INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Well the french dont have the Stomach to attack Syria. (may be bed wetting on a Russian reprisal).
What Russian reprisal? Russians were the ones begging us not to attack and take their WMD away. That is what we are doing.

Well yes, Those are built in Russia. Because of the small orders. But they are supporting us in building Stealth ships in India and have contributed much to the Arihant Class SSBN's.
I think India can build its own stealth ships. Russia provided much for Arihant design... because you paid for it. Similar to how we are providing much for Brasil's nuclear sub programme.

Well They allowed us to manufacture the Su30 MKI which is advanced than theirs.
The have Su-35BM which is more advanced than MKI... then they sell it to China. :laugh:

Hope the french will match their words when we start manufacture the Rafale in India.
We will give you what you pay for better than Russia, and we will not sell it to Chinis. :rofl:

Made in Russia, Well it was the Made in Russia equipments that are safeguarding India for long time post Independence!!
30% of Soviet equipments had parts made in Ukraine, I don't see you kissing their butts for safeguarding your independence. Even Vikramaditya wasn't made in Russia. Hail Ukraine!! :scared2:

Last time I checked the Made in France Rafales were bombing camel back Jihadis in Libiya!!!
I think they moved to Mali. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2009
We will give you what you pay for better than Russia, and we will not sell it to Chinis. :rofl:

Hey... isn't that because the French have not managed to get around the EU embargo on China yet?

Europe's defence industry: The China syndrome | The Economist

BAE Systems, a British defence contractor with a huge presence in America (24,000 employees and sales of over $5 billion), is extremely worried about the side-effects of lifting the Chinese embargo. The French have led the effort to get the embargo lifted, in the hope of selling Dassault fighters and of persuading the Chinese government to allow Chinese airlines to buy Airbus passenger jets. With the embargo set to be removed by the end of June, the Chinese ended restrictions last week on orders for Airbus's big new A380 aircraft, which desperately needs business from Asian carriers.


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2010
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INS Vikramaditya was spied upon by NATO aircraft and ship last year but the matter was hushed up

INS Vikramaditya, India's largest aircraft carrier, is safely in the Indian Navy's hands now, and will begin its journey home shortly. But just a year ago, there was an incident that created a major stir on board the massive ship as it was put through trials at sea off the Russian coast.

INS Vikramaditya was spied upon by NATO forces.

Headlines Today Deputy Editor Shiv Aroor, the first Indian journalist on board the aircraft carrier, has accessed exclusive images of that disturbing incident that was even taken up at the diplomatic level.

The images show a NATO maritime spy aircraft repeatedly buzzing.

Over INS Vikramaditya in an attempt to snoop on her communications and combat signatures. Never before revealed, these images captured from the deck of the ship show how the US-built P-3C Orion "buzzed" the ship just a few hundred feet over her deck and circled her in an attempt to harvest classified electronic and acoustic data about the vessel.

The snooping operation created such a stir that the Russian team on board the Vikramaditya summoned a Russian Navy MiG-29K from a shore base to chase away the intruding aircraft.

The spy aircraft beat a hasty retreat once the MiG-29K arrived on the scene.

During the spying mission, the P-3C aircraft dropped two sensor buoys into Vikramaditya's immediate path in such a way that the ship sailed right through the gap between the two red bobbing devices, allowing the aircraft to record acoustic signatures.

Later, the Russian government sent photographs of the intrusion, including pictures of the sensor buoys, to the US Embassy in Moscow and NATO headquarters, but has received no reply yet.

Both the Indian Navy and the shipyard that modernised the Vikramaditya confirmed the incident but were tightlipped about the details of how much data about the battleship may have been compromised.

The NATO aircraft chose the early summer of 2102 when the sea was calm and the relative silence of neutral waters interfered least with sounds emanating from a ship - ideal conditions for airborne electronic snooping.

In another attempt to listen in on Vikramaditya's communications and electronic emanations, a Norwegian ship attempted to snoop on the ship shortly after the airborne spying mission.

The vessel, known to have specialised electronic equipment on board that allows the recording of acoustics from a distance, came fairly close to the Vikramaditya.

By that time, command and crew on board the aircraft carrier had made her go near totally silent.

The spygame between NATO and Russia remains intact years after the end of the Cold War, with both sides routinely intercepting and escorting "stray" aircraft, or attempting to snoop on aircraft and ship movements near maritime boundaries.

However, the fact that the snooping incident was on an Indian ship was a surprise.

INS Vikramaditya was spied upon by NATO aircraft and ship last year but the matter was hushed up : North, News - India Today


Homo Communis Indus
Senior Member
Dec 25, 2012
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^^ This is why I am an eternal cynic when it comes to the US.

All these recent appeasement tactics are just hogwash and is being done to catch India off-guard, and exploited later.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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They just want to get a recording of your new carrier's propeller signature. Maybe it's a precaution so that they don't accidentally fire a torpedo into the flagship of their new friend in South Asia. Vikramaditya's acoustic signature is now stored on all NATO submarines as a "friendly force." :thumb:


Feb 17, 2009
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May be Mig 29 should have accidently taken out US aircraft and news would have spread that talibs aircraft on suicide mission to take out our AC was taken out. Later theycould have said oops sorry. Our mistake, but your aircraft should not have come that close to give impression of talibs aircraft.


Regular Member
Apr 3, 2010
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Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya, asks Pakistani daily

The commissioning of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya into the Indian Navy from Russia shows how addicted the Indian establishment is to outmoded thinking, a Pakistani daily said in an editorial Monday.

The Nation's editorial, titled 'More to defence than arms', said India should "have been thinking about whether the billion people of India, the vast majority living in crushing poverty, can afford such a grandiose project".

INS Vikramaditya, the Indian Navy's biggest warship which will significantly enhance its reach and capability, was commissioned Nov 16 by India's Defence Minister A.K. Antony at the Sevmash shipyard in Russia's Severodvinsk city.

The 44,500-tonne aircraft carrier (originally Admiral Gorshkov) was completely refurbished to suit the needs of the Indian Navy and is expected to project India's maritime power far beyond its shores.

Terming the takeover as a move aimed at India's 2014 general elections, the editorial said: "Perhaps the timing, just before the Indian election, may have been on the mind of Indian Defence Minister A.K. Anthony when he attended the takeover ceremony at the Arctic port of Severodvinsk with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin."

It added that India needed to ask itself whether it could afford to maintain the aircraft carrier, which was also being described as a game changer in the naval circles.

"India's pretensions to great power status make it want aircraft carriers to allow it to dominate the Indian Ocean, but it needs to ask itself whether it can afford the expense," the editorial said.

"It should note the example of Russia itself, which could not afford the upkeep of the Gorshkov after the USSR collapsed," it added.

The Nation's editorial also said such inductions spark arms race and should be avoided.

"India should also be aware that such inductions merely spark off an arms race, and should be avoided," it said.

"Pakistan, for example, has long deployed the Harpoon anti-ship missile. It also has a large enough submarine fleet to get past any submarine pack India can launch to protect the Vikramaditya, and take a shot at it."

"The whole project shows how addicted is the Indian establishment, which includes its armed forces, to outmoded thinking," the daily said.

"However, instead of festooning itself with the trappings of a 'great power', it would be better if they devoted themselves to lifting their benighted masses of poverty."

Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya, asks Pakistani daily - The New Indian Express

Something is burning in our neighborhood :lol:


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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May be Mig 29 should have accidently taken out US aircraft and news would have spread that talibs aircraft on suicide mission to take out our AC was taken out. Later theycould have said oops sorry. Our mistake, but your aircraft should not have come that close to give impression of talibs aircraft.

What US aircraft? It's a Norwegian P-3 aircraft.


New Member
May 5, 2011
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Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya, asks Pakistani daily

The commissioning of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya into the Indian Navy from Russia shows how addicted the Indian establishment is to outmoded thinking, a Pakistani daily said in an editorial Monday.

The Nation's editorial, titled 'More to defence than arms', said India should "have been thinking about whether the billion people of India, the vast majority living in crushing poverty, can afford such a grandiose project".

INS Vikramaditya, the Indian Navy's biggest warship which will significantly enhance its reach and capability, was commissioned Nov 16 by India's Defence Minister A.K. Antony at the Sevmash shipyard in Russia's Severodvinsk city.

The 44,500-tonne aircraft carrier (originally Admiral Gorshkov) was completely refurbished to suit the needs of the Indian Navy and is expected to project India's maritime power far beyond its shores.

Terming the takeover as a move aimed at India's 2014 general elections, the editorial said: "Perhaps the timing, just before the Indian election, may have been on the mind of Indian Defence Minister A.K. Anthony when he attended the takeover ceremony at the Arctic port of Severodvinsk with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin."

It added that India needed to ask itself whether it could afford to maintain the aircraft carrier, which was also being described as a game changer in the naval circles.

"India's pretensions to great power status make it want aircraft carriers to allow it to dominate the Indian Ocean, but it needs to ask itself whether it can afford the expense," the editorial said.

"It should note the example of Russia itself, which could not afford the upkeep of the Gorshkov after the USSR collapsed," it added.

The Nation's editorial also said such inductions spark arms race and should be avoided.

"India should also be aware that such inductions merely spark off an arms race, and should be avoided," it said.

"Pakistan, for example, has long deployed the Harpoon anti-ship missile. It also has a large enough submarine fleet to get past any submarine pack India can launch to protect the Vikramaditya, and take a shot at it."

"The whole project shows how addicted is the Indian establishment, which includes its armed forces, to outmoded thinking," the daily said.

"However, instead of festooning itself with the trappings of a 'great power', it would be better if they devoted themselves to lifting their benighted masses of poverty."

Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya, asks Pakistani daily - The New Indian Express

Something is burning in our neighborhood :lol:
Reading this..I can think of only 1 thing..rather not open your mouth and be thought of as a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt:cool2:


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya, asks Pakistani daily

The commissioning of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya into the Indian Navy from Russia shows how addicted the Indian establishment is to outmoded thinking, a Pakistani daily said in an editorial Monday.

The Nation's editorial, titled 'More to defence than arms', said India should "have been thinking about whether the billion people of India, the vast majority living in crushing poverty, can afford such a grandiose project".

INS Vikramaditya, the Indian Navy's biggest warship which will significantly enhance its reach and capability, was commissioned Nov 16 by India's Defence Minister A.K. Antony at the Sevmash shipyard in Russia's Severodvinsk city.

The 44,500-tonne aircraft carrier (originally Admiral Gorshkov) was completely refurbished to suit the needs of the Indian Navy and is expected to project India's maritime power far beyond its shores.Terming the takeover as a move aimed at India's 2014 general elections, the editorial said: "Perhaps the timing, just before the Indian election, may have been on the mind of Indian Defence Minister A.K. Anthony when he attended the takeover ceremony at the Arctic port of Severodvinsk with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin."It added that India needed to ask itself whether it could afford to maintain the aircraft carrier, which was also being described as a game changer in the naval circles.

"India's pretensions to great power status make it want aircraft carriers to allow it to dominate the Indian Ocean, but it needs to ask itself whether it can afford the expense," the editorial said."It should note the example of Russia itself, which could not afford the upkeep of the Gorshkov after the USSR collapsed," it added.The Nation's editorial also said such inductions spark arms race and should be avoided."India should also be aware that such inductions merely spark off an arms race, and should be avoided," it said.

"Pakistan, for example, has long deployed the Harpoon anti-ship missile. It also has a large enough submarine fleet to get past any submarine pack India can launch to protect the Vikramaditya, and take a shot at it."

"The whole project shows how addicted is the Indian establishment, which includes its armed forces, to outmoded thinking," the daily said."However, instead of festooning itself with the trappings of a 'great power', it would be better if they devoted themselves to lifting their benighted masses of poverty."

Can India afford to run INS Vikramaditya, asks Pakistani daily - The New Indian Express

Something is burning in our neighborhood :lol:
LOL Pakis burning and again that same pathetic "You are poor so don't buy a gun".

They just fell short of saying that their Subs can reach and annihilate any city in India through rivers and canals by ditching all Indian Navy assets. :lol:

Grow up Pakis :rofl:


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2013
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LOL Pakis burning and again that same pathetic "You are poor so don't buy a gun".

They just fell short of saying that their Subs can reach and annihilate any city in India through rivers and canals by ditching all Indian Navy assets. :lol:

Grow up Pakis :rofl:
This one belongs in the jokes thread.:rofl:


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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^^ This is why I am an eternal cynic when it comes to the US.

All these recent appeasement tactics are just hogwash and is being done to catch India off-guard, and exploited later.
It was a Norwegian bird. Stop bring cynical

Abhijeet Dey

Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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Hmm :hmm: ................ Pakis are saying they have Harpoon anti-ship missiles ready to take out INS Vikramaditya. :shocked:


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2012
This was hardly an act of snooping. this is very normal. we do it everytime with US ships. If they really wanted to know the acoustic signature, they cud have done that with a sub also. The aim was probably to know about the radars and I am pretty sure that Vikky must have kept its radars off.


Regular Member
Jul 8, 2013
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This was hardly an act of snooping. this is very normal. we do it everytime with US ships. If they really wanted to know the acoustic signature, they cud have done that with a sub also. The aim was probably to know about the radars and I am pretty sure that Vikky must have kept its radars off.
What about the buoys the article talks about? What exactly are they?


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Hmm :hmm: ................ Pakis are saying they have Harpoon anti-ship missiles ready to take out INS Vikramaditya. :shocked:
Why not... Pakis can think/dream anything... for them AC takes a stroll in the sea all alone and unprotected.

So they can target any AC at will.

Vikramaditya is nothing since 1 Paki Harpoon can destroy USS Nimitz anyday even if it's 6000 miles away. :rofl:


Regular Member
Sep 25, 2013
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Why during join exercise they can make out the Intel they need and vice versa?

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