Indian Special Forces


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
I was hoping we could catch just one of them alive.. we really need to bust this whole nexus. My theory is that this group is attached with narcotics too. Remember they found 1 lakh cash with them? Need to bust the narcotic racket in order to stop their financing. And then need to find out these infiltration routes. CASO launched in noshera too and just now FAX came from higher office that input is received ki terrorists might attempt to do suicide attack in rajouri area in next 48 hours.. something big is building up but our agencies appear clueless.
I don’t know but it seems to be that PARA SF doesn’t have the stalking and infiltration capability it once to have. This calls for a Major Mohit Sharma like operation where a few operators will infiltrate the terrorist group, get information, and then eliminate some high field names.

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