I don’t buy this at all. You see some top tier units operating/drilling 20-30 years ago with the kind of spec gear that Indian units have today and they were far more fluid and dynamic with their movements than Indian units demonstrate. Almost all the time indian drills look very wooden, hesitant and uncomfortable as though this is their first time doing it, they don’t have the polish that reflects 1000s of hours honing a skill
^these are some ~50 year old ex-SAS guys and the video is from a >15 year old show (I remember watching it when I was very young) and they are demonstrating far better pistol drills than any Indian unit (bar SPG to date and *some* NSG), even today you see many Indian shooters closing one of their eyes or adopting a hand base grip- things western shooters have known are big no nos for decades
^late 90s SEALS
it’s my opinion that equipment and competence comes from training. You could give a tier 1 guy an AK and he’d shoot it and handle it smoothly
anyway let’s see, the good news is the only way to go is up and one way or another Indian forces know they are on the brink of a fight.