of the middle eastern empires when there will be another great war for Israel's existence .
This is antiquated thinking. This isn't the late 2000s/early 2010s anymore. The opinion of Israel among people in the west is beginning to fracture greatly between the left and the right. The left is changing - and not just because of Islamists. Yes internationally Muslims standing with Palestine is playing a role on social media, but there is also the side offects of cultural marxism that is teaching more and more young people to see Palestinians as a victim because they are oppressed brown people and Israelis are "white".

That's not to say that Israel won't do what it wants, because they always do, but there is starting to be a political cost that even pro-Israel Jewish control of media and political finance cannot win against. Partly because of the monster liberal Jews had a pivotal role in creating ironically

As for Bengali or Kerala muslims, at the end of the day they are Indian citizens. And no one is going to carpet bomb them or "push them into ocean" no matter how dangerous their designs are towards the nation.
Well that's exactly the problem isn't it? Something needs to be done. At least the soviet option to break Islam in central asia can be tried.

Israel will never become a pariah, couple of the reasons I can think of are:
1). Support from Christian nations; due to a biblical prophecy that all Jews must return to Israel before the second coming of Christ.
2). It's a white nation predominantly made of people of European decent and the whites always support whites.
Ehh this is more so a split between the evangelical christian base in the US and the rest of the world + the left.


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Jul 31, 2021
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Biden and Blinken calling for a halt just when IDF is entering Gaza City shows the perils of depending on the US. Israel finds itself in a situation where they are damned if they do and damned if they don't! Whatever US says, i hope Israel will turn the north Gaza into a cauldron and eliminate every jihadi scum before moving into south.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2021
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This is antiquated thinking. This isn't the late 2000s/early 2010s anymore. The opinion of Israel among people in the west is beginning to fracture greatly between the left and the right. The left is changing - and not just because of Islamists. Yes internationally Muslims standing with Palestine is playing a role on social media, but there is also the side offects of cultural marxism that is teaching more and more young people to see Palestinians as a victim because they are oppressed brown people and Israelis are "white".
Cultural marxism and anti-Israel sentiments in universities has been the cornerstone of US political landscape since 1960s. US for all its virtue signalling and hand wringing practices realpolitik better than any nation state in history, and realpolitik dictates to save the interests of those people who look,think and act like them,i.e. the Israelis. There will also be a counter balance to some of the mainstream narrative against Israel in the west when the civil war starts in Europe by the native islamists over there, which i think is just 15-20 yrs away.

Israel's existential threat is not from what US will or will not do but it is from the middle eastern kingdoms collapsing someday unleashing millions of crazy yahoos free in the region!


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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And the racism shows in the article. No mention of any terror in any non white countries, guess they were just "GUNMEN" out to have some fun. Proved again never trust WSJ.
Yes, no mention at all of what India has been through. Mumbai and Delhi have been hit 4 times each, Varanasi and Hyderabad twice each, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Gandhinagar, Pune, Bihar( attempt to actually kill Modi), Lucknow, Bangalore and Chennai have all been hit. In Kashmir, terrorism would fill an encyclopedia. There is this allergy in the media and in popular entertainment, to including India as a victim of Islamist terrorism. Some of the commentators are no doubt ignorant or parochial. But others are more devious, conniving. Philippines, Thailand, Kenya and Nigeria, Sri Lanka, among others, have been major victims of Islamic terror, while barely meriting a mention.

Tupac slayer

Regular Member
Aug 6, 2019
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Brother I merely posted a post from twitter. I would never support leftist scum. I’m sorry I should have posted links. I’m sorry if I have given the impression that I’m supporting Hamas massacre of Israel civilians. Moderators please delete my earlier post. Later in the evening I would post with appropriate links. Once again I’m sorry
I got the link for my earlier Post, Here is the link.

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