INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier


Regular Member
Aug 6, 2012
2014 is probably the earliest year during which the ship is allowed to sail to India.

if God is willing.
Well said.
But u will be proved to be a poor futurist.
Instead u can be a good doomsayer if u can predict your commanders sweating top to bottom in 2014 with viraat and vicky doing excercises in south china sea with ur neighbors :p

Or better keep your prophecies with u :)

March 2013 will be the worst case.Although hopefully it will set off to india by the end of jan 2013


Regular Member
Sep 30, 2011
You are already saying your prayers?:laugh:
I'm afraid his prediction might not be too far from the becoming truth

link : Ъ-Газета - "Адмирал Горшков" перегрелся в Баренцевом море

save you guys some trouble. here is the google translated text.

India terms of transfer of the former Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov" (Vikramaditya) newly migrated. As the "Y", during sea trials cruiser has a problem: seven of the eight boilers out of service. Now experts Severodvinsk "Sevmash" will assess the status of the damaged equipment, and understand how to deliver the ship to the dock (on one carrier operating the boiler does not get to it.) After that you can begin to eliminate the defects. The accident will inevitably affect the deadlines cruiser: the most optimistic projections, the Indian Navy will receive it no earlier than October 2013.

The fact that during sea trials cruiser Vikramaditya had serious problems, a source told "Kommersant", close to the "Rosoboronexport". According to him, on July 8 for the first time an aircraft carrier out into the Barents Sea from the dock, "Sevmash". The program was designed for 124 days. One priority is to test power plant carrier. "Once the cruiser set sail from the" Sevmash ", no visible problems arose. USS consistently scored low and average speed - says the source" b. "- But the test program, and called for the development of the maximum speed. Was the beginning of the problem." According to him, last week, as soon as the aircraft carrier picked up speed to 30 knots, with an alarm system sends a signal about the problems in the power plant. "Cruiser just got up. Later identified as eight power plant boilers, seven were put out of action," - he complained.

The source said the "Y", the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya was preparing for sea trials, the problem is that the Indian side rejected the traditional thermal boilers - asbestos, saying it increased danger to the crew. So the developer boilers - Special Boiler Design Bureau (ICBC) - had to look for a similar option: instead of asbestos boilers CVG-3D (see reference) were assessed refractory brickwork. Direct creation of steam boilers for the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya in 2005 involved the Baltic Shipyard. "When the experts have reached the power plant, it became clear that the brickwork around the boilers simply fell apart, unable to withstand the temperature, - stated the source" b. "- The condition itself boilers can be judged only after the carrier gets to the" Sevmash ", but fear that they will have to change, without foundation. "

December 4 - Day of the Navy of India - Vikramaditya aircraft carrier was to be transferred to the customer. Earlier deadlines repeatedly shifted (see the background). Now there is no doubt that the timing of re-move. Even if steam boilers do not have to change to the new needs and they will only repair specialists "Sevmash" will have to saw the cruiser compartment to remove them and the manufacturers - Baltic Plant argue sides "b" in the industry. "If the boilers can not be repaired, you have to create them again, and then to experience first on the stand, then install again and finally conduct sea trials," - says one of them. The source said the "Y" in the "Rosoboronexport", the Indian Ministry of Defence has already aware of the incident. "According to preliminary information, deadline postponed no earlier than October 2013," - he added, "b", adding that the readiness of the vessel to the other parameters is more than 95%.

"The situation is certainly unpleasant. Against the background of the entire cycle of the modernization of" Admiral Gorshkov ", which lasts for so many years, one year is not as dramatic, - said the deputy director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, Konstantin Makiyenko."

However, the Russian experts, there are other problems. With one working boiler cruiser can not move, so if part of the seven damaged boiler does not work somehow, it will come to the fore the problem of transportation. The source said the "Y", most likely the finishing of the damaged boiler to working condition will be made directly to the ship, and on arrival at the "Sevmash" experts take their comprehensive evaluation, which ultimately will determine their fate. In addition, according to the "Y", this week should arrive in Severodvinsk delegation "Baltic Plant" and ICBC.

This is not the first pad of the Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation in the field of shipbuilding. For example, a long time are transferred to lease nuclear submarine K-152 "Seal". Initially the boat was to be transferred to the Indian Navy August 15, 2007, but due to the complexity of the modernization and an accident (in 2008 abnormally triggered fire extinguishing system - part of the crew perished) finally acceptance report was not signed until December 30, 2011. In other areas of the relationship are more successful: according to experts, up to 70% of basic supplies of Russian aircraft falls on India. In total, according to the "Y", the military-technical cooperation with India in the past year has brought Russia about $ 3.6 billion, or 27% of total revenue ($ 13.5 billion).

We also note that from 13 to 15 October in New Delhi on VI Russian-Indian Forum on Trade and Investment. It will be a meeting of the Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation, which the Russian side headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the government, the military-industrial complex. It is possible there again raise the question of the fate of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya.

Press Secretary Mr. Rogozin Lydia Mikhailova advised "Y" to make a written request to the Military-Industrial Commission. In the United Shipbuilding Corporation "Rosoboronexport" and "Sevmash" the official declined to comment. Get comments Baltic Plant and ICBC failed. The Embassy of India in Russia quickly comment on the situation as they could not.

Ivan Safronov

Woops! Hope Russians won't ask for more money to fix these problems.
You are already saying your prayers?:laugh:
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I'm afraid his prediction might not be too far from the becoming truth

link : Ъ-Газета - "Адмирал Горшков" перегрелся в Баренцевом море

Russian news agency claims 7 of the 8 steam turbine failed during sea trial. Might postpone entering service to no earlier than October 2013..

In English:

"Admiral Gorshkov" overheated in the Barents Sea
Aircraft carrier, and this year is not doplyvet to India

India terms of transfer of the former Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov" (Vikramaditya) newly migrated. As the "Y", during sea trials cruiser has a problem: seven of the eight boilers out of service. Now experts Severodvinsk "Sevmash" will assess the status of the damaged equipment, and understand how to deliver the ship to the dock (on one carrier operating the boiler does not get to it.) After that you can begin to eliminate the defects. The accident will inevitably affect the deadlines cruiser: the most optimistic projections, the Indian Navy will receive it no earlier than October 2013.

The fact that during sea trials cruiser Vikramaditya had serious problems, a source told "Kommersant", close to the "Rosoboronexport". According to him, on July 8 for the first time an aircraft carrier out into the Barents Sea from the dock, "Sevmash". The program was designed for 124 days. One priority is to test power plant carrier. "Once the cruiser set sail from the" Sevmash ", no visible problems arose. USS consistently scored low and average speed - says the source" b. "- But the test program, and called for the development of the maximum speed. Was the beginning of the problem." According to him, last week, as soon as the aircraft carrier picked up speed to 30 knots, with an alarm system sends a signal about the problems in the power plant. "Cruiser just got up. Later identified as eight power plant boilers, seven were put out of action," - he complained.

The source said the "Y", the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya was preparing for sea trials, the problem is that the Indian side rejected the traditional thermal boilers - asbestos, saying it increased danger to the crew. So the developer boilers - Special Boiler Design Bureau (ICBC) - had to look for a similar option: instead of asbestos boilers CVG-3D (see reference) were assessed refractory brickwork. Direct creation of steam boilers for the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya in 2005 involved the Baltic Shipyard. "When the experts have reached the power plant, it became clear that the brickwork around the boilers simply fell apart, unable to withstand the temperature, - stated the source" b. "- The condition itself boilers can be judged only after the carrier gets to the" Sevmash ", but fear that they will have to change, without foundation. "

December 4 - Day of the Navy of India - Vikramaditya aircraft carrier was to be transferred to the customer. Earlier deadlines repeatedly shifted (see the background). Now there is no doubt that the timing of re-move. Even if steam boilers do not have to change to the new needs and they will only repair specialists "Sevmash" will have to saw the cruiser compartment to remove them and the manufacturers - Baltic Plant argue sides "b" in the industry. "If the boilers can not be repaired, you have to create them again, and then to experience first on the stand, then install again and finally conduct sea trials," - says one of them. The source said the "Y" in the "Rosoboronexport", the Indian Ministry of Defence has already aware of the incident. "According to preliminary information, deadline postponed no earlier than October 2013," - he added, "b", adding that the readiness of the vessel to the other parameters is more than 95%.

"The situation is certainly unpleasant. Against the background of the entire cycle of the modernization of" Admiral Gorshkov ", which lasts for so many years, one year is not as dramatic, - said the deputy director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, Konstantin Makiyenko."

However, the Russian experts, there are other problems. With one working boiler cruiser can not move, so if part of the seven damaged boiler does not work somehow, it will come to the fore the problem of transportation. The source said the "Y", most likely the finishing of the damaged boiler to working condition will be made directly to the ship, and on arrival at the "Sevmash" experts take their comprehensive evaluation, which ultimately will determine their fate. In addition, according to the "Y", this week should arrive in Severodvinsk delegation "Baltic Plant" and ICBC.

This is not the first pad of the Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation in the field of shipbuilding. For example, a long time are transferred to lease nuclear submarine K-152 "Seal". Initially the boat was to be transferred to the Indian Navy August 15, 2007, but due to the complexity of the modernization and an accident (in 2008 abnormally triggered fire extinguishing system - part of the crew perished) finally acceptance report was not signed until December 30, 2011. In other areas of the relationship are more successful: according to experts, up to 70% of basic supplies of Russian aircraft falls on India. In total, according to the "Y", the military-technical cooperation with India in the past year has brought Russia about $ 3.6 billion, or 27% of total revenue ($ 13.5 billion).

We also note that from 13 to 15 October in New Delhi on VI Russian-Indian Forum on Trade and Investment. It will be a meeting of the Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation, which the Russian side headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the government, the military-industrial complex. It is possible there again raise the question of the fate of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya.

Press Secretary Mr. Rogozin Lydia Mikhailova advised "Y" to make a written request to the Military-Industrial Commission. In the United Shipbuilding Corporation "Rosoboronexport" and "Sevmash" the official declined to comment. Get comments Baltic Plant and ICBC failed. The Embassy of India in Russia quickly comment on the situation as they could not.

Ivan Safronov
Подробнее: Ъ-Газета - "Адмирал Горшков" перегрелся в Баренцевом море


House keeper
Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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In the "Sevmash" believe messages about the failure of test aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" premature
September 17, 2012 10:24

Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region). September 17. INTERFAX.RU - information that the aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" (a former Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov") during sea trials have failed seven of the eight boilers, is not true, "Interfax-AVN" to "Sevmash "(Severodvinsk).

"A common one of the editions of the information about the unsuccessful sea trial of aircraft carrier is clearly exaggerated. Ship until he returned from the tests in the dock. Upon his return and check the status of the chassis can be done first conclusions" - a spokesman said.

According to him, the figures on the number of faulty boilers "exaggerated", and the conclusions of the Indian Order Delays - "premature."

Interviewee noted that in terms of execution of the contract for the modernization of the Indian aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov" responsible "Rosoboronexport".

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House keeper
Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Made the first landing of the MiG-29KUB deck of aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov"
July 28, 2012 Choose a date 9:56

Moscow. July 28. INTERFAX.RU - Ship MiG-29KUB intended for delivery to India, performed on Saturday, the first landing on the deck of heavy aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov". "The crew of the Hero of Russia distinguished test pilot Colonel Nikolai Diorditsa and test pilot Corporation" MiG "Mikhail Belyaev performed a successful landing on the deck of the aircraft carrier" Admiral Gorshkov "-" Interfax-AVN, "a source in the military-industrial complex.

He noted that before pilots made several visits over the ship at different heights, making touching the deck of aircraft carrier.

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Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
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Sea trial malfunction may delay delivery of Admiral Gorshkov

17 Sep, 2012, 03.09PM IST, PTI

MOSCOW: The delivery of the much-delayed Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov to Indian Navy is likely to be postponed till next year due to the malfunctioning of its engines during sea trials.

According to reports in Russian daily Kommersant, three of the eight boilers of the 44,500 ton warship were found to be malfunctioning as "they cannot reach their full capacity."

The report suggested that in view of the malfunctions, the aircraft carrier would be ready for delivery only by October 2013......

Sea trial malfunction may delay delivery of Admiral Gorshkov - The Economic Times





Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
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It is high time we should show the door to Russians & impose heavy penalty, they are learning on our money & we are suffering delays after so much investments. We must make them clear as they can not take us for granted & we can not afford to suffer for their incompetence. It is high time Russians to pay the price for the delays.

On the other hand , we should speed up the work on IAC-I. It will be better , if we can start work on another AC of the same class.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Look what Sridhar posted..

In the "Sevmash" believe messages about the failure of test aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" premature
September 17, 2012 10:24

Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region). September 17. INTERFAX.RU - information that the aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" (a former Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov") during sea trials have failed seven of the eight boilers, is not true, "Interfax-AVN" to "Sevmash "(Severodvinsk).

"A common one of the editions of the information about the unsuccessful sea trial of aircraft carrier is clearly exaggerated. Ship until he returned from the tests in the dock. Upon his return and check the status of the chassis can be done first conclusions" - a spokesman said.

According to him, the figures on the number of faulty boilers "exaggerated", and the conclusions of the Indian Order Delays - "premature."

Interviewee noted that in terms of execution of the contract for the modernization of the Indian aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov" responsible "Rosoboronexport".

Google Translate

Sea trial malfunction may delay delivery of Admiral Gorshkov

17 Sep, 2012, 03.09PM IST, PTI

MOSCOW: The delivery of the much-delayed Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov to Indian Navy is likely to be postponed till next year due to the malfunctioning of its engines during sea trials.

According to reports in Russian daily Kommersant, three of the eight boilers of the 44,500 ton warship were found to be malfunctioning as "they cannot reach their full capacity."

The report suggested that in view of the malfunctions, the aircraft carrier would be ready for delivery only by October 2013......

Sea trial malfunction may delay delivery of Admiral Gorshkov - The Economic Times



Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
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Get the HMS Ark Royal and few F-35Bs.

If the can take off from that ship.

Much cheaper.


pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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INS Vikramaditya trial malfunctions to delay handover to India
Published September 17, 2012 | By admin


Malfunctions detected during trials of Indian Navy aircraft carrier Vikramaditya will delay the vessel's handover to India, the Kommersant business daily reported Monday.The Vikramaditya, formerly the Russian Navy's Admiral Gorshkov, is to be handed over to India after ongoing sea trials following a much-delayed refit. According to the latest agreements, it was to have been handed over Dec 4, but the deadline has been postponed again until October 2013.

The problems started when the vessel tried to gain maximum speed. "Seven out of eight steam boilers of the propulsion machinery were out of order," an official told Kommersant.

The official, who prepared the Vikramaditya for sea trials, said the reason for the boilers' failure was that India refused to use asbestos as a means to protect the boilers from heat, fearing that the material was dangerous for the crew.

He said the boilers' designer had to use firebrick, which proved not sufficiently heatproof, the official said.
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ice berg

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2011
The source said the "Y", the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya was preparing for sea trials, the problem is that the Indian side rejected the traditional thermal boilers - asbestos, saying it increased danger to the crew.
Why change it just before the sea trials? Shouldnt that be required way earlier?

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
In the "Sevmash" believe messages about the failure of test aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" premature
September 17, 2012 10:24

"A common one of the editions of the information about the unsuccessful sea trial of aircraft carrier is clearly exaggerated. Ship until he returned from the tests in the dock. Upon his return and check the status of the chassis can be done first conclusions" - a spokesman said.

According to him, the figures on the number of faulty boilers "exaggerated", and the conclusions of the Indian Order Delays - "premature."

Смотрите оригинал материала на  "Ñåâìàøïðåäïðèÿòèè" ñ÷èòàþò ñîîáùåíèÿ î ñðûâå èñïûòàíèé àâèàíîñöà "Âèêðàìàäèòüÿ" ïðåæäåâðåìåííûìè - Íîâîñòè - Ïîëèòèêà - Èíòåðôàêñ

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
"A common one of the editions of the information about the unsuccessful sea trial of aircraft carrier is clearly exaggerated. Ship until he returned from the tests in the dock. Upon his return and check the status of the chassis can be done first conclusions" - a spokesman said.

According to him, the figures on the number of faulty boilers "exaggerated", and the conclusions of the Indian Order Delays - "premature."


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2012
Guys remember Akula had a slight malfunction but is serving the IN well. It is always better to find these issues in trial than while in service. But good reason to speed up IAC-I and get cracking on IAC-II


Tihar Jail
Sep 18, 2012
I don't get your comparison.
Akula is rented out as a full fledged batch production hull. It has been tested out by the USSR navy.
While Vikramaditya's malfunction was due to a flawed renovation "improvement", it is NOT tested before and it will take Russian ship builder some time to figure out the real cause and find a solution.

Guys remember Akula had a slight malfunction but is serving the IN well. It is always better to find these issues in trial than while in service. But good reason to speed up IAC-I and get cracking on IAC-II

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
This is not about comparison but logic..

The simple message is that flaws and faults are known only when they are tested, It should be clear enough to understand..

I don't get your comparison.Akula is rented out as a full fledged batch production hull.

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