Indian Special Forces


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Dec 10, 2016
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Can't use it bro majority of situation happen in houses in towns and along loc otherwise we could have used Apache to blow porky bunkers into smithering but we used atgm or Carl Gustav can't use heavy air assets as it is not feasible and its much feasible to sent your troops can't use Spice or any general bombs to dispose of the terrorist it's not cost efficient besides in few terrorist attacks helicopter were used but to no avail the terrorist couldn't be found eventually facing ground troops
What about other sectors bro..Think about a war in plains and desert and at LAC.


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Feb 28, 2019
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I have found out in India, but yet to find the right guys who can stitch them the right way. Help me by pointing in the right direction.

How about Wildcraft?

There are scores of manufacturers down here in Karnataka, Bangalore, TN. There are clusters here, but finding the 'right' one may take some time.

There are smaller ones too who take bulk orders from Wildcraft and supply quality stuff. There are others who make utility jackets for photographers and a lot more.
With the right instructions and material, they should be able to come up with a prototype.

Will DM you the details in a couple of days. You can reach out to them and see if it works out.


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Apr 4, 2021
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How about Wildcraft?

There are scores of manufacturers down here in Karnataka, Bangalore, TN. There are clusters here, but finding the 'right' one may take some time.

There are smaller ones too who take bulk orders from Wildcraft and supply quality stuff.

Will DM you the details in a couple of days. You can reach out to them and see if it works out.
That will be a great help, thank you.

Aditya Ballal

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Dec 16, 2020
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I have found out in India, but yet to find the right guys who can stitch them the right way. Help me by pointing in the right direction.
Sir, IMO the people you could approach are either bag manufactures as @another_armchair mentioned, or possibly those who make camping gear. Perhaps even those involved in stitching leather or car seat cover manufacturers could possibly help you. I’ll DM you one company which I know that make high end car seat covers.


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Jan 10, 2016
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What are our capabilities to transfer data by a recon team to HQ in Delhi from the battlefield?

What are our capabilities to avoid jamming SF operators radio in battlefield...(avoiding another Wing co Abhi type incident)
All interesting questions, thanks for starting this discussion.

We have many pieces of reconnaissance/observation equipment that are capable of RECORDING & STORING video data (like the thermal imagers from Tonbo or IRDE HHTIs) but TRANSMITTING that data is a different ball game.

Sending large chunks of data requires some type of RAN network (like we have 4G, 5G in civilian domain) and in a military setting, doing that securely will require that data to ride on advanced Software Defined Radio (SDR) signal with a good cryptographic encryption (unique to each system).

Over shorter distances, SDR handsets/manpack radios may suffice (like in actions not far from the LoC) but Western Tier-1/2 units that may have to keep a chain of command that may be spread halfway across the globe appraised of the situation typically tend to bounce their comms off of the Predator/Reaper drones providing overwatch, and the drones use their big SATCOM dish to act as a relay between the team on ground & command.

If Indian SF units would ever have to graduate to that level of long-distance action we may have to adopt similar methods. But with an adversary capable of effective Air-Defence action flying drones over them isn't gonna be easy.

But what do we use right now? I have no idea....going out on a limb I'll assume that we may have procured a few sets of SDRs from Israel or elsewhere and are running the show with them currently, to whatever extent that tech allows us to. No idea on progress of indigenous SDRs, far as I know they are intended for regular infantry use anyway.

How capable are our SF in calling air strikes?(except Garuds)
As far as I know, there is no equivalent qualification course in India that can compare with the US Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) program - under which any servicemember (air force, army, navy) can be trained & educated in the same standards & terminologies in order to carry out Forward Air Control (FAC) operations.

Also, in general I think people underestimate the complexity of conducting FAC. It is not simply climbing on top of a hill & shining a laser on a advanced levels, when operating inside contested airspace its pretty much like running an Air Traffic Control tower on the ground.

I'm no expert but far as I know, this capability to conduct FAC is not taught to any unit outside of Garuds and IAF isn't intent on starting a program either. As to how good can Garuds themselves perform said role? God a unit they are nowhere as tested as the Paras...or even the MARCOS. Garuds are in a way the 'Greenest' of the bunch.

If ever there is another Kargil with similar deployment of airpower from Indian side, we MAY get to see some Garuds in action performing the kind of roles they were originally intended for, which is function as teams like these:



धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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By any means can someone identify the models of those dualtube nods/nvgs/nvds used by bangladeshis and pakis so that i could analyse them ?
Bangladeshis use DTNVG
Pakis use some chinese ones.


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Dec 10, 2016
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All interesting questions, thanks for starting this discussion.

We have many pieces of reconnaissance/observation equipment that are capable of RECORDING & STORING video data (like the thermal imagers from Tonbo or IRDE HHTIs) but TRANSMITTING that data is a different ball game.

Sending large chunks of data requires some type of RAN network (like we have 4G, 5G in civilian domain) and in a military setting, doing that securely will require that data to ride on advanced Software Defined Radio (SDR) signal with a good cryptographic encryption (unique to each system).

Over shorter distances, SDR handsets/manpack radios may suffice (like in actions not far from the LoC) but Western Tier-1/2 units that may have to keep a chain of command that may be spread halfway across the globe appraised of the situation typically tend to bounce their comms off of the Predator/Reaper drones providing overwatch, and the drones use their big SATCOM dish to act as a relay between the team on ground & command.

If Indian SF units would ever have to graduate to that level of long-distance action we may have to adopt similar methods. But with an adversary capable of effective Air-Defence action flying drones over them isn't gonna be easy.

But what do we use right now? I have no idea....going out on a limb I'll assume that we may have procured a few sets of SDRs from Israel or elsewhere and are running the show with them currently, to whatever extent that tech allows us to. No idea on progress of indigenous SDRs, far as I know they are intended for regular infantry use anyway.

As far as I know, there is no equivalent qualification course in India that can compare with the US Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) program - under which any servicemember (air force, army, navy) can be trained & educated in the same standards & terminologies in order to carry out Forward Air Control (FAC) operations.

Also, in general I think people underestimate the complexity of conducting FAC. It is not simply climbing on top of a hill & shining a laser on a advanced levels, when operating inside contested airspace its pretty much like running an Air Traffic Control tower on the ground.

I'm no expert but far as I know, this capability to conduct FAC is not taught to any unit outside of Garuds and IAF isn't intent on starting a program either. As to how good can Garuds themselves perform said role? God a unit they are nowhere as tested as the Paras...or even the MARCOS. Garuds are in a way the 'Greenest' of the bunch.

If ever there is another Kargil with similar deployment of airpower from Indian side, we MAY get to see some Garuds in action performing the kind of roles they were originally intended for, which is function as teams like these:

Instead of RAN network cant the data be sent using Military satellites since we already have the know how in that field.

If we could have transmitted live feed in SS i am sure we could also find a way to send data.

This is the problem with Indian SF setup that except having a commando unit there is no support unit available to take care of other stuff.

We have no investment in future programs.

Anyway the JTAC course shouldnt be difficult aswell you need to basically know english terminologies which are radio terminologies then you need a radio which will be on the same frequency as the aircraft.(i being a qualified civil atc am assuming this )

Now the problem is i doubt in the Indian system if a non officer can do it.And if you commit an officer to it you are basically commiting the team leader in that role.(or maybe use someone from Airborne Signal unit)
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Aug 8, 2020
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I was reading Bharat Karnad's famous book Why India is not a great power (yet).

In that, he said, Pakistan army thinks that 60-70% of their nuclear weapons could be destroyed by 'joint special forces action by India, US, and Israel, and other means', in case of hostilities.

Just in case anyone is interested in this.

Global Defence

