Indian Special Forces


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Lol chinese special forces for you, they are nothing more than propaganda models, lol.
View attachment 96477
Guys, I think you took my post out of context. I'm NOT comparing our and Chinka army or SF, I just told that our attention should be MORE focused on countering chinks (without ignoring porkies of course). Chinks may be a paper tiger conscript force, but they rarely use it to achieve their goals, they use other methods like proxy war, creating insurgency, using local commie parties etc.... so theoretically unless there is a normal conventional war, they're ARE winning......ok sorry for the OT.


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Aug 16, 2014
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View attachment 96436
This is what they look like in 2020-21, but very soon I’m pretty sure they’ll overtake us.
Well they have all the money in the world and a hungry ready to copy industry which can buy all equipment around the world and start producing them with chinese names.
Even their state police looks better than many Indian regiments.


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Dec 10, 2016
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China has a very mysterious Army i would say.

On one hand they have soldiers who are just there for sponsorship of their degrees.

On the other hand we have Chinese soldiers regularly performing well in International competition of Armies.

You never know what will come when in a war.

I would say even a mix of these two in a war would be lethal supported by the weapon system they have.

Ofcourse we can make fun of them but how many times has NSG won in Jordan or our tank crew won a competition in Russia?

Even Pakis have won more Cambrian patrol than us if i am not wrong.

So u never know how war evolves nations.. Remember USA was not know to have the best military in WW2 but it pretty much fucked all its enemies in every theatre by the end of it.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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China has a very mysterious Army i would say.

On one hand they have soldiers who are just there for sponsorship of their degrees.

On the other hand we have Chinese soldiers regularly performing well in International competition of Armies.

You never know what will come when in a war.

I would say even a mix of these two in a war would be lethal supported by the weapon system they have.

Ofcourse we can make fun of them but how many times has NSG won in Jordan or our tank crew won a competition in Russia?

Even Pakis have won more Cambrian patrol than us if i am not wrong.

So u never know how war evolves nations.. Remember USA was not know to have the best military in WW2 but it pretty much fucked all its enemies in every theatre by the end of it.
Lmao they send their especially trained soldiers just for winning trophies. Most of their soldiers are still conscripts and poorly trained.

Aditya Ballal

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Dec 16, 2020
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@AVINASH4061 sir, any more updates after receiving and sending the prototypes of your ventures products across different parts of the country for testing?

Pig benis on sushy

New Member
Nov 25, 2020
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Lmao they send their especially trained soldiers just for winning trophies. Most of their soldiers are still conscripts and poorly trained.
Tank crew winning I think t90 was the very reason we didn't win besides we don't prepare whole year for some competition usually we take 2-3months not regular to practice besides I don't know of today Chinese soldiers combat skills but in late 1962 war my grandfather from 17para still says chinks gandfattu hai these are his words our soldiers weren't the reason we lost the war logistics and leadership was the reason

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Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Pig benis on sushy

New Member
Nov 25, 2020
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Lol they
Even the normal troops who face regular deployment can be sent there is no need of special training as in case of Chinese. We all are very well aware of the professionalism of PLA.
Lol they ran away our soldiers had to come in combat and won against rebels


New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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China has a very mysterious Army i would say.

On one hand they have soldiers who are just there for sponsorship of their degrees.

On the other hand we have Chinese soldiers regularly performing well in International competition of Armies.

You never know what will come when in a war.

I would say even a mix of these two in a war would be lethal supported by the weapon system they have.

Ofcourse we can make fun of them but how many times has NSG won in Jordan or our tank crew won a competition in Russia?

Even Pakis have won more Cambrian patrol than us if i am not wrong.

So u never know how war evolves nations.. Remember USA was not know to have the best military in WW2 but it pretty much fucked all its enemies in every theatre by the end of it.
There is an ecosystem in China to develop athletes. These athletes are just sportsperson top of the cream specially grown since childhood with the Sole Aim to win medals.

There is extreme doping in US and China too but they don't get caught in scandals as the agency doing tests are funded by both.

Don't get carried away them earning medals in Cambrian Petrol. Same the case with Pak Army. They send Athletes from the army to these competition as it suits their Decades Old narrative 1 Paki = 10 Yindu Baniya!

The avg Chinese soldier is on conscription with avg built.


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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There is an ecosystem in China to develop athletes. These athletes are just sportsperson top of the cream specially grown since childhood with the Sole Aim to win medals.

There is extreme doping in US and China too but they don't get caught in scandals as the agency doing tests are funded by both.

Don't get carried away them earning medals in Cambrian Petrol. Same the case with Pak Army. They send Athletes from the army to these competition as it suits their Decades Old narrative 1 Paki = 10 Yindu Baniya!

The avg Chinese soldier is on conscription with avg built.
I fully accept your argument but tell me whats stopping us?

Atleast they have skilled instructors right?

Do we have skilled instructors capable of winning us any medals?


New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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I fully accept your argument but tell me whats stopping us?

Atleast they have skilled instructors right?

Do we have skilled instructors capable of winning us any medals?
No we don't even have good instructors with us. Failed Ranji cricketers becomes coaches in various cricket academies at district and state levels.
Similar case with Other sports also. Gold Medalist becomes National coaches.
Silver and Bronze medalist becomes coaches in state and district academies. These coaches don't know how to win and just train to participate let alone win any medals.

Abhinav Bindra had a dedicated Italian coach hired on his personal money to win the Olympic Gold.
Whenever we hire any foreign coaches for other Olympic sports the Indian coach lobby make their life hell and they resigns without even completing their full terms, Innumerous cases are there.
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Pig benis on sushy

New Member
Nov 25, 2020
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@COLDHEARTED AVIATOR have you ever seen new recruits trained their physical and mental fitness along with combat skills it's the ecosystem afterwards that destroys basically a soldier or lance naik majority of duty is getting dak painting they don't practice of with arms , cook , sitting all day on computer doing documentation work all day without good lunch or dinner no time to rest in the morning pt and so much stress then again to work . Ghataks are the one who are most fit in regiment their sole aim is getting fit they don't usually do general duty hence they are more mentally and physically fit in their regiment.

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