Indian Special Forces


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Jun 3, 2022
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why so ? I think SG was modelled on them
Something went down in the valley in 90s and British Soldiers weren't given full hand in valley when they came to rescue their dudes I don't remember the full story but nothing big just units didn't like it some old member might remember the full story

Arad Operator

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Apr 27, 2024
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why so ? I think SG was modelled on them
Even PARAs are modelled on them with their whole structure being similar, One officer from 1 PARA was sent to UK and he became first ever foreign SF officer to visit the SAS HQ, Stirling Lines, Herefordshire, England 21!

He then came back and gave his feedback and experience to convert 1 PARA CDO into a true SF unit modelled around SAS with similar organization at the assault team/squadron level but the troop level organization was intentionally made different as the AoR for our SF was still the Valley and soon to be Sri-Lanka.

SG was raised on lines very similar to SAS after the 22 SAS's Op during the Iranian Embassy Siege in London.
Many un-educated youtubers like that Aunty on twitter has made their own theories regarding the raising of SG, it was not raised in 1981 as many fanboiz claim after reading Wikipedia. 4 Vikas was raised in 1977 as a regular Airborne Battalion of SFF, when the need arise for a SCTU, a Col from 10SF and Maj(Later Maj Gen) VK Sharma of 9SF converted 4 Vikas to SG. After Op Bluestar, Alpha & Bravo Squadrons were transferred on the advise of then DGS(who later became the first IG NSG) which formed the 51 & 52 SAG(Alpha & Bravo sqn of SG were 51&52 Coy, SFF) and a third squadron was raised within the NSG to become the Support Weapon Squadron(SWS), NSG. SG was dissolved but raised again in 1987 as CABSEC needed a unit for dirty ops on foreign nations.

Further story, to be continued someday...


New Member
May 17, 2024
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Something went down in the valley in 90s and British Soldiers weren't given full hand in valley when they came to rescue their dudes I don't remember the full story but nothing big just units didn't like it some old member might remember the full story
Al faran 1995 kidnapping in kashmir. There were 2 britishers among the 6 western tourists who were kidnapped. FSK SOF tried to launch a rescue op for the one Norwegian citizen but were denied by GOI. I have only heard rumors that SAS too wanted to launch a rescue op but were denied... maybe that bittered the relations

Arad Operator

New Member
Apr 27, 2024
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Something went down in the valley in 90s and British Soldiers weren't given full hand in valley when they came to rescue their dudes I don't remember the full story but nothing big just units didn't like it some old member might remember the full story
A handful of SAS and MI6 chaps were sent to India by UK to increase the pressure on our forces who were already behind the Al Faran pigs, when the beheaded body of that Norwegian Chap was recovered. We assumed that all were taken to the other side or killed and buried in the middle of nowhere. Sapru uncle had mentioned this chapter in his book, his unit(31RR) along with SG were tasked to find the captives while 9&10SF did many cross border raids to find out the pigs and the hostages.


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
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A handful of SAS and MI6 chaps were sent to India by UK to increase the pressure on our forces who were already behind the Al Faran pigs, when the beheaded body of that Norwegian Chap was recovered. We assumed that all were taken to the other side or killed and buried in the middle of nowhere. Sapru uncle had mentioned this chapter in his book, his unit(31RR) along with SG were tasked to find the captives while 9&10SF did many cross border raids to find out the pigs and the hostages.
Al faran 1995 kidnapping in kashmir. There were 2 britishers among the 6 western tourists who were kidnapped. FSK SOF tried to launch a rescue op for the one Norwegian citizen but were denied by GOI. I have only heard rumors that SAS too wanted to launch a rescue op but were denied... maybe that bittered the relations
Yepp thanks to you both that's the one sorry I have shit memory lol @Jedi Operator yea so thing's aren't great between us. That's why you see us interact the least with SAS but our relationship with SBS is great Marcos work with them well Marco's are different guys all together


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Dec 10, 2016
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the point being, yes he listens to alot, alot of which is crap, but we have to admit, he is knowlegable about martial arts so atleast that is where he does not take any bullshit. The point is atleast they have done something before podcasting. For them podcasting was a means to retiring. Not a starting career point
Yes u said it in a better way..

What is happening in India is these youngsters have failed careers and they dont even realise that Youtube is not a sustainable income in the long run..channels come..channels rise ..channels fall

Plus since you were not good in ur job bcoz u didnt want to work hard there are even fewer chances you will succeed here bcoz the competition is more.

Lastly who will want to listen to somebody who has nothing to give..They actually look soo dumb..Forget asking right questions they dont even know how to extract more from their guests.

On the older sides you have people who have retired and taken up podcasting like Gen Yash Mor who smartly know what they are targetting but there is another retired Col whose podcast are pretty boring and so is the case of most.

Remeber Major Nimit Thakur...disappeared!

You cant do anything you have no passion for even with the required knowledge.
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New Member
Jun 3, 2022
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Yes u said it in a better way..

What is happening in India is these youngsters have failed careers and they dont even realise that Youtube is not a sustainable income in the long run..channels come..channels rise ..channels fall

Plus since you were not good in ur job bcoz u didnt want to work hard there are even fewer chances you will succeed here bcoz the competition is more.

Lastly who will want to listen to somebody who has nothing to give..They actually look soo dumb..Forget asking right questions they dont even know how to extract more from their guests.

On the other sides you have people who have retired and taken up podcasting like Gen Yash Mor who smartly know what they are targetting but there is another retired Col whose podcast are pretty boring and so is the case of most.

Remeber Major Nimit Thakur...disappeared!

You cant do anything you have no passion for even with the required knowledge.
In next 10 years you will see alot of jobless people (even more then now ) who's yt careers have gone to dust especially these family vlog channels and podcast channel's they have no skills how many intresting guys can you invite and carry the channel on their name? 2 years 3 years? You open their channels and the views from that particular military guy has decent views and then rest have like 10-20k views on average can't keep this up forever


New Member
Feb 6, 2021
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In next 10 years you will see alot of jobless people (even more then now ) who's yt careers have gone to dust especially these family vlog channels and podcast channel's they have no skills how many intresting guys can you invite and carry the channel on their name? 2 years 3 years? You open their channels and the views from that particular military guy has decent views and then rest have like 10-20k views on average can't keep this up forever
the top 5-10% will always make good money and the rest will just get by, that's the way with any field 🤷‍♂️


New Member
Apr 28, 2024
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Even PARAs are modelled on them with their whole structure being similar, One officer from 1 PARA was sent to UK and he became first ever foreign SF officer to visit the SAS HQ, Stirling Lines, Herefordshire, England 21!

He then came back and gave his feedback and experience to convert 1 PARA CDO into a true SF unit modelled around SAS with similar organization at the assault team/squadron level but the troop level organization was intentionally made different as the AoR for our SF was still the Valley and soon to be Sri-Lanka.

SG was raised on lines very similar to SAS after the 22 SAS's Op during the Iranian Embassy Siege in London.
Many un-educated youtubers like that Aunty on twitter has made their own theories regarding the raising of SG, it was not raised in 1981 as many fanboiz claim after reading Wikipedia. 4 Vikas was raised in 1977 as a regular Airborne Battalion of SFF, when the need arise for a SCTU, a Col from 10SF and Maj(Later Maj Gen) VK Sharma of 9SF converted 4 Vikas to SG. After Op Bluestar, Alpha & Bravo Squadrons were transferred on the advise of then DGS(who later became the first IG NSG) which formed the 51 & 52 SAG(Alpha & Bravo sqn of SG were 51&52 Coy, SFF) and a third squadron was raised within the NSG to become the Support Weapon Squadron(SWS), NSG. SG was dissolved but raised again in 1987 as CABSEC needed a unit for dirty ops on foreign nations.

Further story, to be continued someday...
Please continue.

Jedi Operator

New Member
Sep 28, 2022
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Yes u said it in a better way..

What is happening in India is these youngsters have failed careers and they dont even realise that Youtube is not a sustainable income in the long run..channels come..channels rise ..channels fall

Plus since you were not good in ur job bcoz u didnt want to work hard there are even fewer chances you will succeed here bcoz the competition is more.

Lastly who will want to listen to somebody who has nothing to give..They actually look soo dumb..Forget asking right questions they dont even know how to extract more from their guests.

On the older sides you have people who have retired and taken up podcasting like Gen Yash Mor who smartly know what they are targetting but there is another retired Col whose podcast are pretty boring and so is the case of most.

Remeber Major Nimit Thakur...disappeared!

You cant do anything you have no passion for even with the required knowledge.
if you care about good podcasts in India
- Blue Skies (without a doubt)
- Indian millitary history podcast (really good, even his depictions of battles in videos are amazing)
- ANI (some might call it baised, but the subjects she brings to her interviews and the content is good)
- Charvak podcast (not much about millitary, I do not follow politics anyways but still I love the host's listening skills, the way he arranges the podcast. He has questions he listens carefully then at last the live viewers can ask ques....very similar to the Team House. When he wants to speak, he'll prepare a monologue and let people failry question him at the end)
- Defensive Offense - I guess the host is called Vaibhav right ? again a good podcast
- DEF - TALKS by Aadi - I'm not much interested in his map making butI love listening to his podcasts because he also knows how to interview, he once brought an Indian jew who served at acertain level of Isreali special forces. It was cool. I guess it was 89th "Oz" Brigade


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Jul 8, 2011
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My friend here DMed me SSG drills photos n videos and we both were impressed

Then we decided we wont post it here coz we will be labelled gaddar and what not

what u posted is nothing infront of what drills we saw.
Can you pleaee share those pics and vids with me in the DMs??

