INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I think one of our friends is trying to concentrate elsewhere. I hope he listens to you.
That was your area of concentration, I do hope you listen monsieur moderator.

sayareakd said:
any comment on the ships control room as it has old equipments withnew digital systems and computers.
She has been refitted with many marine systems from Italy. It is a modern warship by any measure including digital authority.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
That was your area of concentration, I do hope you listen monsieur moderator.

She has been refitted with many marine systems from Italy. It is a modern warship by any measure including digital authority.
It all started from this post authored by you. Is it some kind of rectal irritation that is causing you to write like that and then failing to see it?

Get back to topic and use proper vocabulary.


New Member
Jul 24, 2013
Vikramaditya to combat Pak, China on high seas |

Welcome to the elite club. When Indian Defence Minister A K Antony on Saturday formally inducted INS Vikramaditya, the 44,500-tonne refitted aircraft carrier with the Russian MiG-29K combat jets on board, the whole world sat up and took notice, because it meant India becomes the only nation from Asia to operate a modern naval platform of this size and capability.

Pakistan has never operated one, while China has just refitted the old Ukrainian Varyag, bought as junk in 1998 and rechristened Liaoning last year.

Only other nations globally to operate such potent naval platforms are the US, UK, France and Brazil. With Vikramaditya's induction, India has added its second such massive warship into the 150-warship fleet.

With the experience of having operated INS Vikrant between 1961 and 1997 and INS Viraat, since 1987, India knows the importance of a combat jet-carrying warship and what it means in enhancing the maritime warfare capability of any naval fleet.

That alone is reason enough for India buying the warship, Admiral Gorshkov, from Russia in 2004 and agreeing to pay $2.33 billion (`11,500 crore) in 2010 for the 80 per cent of the systems on board being replaced with new ones. "An aircraft carrier, carrying potent long range multi-role fighters (MiG-29K), is a platform inherently designed for power projection. In as much as 'Gorshkov' was transformed to create 'Vikramaditya', Vikramaditya will transform the face of the Indian Naval Fleet and Air Arm," a senior naval officer said here.

Vikramaditya has boosted India's power projection, strategic reach and blue water capability. It also propels Indian Navy's transformation process into a modern force capable of protecting national interest anywhere on the globe, be it the latest maritime hotspot South China Sea in the East or the Gulf of Aden in the West.

When the under construction indigenous aircraft carrier, christened Vikrant, joins the fleet in 2018, Indian Navy would be capable of deploying two Carrier Battle Groups, the most feared warships flotilla with an aircraft carrier as its main component, on both the eastern and western seaboards at any given time. Vikramaditya stretches as much as three football fields and is literally a 'floating city' with power generation and water purification facilities of its own. Standing 22 storey tall, the sheer sight of the mega structure of steel can instill fear in the hostiles, what with its new generation maritime combat planes and weapons with capability to carry warheads to enemy shores.

The warship will sail out of Sevmash later this month, stocked with nearly a lakh of eggs, 20,000 litres of milk and 16 tonnes of rice for the month-long first voyage it will undertake to reach India's western coast. Karwar naval base in Karnataka coast will be the home base of INS Vikramaditya.

An extensive revamp of sensors including fitm ent of Long range Air Surveillance Radars, Advanced Electronic Warfare Suite makes the ship capable of maintaining a surveillance bubble of over 500 km around it.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2013
Nothing to elaborate there. Russian subs will provide security escort.
Just to clarify, you're saying that Russia will keep 1-2 attack-boats permanently-tasked for escorting Vikramaditya wherever it goes until India has its own SSN force? ... ok then.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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How do you arrive at the figure, when PA2 was to be based on QE A/C which would cost far more than $3.4 billion?
The difference between BAE and DCNS costs are two different balls of wax. Not to mention we don't build, redesign midstream and then go back to the original design of our carriers.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Just to clarify, you're saying that Russia will keep 1-2 attack-boats permanently-tasked for escorting Vikramaditya wherever it goes until India has its own SSN force? ... ok then.
I think he is saying two Russians subs will escort Vikramaditya till it reaches the Arabian Sea. I am not aware of any news suggesting this. To me, this is speculation, and very unlikely.


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2013
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Russia doesn't offer any diplomatic or military leverage. You have no alliance with Russia, a nation that sells its latest military hardware to your biggest enemy. France has the same international clout as Russia if not greater. As a member of the IOR community and hegemon of Africa, India has far more strategic interests going with France. Not to mention our military hardware is usually 10-15 years ahead of Russia.
Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope Your SSN's tailed when the USS Enterprise came into Indian Ocean in 1971.

Also India wishws to see the Scorpene to sail out of docks and the Rafale to fly into the Sky!!! As of now both seem to be paper tigers.

Russia though delayed, has handed over a 45000 tonne Aircraft Carrier and has delivered 45 Mig 29's on time!!! Not to mention the 6 Talwar Class Stealth Frigates.

Hope the French match their Chest thumping with Deliveries.

Edit: Its One Squadron of Mig 29's on time. Not 45.
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Regular Member
Feb 16, 2013
I think he is saying two Russians subs will escort Vikramaditya till it reaches the Arabian Sea. I am not aware of any news suggesting this. To me, this is speculation, and very unlikely.
Well, my original statement about submarines being Vikramaditya's main threat wasn't about this one trip. Fast-carriers require SSN escorts, and India only has Chakra with mid-term plans for just one more of the class. I suppose Chakra and your next Akula could be tasked for such purpose, but that would limit the utility of both. Perhaps the Arihant-class could pull escort-duty as well if enough are built, but dedicated SSNs would be better suited.


New Member
Jul 24, 2013
INS Vikramaditya: When someone says it's free, then run other way: Official |


After all the Handshakes , Pats and speeches at the handing over ceremony of INS Vikramaditya aka Admiral Gorshkov , it might seems that Project has deepened Military cooperation between Russia and India But in actual it has might have left a bad taste for Indians Particularly Indian Navy . And further cooperation of this magnitude might only remain in papers.

Naval Official who spoke to, said that Indian Navy has definitely has learned some lessons on purchase of old used Ships and also not believe completely on part of seller . Indian Navy in past has acquired two used Aircraft Carriers from Royal British Navy and transaction and even Repairs and upgrades have been smooth but when it comes with purchase of old Soviet Aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov Indian Navy learned the hard way on how to deploy experienced crew for survey and Inspection of older ships and how to check claims versus facts.

Refitting of Admiral Gorshkov and purchase of Naval Variant of Mig-29k literally kick started Dying Russian Shipyard and saved Russian Naval Aviation of from been grounded , Russians with experienced crews and engineers now are planning to build new aircraft carriers for its own Navy and have already cleared purchase of Mig-29k for its own Naval Aviation .

Whole Project has been delayed by 5 years officially But Russians are walking out of the Project without paying even a dime has penalties for the all the delays and have successfully jacked up the price multiple times which Indian tax payers had to cough up.

Russians blame Intensive Reworking which was carried out the on the deck and Changes in Indian Navy requirements but contrary to Russ ian claims naval official claims that Russians had assembled crew for the Project who had little or no experience working on a ship of that magnitude and many of the ships systems which on paper didn't require replacement or repairs were found non-working.

Indian Navy knew exactly what it wanted from the Aircraft carrier and Russians agreed to carry out the work for an agreed price, but it turned out to be a classic example how a contractor threatens to walk out of the Project if Prices were not revised, and Russians blackmailed and even threated to scrap the project if India not agreed to jack up the price.

Russians tried to justify the hefty price tag of the aircraft carrier which was supposed to be free, they have claimed repeatedly that Ship is almost new and not repaired but Naval official said that Ship might look new but comes minus 20 years of operational life compared to a new one and INS Vikramaditya might serve at best for next 30 years at most and next major upgrade for the ship will be up by end of this decade.

INS Vikramaditya is the biggest ship India has ever acquired from a foreign shipyard and will also biggest in its current fleet. Indian Navy is currently in process of freezing final design of its Second Aircraft carrier INS Vishal to be built locally in India which at 65,000-ton and with Catobar configuration will be biggest ship India has ever worked on and also be biggest in its fleet when inducted and it is likely that help of US shipyards will be sorted since they have active Catobar aircrafts carriers currently under constructions.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Some of the fact stated above, Its hard for many to swallow it .. :)

But at the end of the day aka bottom line, India and Russia are both happy and specially India to have its new flagship ..

I think we would gold-platted it when he comes to India ..


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope Your SSN's tailed when the USS Enterprise came into Indian Ocean in 1971.
That treaty died along with the USSR as well as participation in defence of India. If China crossed the LOC, Russia would do no more than wag a finger.

Also India wishws to see the Scorpene to sail out of docks and the Rafale to fly into the Sky!!! As of now both seem to be paper tigers.
Your own fault...

Russia though delayed, has handed over a 45000 tonne Aircraft Carrier and has delivered 45 Mig 29's on time!!! Not to mention the 6 Talwar Class Stealth Frigates.
None of which were built in India... suprise! :shocked:

Let us remember this aircraft carriers checkered history. Made in Russia... :laugh:


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013

AK Antony arriving on Vicky

Receiving the Guard of Honor


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2012
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In this world there is no friends. There is only Military economic and weapons to sell.

Its our fault that we don't have the bargaining skills or may i say our bureaucrats succumb to Kick backs, I am not being a racist but the white mean only business. They have weapons to sell all over the world. Russians, Americans, French and British have the biggest military Industrial complex all over the world.

First they instigated colonialism all over the world. Killed, slaved millions of People. After that ruined so many nations and destroyed the world politics making the world a Dangerous place to live in. Soviet Union and America created vietnam, south korea. Anglo-american enterprise divided India to meet their security objectives of Having bases in North-west India to check the red army, Now its the most dangerous border in the world.

So my Indian friends, in business there are no loyalties or friendships. We have been the biggest fools that during 60 years we continued to buy from Russians and Soviets and didn't get the Technical Know-how. Chinese did not re-invent the wheel, they stole Russian designs re-engineered them, modified them and now are ahead of us. While we re-invented the wheel and they kept on selling us and it was made sure that we never think like chinese and become independent by lobbying and bribes.

It would be our loss that we cannot the French engine tech for buying rafales. 20 billion Dollar worth of Planes, give me Aesa Tech and the engine tech. They are in position to Hustle us because they are in urgent need for buyer. The need of hour is to Hustle everybody and get ahead


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2013
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That treaty died along with the USSR as well as participation in defence of India. If China crossed the LOC, Russia would do no more than wag a finger.
Well the french dont have the Stomach to attack Syria. (may be bed wetting on a Russian reprisal).

Well yes, Those are built in Russia. Because of the small orders. But they are supporting us in building Stealth ships in India and have contributed much to the Arihant Class SSBN's.

Well They allowed us to manufacture the Su30 MKI which is advanced than theirs.

Hope the french will match their words when we start manufacture the Rafale in India.

Made in Russia, Well it was the Made in Russia equipments that are safeguarding India for long time post Independence!!

Last time I checked the Made in France Rafales were bombing camel back Jihadis in Libiya!!!


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Just to clarify, you're saying that Russia will keep 1-2 attack-boats permanently-tasked for escorting Vikramaditya wherever it goes until India has its own SSN force? ... ok then.
Of course not. The Russian SSNs are only until delivery.

We have Nerpa already and in negotiations for a second SSN from Russia. We don't know our current plans for indigenous SSNs.

We never had any SSNs since 1961. Most countries with carriers don't have SSNs either. So it's not as much of a need today.

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