Indian Special Forces


Senior Member
May 27, 2023
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View attachment 255377
This is the same camo this dude from 9 para was wearing in the jungles of rajouri. Sometimes I think our boys don't even have any idea of terrain matching and uniformity. They are just mentally made this way. To go and kill/ or get killed
The pants are from decath that's 100x better than regular cotton uniform. Most boys don't use uniform cause of the issues mentioned by @Arad Operator earlier, in addition to it, they get called in/get into operations within stipulated time period hence half of them don't even change their clothes. Sometimes a unit is already actively hunting in an area with very tight constraints and logistics.
9 somewhere in the forests of.... you know whereView attachment 255453
Post more of these bangers bro. Absolutely love the content you bring up from time to time
Was the DBAL single unit 😞
View attachment 255478
Obv the Indian Army procured only 1 DBAL unit just to showcase our night fighting prowess in front of the french /s
Nice kit setup too.


Section Moderator
Sep 15, 2009
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Whats the feedback of Negev NG7s from men who are issued with them


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2022
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I don’t think you were wrong it was probably a tourniquet used by Russians watch from 00:19
Well , now I think I was right

It looks pretty similar though. It looks rubbery too. So I think the one on the front was esmarch and the one on the back was a drag line.

Only the og guys can confirm.
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Regular Member
Sep 11, 2021
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The pants are from decath that's 100x better than regular cotton uniform. Most boys don't use uniform cause of the issues mentioned by @Arad Operator earlier, in addition to it, they get called in/get into operations within stipulated time period hence half of them don't even change their clothes. Sometimes a unit is already actively hunting in an area with very tight constraints and logistics.

Post more of these bangers bro. Absolutely love the content you bring up from time to time

Obv the Indian Army procured only 1 DBAL unit just to showcase our night fighting prowess in front of the french /s
Nice kit setup too.
Thanks bhai❤

Jedi Operator

Senior Member
Sep 28, 2022
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Brother NSG is much superior in CQB and HR drills, They're second to MARCOs only if we compare them with armed forces! Even SG boiz are better at CQB than this shitty drill shown in the video... OG PARA SF units always have been good in CQB but these recenly raised(After 2010) and converted onces are just not it...
regaurding that MARCOS and NSG thing, I have one thing to say. NSG has much better facilities and has been having it for a longer time than MARCOS for CQB. NSG's entire training pipline revolves around being proficient in room intervention. However, I must say that experience also matters. A guy with NSG for 2 years might have been top notch at it, but a MARCO practicing it throughout 10-15 years of his life is different.
I firmly belive NSG and SG should be a permanent cadre, any thoughts on that ?

Jedi Operator

Senior Member
Sep 28, 2022
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Yepp I ain't reading his book to find out more maybe jedi has read it but he is offline chillin will ask when he is back
yeah so, his book is good when it comes to 26/11 part alone. He would've had amazing stories to tell but he chose to stick to a narrative. The MARCO selection & training and history is a cut copy paste from Wikipedia. The book shows so much of self pitty, but here's a thing - in the book itself it's written that he was handeling logistics for a dive trip, and his buddies told him to jump in water and motivated him. He however, did not listen to them and then went on to do a dive alone. The thing is, Teotia had got it tough from the Navy when he was'nt ready for it, yes for sure. But the fact that he chooses to make an enimity out of that very organization is really showing the level of immaturity at his part. Baki, the times when he describes marathons are well described in the book. But overall the book reads like a newspaper article, at times a little personal anecdote is good. But he went to far into the 26/11 tragedy to write a chapter on LeT too, again seemed copy pasted with his own words in between. He has however a big chunk of references in the footnotes. I was hoping an intriguing first person narrative of MARCO selection, life inside MARCOs, operations...and I found nothing.

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