Israel - Hamas Gaza Conflict Oct-2023


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Not free, but we can surely sell if Israel needs anything (keeping our own needs in mind)
Especially mercenaries... I mean, volunteers, ofcourse.

Can use up our old ordnance. Utilise combat exp for our veterans for money. Israel will remember it. And a debt is owed.


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Jul 7, 2016
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No one is afraid of Islam per se, which is what the word “Islamophobia” implies. I have met many Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists who are intrigued by Islam, curious about its theology and teachings. I have never met anyone who is afraid of it.

But many people fear becoming the victims of Islamic terrorism. They are afraid of being killed in their homes or their offices, on the street or at the theater, by wild-eyed jihadists hopped up on synthetic amphetamines. They are afraid of car bombs and subway stabbings. They are afraid of guys shouting “Allahu Akbar!” while filming themselves slaughtering innocent people.

I know a lot of people who are angry that this happened last month. They have noticed that similar atrocities have been happening with frequency for decades. They hate that it never seems to stop.

It’s rational to be afraid of Islamic terror. It’s understandable to be angry about the World Trade Center, Bali, Madrid, London, Paris, the Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, Charlie Hebdo, the Manchester Arena, the Brussels Metro, the Orlando nightclub, Salman Rushdie—the list goes on.

It isn’t wrong to hate the people who live streamed the slaughter of entire families on Oct. 7. It isn’t a phobia to abhor senseless death delivered in the name of God. It may even be laudable
And the racism shows in the article. No mention of any terror in any non white countries, guess they were just "GUNMEN" out to have some fun. Proved again never trust WSJ.

Master Chief

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May 5, 2022
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Senior Member
Aug 9, 2021
Especially mercenaries... I mean, volunteers, ofcourse.

Can use up our old ordnance. Utilise combat exp for our veterans for money. Israel will remember it. And a debt is owed.
Well... if people want to go fight for money they can go at their own risk & volition.
But I don't think it will bring us any gain, apart from token appreciation for the fighters.
Feb 26, 2023
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Our newspapers don't spare Israel either.
Lets not make the mistake of thinking that news paper articles reflect the opinion of people at large.
opinions of a few is not the same as opinion of a country. if such opinions exist, it's the opinions that need to be countered, not drawing false equivalence to nation state. pakistan is a abnormal state, because pakiland is always on our minds, we tend to presume all countries behave like pakiland, which is not the case as far as India is concerned.

such opinions on kashmir exist within India as well, in KJS Dhillon's book he talks about a editor based in India who wrote about Kashmir for years without ever visiting the place.
That's kind of my point other than the same simping issue. Why should we be outraged at our papers criticizing Israel when this has been the norm in both countries?


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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That our media criticising Israel is absolutely fine.
Remind me as to where i have specifically stated that Israel cannot be criticized.

What i quoted is specifically from "the Hindu".

A newspaper whose editor went to a trip to CCP controlled China & wrote articles praising them.

A newspaper whose editorials/opinions are ALWAYS on one side regarding all such issues aka the Islamist side.

So their criticism of Israel needs to be seen from that angle only & not from a "tit for tat" reporting scenario.

The purpose of the post about the Hindu is to show the extent to which Indian jhollas go.

There is a reason as to why India abstained from that UN resolution - it did not call out Hamas terrorism.

Today if the UN fails to call out Hamas terrorism after a brutal attack, tomorrow they could do the same after a LET attack.

Any news items about current scenario without condemning Hamas terror/it's abduction of people is a pro terror narrative & needs to be called out. If this is being construed as being "emotionally" attached to "de jude", so be it.
Feb 26, 2023
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Remind me as to where i have specifically stated that Israel cannot be criticized.

What i quoted is specifically from "the Hindu".

A newspaper whose editor went to a trip to CCP controlled China & wrote articles praising them.

A newspaper whose editorials/opinions are ALWAYS on one side regarding all such issues aka the Islamist side.

So their criticism of Israel needs to be seen from that angle only & not from a "tit for tat" reporting scenario.

The purpose of the post about the Hindu is to show the extent to which Indian jhollas go.

There is a reason as to why India abstained from that UN resolution - it did not call out Hamas terrorism.

Today if the UN fails to call out Hamas terrorism after a brutal attack, tomorrow they could do the same after a LET attack.

Any news items about current scenario without condemning Hamas terror/it's abduction of people is a pro terror narrative & needs to be called out. If this is being construed as being "emotionally" attached to "de jude", so be it.
Okay, looks like I misunderstood. Sorry.


Regular Member
Oct 9, 2023
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hamas drone dropping shell onto IDF .

why dont they use jammers. seems like nobody can effectively counter these stupid drones .

If they use jammers there own connection would be lost. correct me if i am wrong.


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Well... if people want to go fight for money they can go at their own risk & volition.
But I don't think it will bring us any gain, apart from token appreciation for the fighters.
100k mercs can hold the Lebanon front themselves... China massively utilises their vets as "security personnel" now that they're downsizing. It can bring good money is we establish ourselves as "potential service providers".

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