Indian Special Forces


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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yeah so, his book is good when it comes to 26/11 part alone. He would've had amazing stories to tell but he chose to stick to a narrative. The MARCO selection & training and history is a cut copy paste from Wikipedia. The book shows so much of self pitty, but here's a thing - in the book itself it's written that he was handeling logistics for a dive trip, and his buddies told him to jump in water and motivated him. He however, did not listen to them and then went on to do a dive alone. The thing is, Teotia had got it tough from the Navy when he was'nt ready for it, yes for sure. But the fact that he chooses to make an enimity out of that very organization is really showing the level of immaturity at his part. Baki, the times when he describes marathons are well described in the book. But overall the book reads like a newspaper article, at times a little personal anecdote is good. But he went to far into the 26/11 tragedy to write a chapter on LeT too, again seemed copy pasted with his own words in between. He has however a big chunk of references in the footnotes. I was hoping an intriguing first person narrative of MARCO selection, life inside MARCOs, operations...and I found nothing.
Thank you for explaining and welcome back bud

Arad Operator

Regular Member
Apr 27, 2024
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I know the MKIs have EW pods but two Growler-esque dedicated MKI squadrons would be the best thing ever!
Dedicated fighter jets for specific roles were a thing of past, all the air forces are moving towards MRAs so expect EW pods for our present and future fighters instead of dedicated fighters squadrons!
Plus CABS is developing an A319 based EW/ELINT platform which will be more powerful than a fighter with EW pods.

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