Israel - Hamas Gaza Conflict Oct-2023


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Jan 9, 2022
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No one is afraid of Islam per se, which is what the word “Islamophobia” implies. I have met many Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists who are intrigued by Islam, curious about its theology and teachings. I have never met anyone who is afraid of it.

But many people fear becoming the victims of Islamic terrorism. They are afraid of being killed in their homes or their offices, on the street or at the theater, by wild-eyed jihadists hopped up on synthetic amphetamines. They are afraid of car bombs and subway stabbings. They are afraid of guys shouting “Allahu Akbar!” while filming themselves slaughtering innocent people.

I know a lot of people who are angry that this happened last month. They have noticed that similar atrocities have been happening with frequency for decades. They hate that it never seems to stop.

It’s rational to be afraid of Islamic terror. It’s understandable to be angry about the World Trade Center, Bali, Madrid, London, Paris, the Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, Charlie Hebdo, the Manchester Arena, the Brussels Metro, the Orlando nightclub, Salman Rushdie—the list goes on.

It isn’t wrong to hate the people who live streamed the slaughter of entire families on Oct. 7. It isn’t a phobia to abhor senseless death delivered in the name of God. It may even be laudable
Even though WSJ is centrist to center-right, but this kind of article would not have been possible in any mainstream american newspaper before the Hamas attack.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2022
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I don't know what to say but many times it feels as if the Israeli Joos and the Globalist neoliberal elite Joos are each others' enemies. I mean look at Soros and Rockefeller along with the other elitists; these old codgers fund Hamas, Fatah, and all the Left-Islamist news and websites that belch poison against Israel.

It is understandable to pretend to create a problem just to get sympathy from the likes of Indian naive simps but if we go by what is happening now with all Western liberal news channels hating on Israel and making them look like the enemy, it seems like Israelis and Globalist Joos are at war with each other, as much as Dharmic community is at war with Secular-Left menace within our communities.
Many of the rich, woke and elite jews in west are self hating, muslims can do no wrong type, similar to some of our elite rich Parsis and upper caste hindus.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
NEW: One thing that looks odd about Hamas attack on October 7 was, despite its success, it didn’t have any contingency planning, further steps weren’t thought out. Now two sources tell Middle East Eye that Hamas didn’t plan to take no more than 20-30 hostages, and it didn’t expect that Israel’s Gaza division would collapse. They argue that Hamas didn’t plan for this: • The original attack plan, according to several sources, was to strike military targets and then make a quick withdrawal. • Hamas wanted to inflict maximum embarrassment on Netanyahu and get something to bargain with for a mass prisoner release. • While Hamas was ready for the war, it did not expect the attack to provoke anything more than limited retaliatory strikes on Gaza. “The strike was supposed to be tactical, not strategic,” one source said. • Hamas sent in 1,500 fighters, expecting that most would be killed. “Somewhere around 1,400 fighters came back,” said one source. • The source said that Hamas force unexpectedly kept on advancing, attacking locations that were not on an original list of targets, and they ended up with a far larger number of hostages than they had planned for • Hamas knew the addresses of senior IDF commanders. It knew the layout of military bases and the location of checkpoints. • Furthermore, it knew the time of the shift change at the Gaza Division’s barracks at the end of the Yom Kippur holiday. It launched the attack one hour after the shift change. Many of the troops were caught in their beds. • “The plan was to assault the Gaza Division and not the kibbutz, because the Qassam intention was to capture soldiers and officers to finish the file of prisoners,” said one source familiar with the planning of the operation. “The number of civilian hostages was as a result of the sequence of battle when a lot of people crossed the border.” • Hamas and affiliated fighters were free to cross between designated targets and for a couple of hours nobody was in control. • “Once that happened, other forces, smugglers with weapons, lay people, criminals all flooded through the fence and we had a massacre. That was why 15 Thai workers were kidnapped. It became complete chaos,” the source continued.
Nice attempt at whitewashing the fact that Hamas fighters attacked civilian targets from the get go. They were at the gates of the settlements around 7am itself, as seen on video.

What's this bullshit about only "strike military targets and then make a quick withdrawal" and "only when other forces, smugglers with weapons, lay people, criminals flooded through fence we had a massacre". Was it smugglers who parachuted into the music festival? Only a moron would believe a word of this.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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North Gaza almost cut off.. as Gaza City is about to be taken in a cauldron

:hmm: i remember another recent war where a country created several cauldrons inside another country in first month of war. are these areas actually under IDF control ?

anyways seems like IDF taking all precautions and leveling everything in their path . read online they are not going take the area but will pump seawater into tunnels . hamas will either drown or surrender . very clever.

Tupac slayer

Regular Member
Aug 6, 2019
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Nice attempt at whitewashing the fact that Hamas fighters attacked civilian targets from the get go. They were at the gates of the settlements around 7am itself, as seen on video.

What's this bullshit about only "strike military targets and then make a quick withdrawal" and "only when other forces, smugglers with weapons, lay people, criminals flooded through fence we had a massacre". Was it smugglers who parachuted into the music festival? Only a moron would believe a word of this.
Brother I merely posted a post from twitter. I would never support leftist scum. I’m sorry I should have posted links. I’m sorry if I have given the impression that I’m supporting Hamas massacre of Israel civilians. Moderators please delete my earlier post. Later in the evening I would post with appropriate links. Once again I’m sorry


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
Brother I merely posted a post from twitter. I would never support leftist scum. I’m sorry I should have posted links. I’m sorry if I have given the impression that I’m supporting Hamas massacre of Israel civilians. Moderators please delete my earlier post. Later in the evening I would post with appropriate links. Once again I’m sorry
I know bro. I understood it was some Twitter bullshit. Not targeted at you.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2022
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There were protests in poakistan over an alleged blasphemous message about OLAA IN Pepsi bottle. That time pokies also emptied Pepsi bottles to protest. Muzzies everywhere think alike.
Pakistan is not a geographical entity, but an "idea" or "way of life". And this idea lives in every town and city of India. Pakistan is all around us. So it's only to be expected that Indian Muslims will act the same way as their biraders across the border, and follow in their footsteps of idiocy.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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BBC upto its old bowdlerizing tricks.

When Gazans say "kill Jews", the BBC intentionally mistranslates this as "kill Israelis" I speak and read Arabic to some extent. There are different words for Jews and Israelis: Jews: Al-Yahud Israelis: Al-Isra'iliyun The BBC should stop lying.


"Waaah, waaah mommy, daddy no give us attention waaaah"

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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We seriously need to calm down with this biradergiri with Israel. Look at the kind of articles their media publishes about Kashmir. They have no problem calling the current government "Hindu nationalist", using terms like "India-controlled Kashmir" and also using the word "rebel" for terrorists.

They even have the gall to compare what's happening in Gaza to Kashmir.

The only thing Palestine and Kashmir share in common is that both face Islamic terrorism sponsored by an Islamic republic in the neighbourhood but not much beyond that. The Kashmiri people can travel anywhere across the country, seek education, employment and whatever else that any other Indian from any part of the country can do, not to mention that the Union government has also put in massive capital to better the lives of Kashmiris or the presence of courts that protect the rights of Kashmiris like any other citizen of India. This simply isn't the case with Palestine. Most Palestinians (even from the West Bank) cannot travel into Israel unless they get permits for which the conditions are very ambiguous and there is rampant expelling of Palestinians.

I'm not saying that Hamas is not a barbaric terrorist organization but we seriously need to tone down the emotion for Israel. Don't forget that they too are a supremacist of an Abrahamic religion that Islam itself was derived from. It is absolutely fine for us to allow criticism of Israel while not at all endangering our own position on Kashmir.
Our newspapers don't spare Israel either.
Lets not make the mistake of thinking that news paper articles reflect the opinion of people at large.

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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:hmm: i remember another recent war where a country created several cauldrons inside another country in first month of war. are these areas actually under IDF control ?

anyways seems like IDF taking all precautions and leveling everything in their path . read online they are not going take the area but will pump seawater into tunnels . hamas will either drown or surrender . very clever.
Gaza blocks were Israeli forces are operating look more like Marinka..

Also, about the move to cut off Gaza city from the south .. It is not possible that Israeli infantry and Armour would have continued their offensive to the sea [from 3 km away from the sea in 31 October to being 800 m from the sea yesterday, if IDF didn't control the areas in their rear.. Without controlling the areas in their rear in densely populated Gaza, would expose the IDF Vanguard to Hamas counterattack and destruction..


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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We seriously need to calm down with this biradergiri with Israel. Look at the kind of articles their media publishes about Kashmir. They have no problem calling the current government "Hindu nationalist", using terms like "India-controlled Kashmir" and also using the word "rebel" for terrorists.

They even have the gall to compare what's happening in Gaza to Kashmir.

The only thing Palestine and Kashmir share in common is that both face Islamic terrorism sponsored by an Islamic republic in the neighbourhood but not much beyond that. The Kashmiri people can travel anywhere across the country, seek education, employment and whatever else that any other Indian from any part of the country can do, not to mention that the Union government has also put in massive capital to better the lives of Kashmiris or the presence of courts that protect the rights of Kashmiris like any other citizen of India. This simply isn't the case with Palestine. Most Palestinians (even from the West Bank) cannot travel into Israel unless they get permits for which the conditions are very ambiguous and there is rampant expelling of Palestinians.

I'm not saying that Hamas is not a barbaric terrorist organization but we seriously need to tone down the emotion for Israel. Don't forget that they too are a supremacist of an Abrahamic religion that Islam itself was derived from. It is absolutely fine for us to allow criticism of Israel while not at all endangering our own position on Kashmir.
opinions of a few is not the same as opinion of a country. if such opinions exist, it's the opinions that need to be countered, not drawing false equivalence to nation state. pakistan is a abnormal state, because pakiland is always on our minds, we tend to presume all countries behave like pakiland, which is not the case as far as India is concerned.

such opinions on kashmir exist within India as well, in KJS Dhillon's book he talks about a editor based in India who wrote about Kashmir for years without ever visiting the place.

Master Chief

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May 5, 2022
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NEW: One thing that looks odd about Hamas attack on October 7 was, despite its success, it didn’t have any contingency planning, further steps weren’t thought out. Now two sources tell Middle East Eye that Hamas didn’t plan to take no more than 20-30 hostages, and it didn’t expect that Israel’s Gaza division would collapse. They argue that Hamas didn’t plan for this: • The original attack plan, according to several sources, was to strike military targets and then make a quick withdrawal. • Hamas wanted to inflict maximum embarrassment on Netanyahu and get something to bargain with for a mass prisoner release. • While Hamas was ready for the war, it did not expect the attack to provoke anything more than limited retaliatory strikes on Gaza. “The strike was supposed to be tactical, not strategic,” one source said. • Hamas sent in 1,500 fighters, expecting that most would be killed. “Somewhere around 1,400 fighters came back,” said one source. • The source said that Hamas force unexpectedly kept on advancing, attacking locations that were not on an original list of targets, and they ended up with a far larger number of hostages than they had planned for • Hamas knew the addresses of senior IDF commanders. It knew the layout of military bases and the location of checkpoints. • Furthermore, it knew the time of the shift change at the Gaza Division’s barracks at the end of the Yom Kippur holiday. It launched the attack one hour after the shift change. Many of the troops were caught in their beds. • “The plan was to assault the Gaza Division and not the kibbutz, because the Qassam intention was to capture soldiers and officers to finish the file of prisoners,” said one source familiar with the planning of the operation. “The number of civilian hostages was as a result of the sequence of battle when a lot of people crossed the border.” • Hamas and affiliated fighters were free to cross between designated targets and for a couple of hours nobody was in control. • “Once that happened, other forces, smugglers with weapons, lay people, criminals all flooded through the fence and we had a massacre. That was why 15 Thai workers were kidnapped. It became complete chaos,” the source continued.
While it seems Hamas didn't plan the October 7 attack to be the wild success it was.. it looks like with Hamas leadership being destroyed like never before, and with Israel mobilizing, Hamas is trying to shift responsibility away from itself..

Freedom Thru Firepower

Senior Member
Apr 28, 2023
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Pot calling the kettle black & taking the potshots coz americ*nt-o-rica puppet.

Israel has no right to defend itself as it is an occupying power, Russia’s representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, said last night.


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