INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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No worries on my side as the ships that are responsible for the CBG havent arrived yet. So what is the use of having only one carrier?
Exactly . A CBG requires 20 vessels ie frigates, submarines , tankers , mine sweepers

The first Scorpene will come only in 2015


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
I wonder how much the Gorshky will be worth after 5-6 delays in delivery and being delivered almost 5 years behind schedule.
Relevant only because we don't have an equivalent or better already. The delay is too much, but like Satish said,

No worries on my side as the ships that are responsible for the CBG havent arrived yet. So what is the use of having only one carrier?
we still don't have the ships that are needed. Minus the SSN, we need AAW 2 destroyers and 2 multirole Frigates, minimum. We have neither.

We are taking a decade just to build a ship, right from Corvettes to Frigates to Destroyers.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2012
20 vessels for a CBG?? Even USN doesn't have that many. All a CBG needs are 2 destroyers ,3 frigates, 1 tanker and 1 SSN.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Carrier battle group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian carrier battle group

The centrepiece of the Indian carrier battle group is currently the INS Viraat, an updated Centaur class light carrier originally built for the Royal Navy as HMS Hermes, which was laid down in 1944 and commissioned in 1959. It was purchased by India in 1986. India will commission a second aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya, in 2012 and will follow this with a third carrier, INS Vikrant 2, in 2015. Whilst INS Vikramaditya is a former Soviet Kiev class carrier, the Admiral Gorshkov, the Vikrant will be the first indigenous Indian aircraft carrier. India eventually will have 2 Carrier battle groups by 2017.[4][5]

The Indian Navy's CBG usually consists of two destroyers (usually of the Delhi Class, previously Kashins were used) and two or more frigates, (usually a combination of Brahmaputra, Talwar or Shivalik class) and one support ship.[citation needed]

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010

In this photo, there are 4 destroyers and 1 tanker ( Photo is from early or mid 90s )

The Indian Navy's CBG usually consists of two destroyers (usually of the Delhi Class, previously Kashins were used) and two or more frigates, (usually a combination of Brahmaputra, Talwar or Shivalik class) and one support ship.[citation needed]
Leah..We already have the rest.. ( Also we will add new ASW corvettes )


DFI Technocrat
Mar 7, 2009
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In this photo, there are 4 destroyers and 1 tanker ( Photo is from early or mid 90s )

Leah..We already have the rest.. ( Also we will add new ASW corvettes )
Yes we have the Delhi class which is only 3 in number, The Rajput class is a vintage so not that useful, The Kora class lacks air defence and is not a very good ASW ship. The only ship that can be be fit in the modern CBG is going to be the Shivaliks and the Talwars which we have. We still need the Kolkata class and the Kamorta class to come aboard. I think INS DEEPAK and Aditya are already in service but the IN still has to develop their tactics for MiG 29. So we have enough time in our hands. 2014 will be a good time as the Scorpenes would have also come and the Kilo class would have been upgraded as well.

So we have enough time to iron out the issues in the Gorky before all these are fully inducted and the tactics for Vicky is going to be the same as the Viraat. So not a big deal as the Viraat is going to be in service till 2017 till the ADS/IAC will replace it, as the Viraat after its maintainance stint will be deployed along with Vicky.

Above all why the hurry in acquiring the aircraft carrier when no one other than the USN is operating one in the area? The CHinese are atleast 4 years away from deploying their carrier at best. and it i meant to be in the SCS so for patrolling I dont think we need an Aircraft carrier right now.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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A Small CBG is of NO USE

For effective power projection India will need at least ONE CBG with 20 Vessels

The second CBG can be smaller

Both Vikramaditya and IAC 1 ie Vikrant will have limited number of planes unlike US Aircraft carriers
ie ie Indian Aircraft Carrier will have Limited firepower

So the frigates corvettes destroyers of an Indian CBG will have to be packed with missiles


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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we should buy AC either from usa with few f16 or AC from uk with few euro fighter

we can go some other option till our own will become in service


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Yes we have the Delhi class which is only 3 in number, The Rajput class is a vintage so not that useful, The Kora class lacks air defence and is not a very good ASW ship. The only ship that can be be fit in the modern CBG is going to be the Shivaliks and the Talwars which we have. We still need the Kolkata class and the Kamorta class to come aboard. I think INS DEEPAK and Aditya are already in service but the IN still has to develop their tactics for MiG 29. So we have enough time in our hands. 2014 will be a good time as the Scorpenes would have also come and the Kilo class would have been upgraded as well.

So we have enough time to iron out the issues in the Gorky before all these are fully inducted and the tactics for Vicky is going to be the same as the Viraat. So not a big deal as the Viraat is going to be in service till 2017 till the ADS/IAC will replace it, as the Viraat after its maintainance stint will be deployed along with Vicky.

Above all why the hurry in acquiring the aircraft carrier when no one other than the USN is operating one in the area? The CHinese are atleast 4 years away from deploying their carrier at best. and it i meant to be in the SCS so for patrolling I dont think we need an Aircraft carrier right now.

In CBG Ac is acting like the command center able to launch Quick reaction..while countered by Enemy ships..also very use ful for striking from air..

we should assign 2 main CBG and that need to placed in eastern sea to counter China in any time..

No need of our Navy to be stationed in western sea to counter Pakistan...our Coast Gaurd is enough to cover that area


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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India will have two aircraft carrier strike forces by around 2015

Navy is confident India will have two full-fledged aircraft
carrier battle groups (CBGs) by 2015 or so despite slippages in ongoing refit of the 44,570-tonne Admiral Gorshkov in Russia and construction of the 40,000-tonne indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC) at Cochin Shipyard.

The first CBG will be centred around Gorshkov, rechristened INS
Vikramaditya, which India will now
get in early-2013 under the fresh
$2.33 billion deal inked last year.
The second CBG, in turn, will be
around the IAC, whose keel was laid in February 2009. "We hope the launch of IAC can take place by
end-2011,'' said Rear Admiral

huaxia rox

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2011
Its Official :
Shulyakovsky says three of the carrier's eight boilers failed, but the ship still managed to stay underway and reached 23 knots, below its design speed of 29 knots.
if thats the case i think 1 of the contigent measures indians can think of is u can just ask russians not to do anything but keep tesing other things and then simply accept the 5 working boiler Vikramaditya if repairing the AC needs lots of extra time and money.....

after all if u have an AC does really matter but if the AC u own can go 23 knots but not 29 on the contray really doesnt matter that much......

and after some years of using it indians can probably try to repair it yourselves or replace the engine with a nuclear 1.......


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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we need thing on ground sea sky not on papers

every thing is on papers but on reality we have empty hands

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Yes we have the Delhi class which is only 3 in number, The Rajput class is a vintage so not that useful, The Kora class lacks air defence and is not a very good ASW ship. The only ship that can be be fit in the modern CBG is going to be the Shivaliks and the Talwars which we have. We still need the Kolkata class and the Kamorta class to come aboard. I think INS DEEPAK and Aditya are already in service but the IN still has to develop their tactics for MiG 29. So we have enough time in our hands. 2014 will be a good time as the Scorpenes would have also come and the Kilo class would have been upgraded as well.
The Qestion we had : Can IN have resources to make a CBG ?

Answer is we have


Rajput class are updated with latest electronics and weapons suits, but most importantly they can keep up with speed and have greater endurance..

Delhi and other New big frigates can keep up with carrier speed and have similar endurance, No D&E Sub can be added coz none can keep up with the fleet, But a SSN like Chakra..

Above all why the hurry in acquiring the aircraft carrier when no one other than the USN is operating one in the area? The CHinese are atleast 4 years away from deploying their carrier at best. and it i meant to be in the SCS so for patrolling I dont think we need an Aircraft carrier right now.
Because these are negotiation, by the time a CV commissioned it takes 8 years or more, there is no hurry but things are running normal..

Also Virrat can no longer serve more than 5 or less years, She need a replacement, Having no carrier in force will mess up IN doctrine..


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
We need AAW capable ships for a CBG. We won't have those until next year.

We still need a long range missile added. No idea if there are plans for that.


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2011
... ...The delay is too much, but like Satish said,
No worries on my side as the ships that are responsible for the CBG havent arrived yet. So what is the use of having only one carrier?
Above all why the hurry in acquiring the aircraft carrier when no one other than the USN is operating one in the area? The CHinese are atleast 4 years away from deploying their carrier at best. and it i meant to be in the SCS so for patrolling I dont think we need an Aircraft carrier right now.
I am afraid I am NOT following your logic, gentlemen... ...

If this "why the hurry" stands, then there is NO point to penalty Russia. And you can acquite the decision maker who went to Vikramaditya, instead go for a brand new AC. Nor do you need to track down those IN responsibilities in boiler incapsulate material applied, since, again, "why the hurry"?!

No escort ships does give you space to request an improved/fixed Vicky, but NOT enough to say "why the hurry". That's simply NOT the way for defense matters.


DFI Technocrat
Mar 7, 2009
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I am afraid I am NOT following your logic, gentlemen... ...

If this "why the hurry" stands, then there is NO point to penalty Russia. And you can acquite the decision maker who went to Vikramaditya, instead go for a brand new AC. Nor do you need to track down those IN responsibilities in boiler incapsulate material applied, since, again, "why the hurry"?!

No escort ships does give you space to request an improved/fixed Vicky, but NOT enough to say "why the hurry". That's simply NOT the way for defense matters.
Well an AC is an asset only with a proper battle group accompaniment and the primary mission for a light/medium aircraft carrier in the IOR and for IN is fleet defence and strike capability is secondary. What is the use of an aircraft carrier without a fleet to defend?

Remember the name of the carrier was first ADS which stands for Air Defense Ship before it was christened as IAC meaning Indigenous Airceaft carrier INS Vikrant.


DFI Technocrat
Mar 7, 2009
Country flag
The Qestion we had : Can IN have resources to make a CBG ?

Answer is we have


Rajput class are updated with latest electronics and weapons suits, but most importantly they can keep up with speed and have greater endurance..

Delhi and other New big frigates can keep up with carrier speed and have similar endurance, No D&E Sub can be added coz none can keep up with the fleet, But a SSN like Chakra..

Because these are negotiation, by the time a CV commissioned it takes 8 years or more, there is no hurry but things are running normal..

Also Virrat can no longer serve more than 5 or less years, She need a replacement, Having no carrier in force will mess up IN doctrine..
Well as I told you Viraat is going to serve till 2017 and no doubt about it. But the Rajput class carriers are still old ships which dosent have an air defence system comparable to a modern destroyer. Yes the Delhi class destroyer is good but the navy cant spare one right now as they are very few in numbers and the Kolkata class are stuck in the docks waiting for the clearance and arrival of the Barak NG.

The Shivaliks and Talwars are the only ships which is fit to be called an escort right now in our arsenal but the thing is without the destroyers the fleet is not yet complete. Well as they say size matters and you cant compare the capability of the Rajputs with the Kolkata class, ships which are twice the size and capablities which are manifold. I would rather have a fully functional CBG instead of an half-assed one putting the whole fleet and men in jeopardy.

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