Indian Special Forces

Tactical Doge

π•±π–”π–”π–‘π–˜ π–—π–šπ–˜π– 𝖆𝖓𝖉 π–†π–“π–Œπ–Šπ–‘π–˜ π–‹π–Šπ–†π–—
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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Well its a good thing that marcos are not being used as super infantry but the issue is what have they done ?
I cant think of any particular operation they did that fits the special forces mandate.
They still operate with rr and still carry out
surveillance in wular lake and some more stuff here and there not really realted to sf.
Para are being used as super inf lot of time but some time they do carry out cross border raids , marcos dont do much stuff.
Its like Indian security appratus dont have much trust in "navy soldiers" outside of maritime environment.
you're assuming that 100% Marco ops are out in open source


Regular Member
May 10, 2023
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you're assuming that 100% Marco ops are out in open source
Sure but If you hear what para sf guys says about marcos on interviews, all they say is "our work is on land and they work in maritime environment" ,it paints a picture that marcos are treated like a unit for maritime environment only, also we paraded "surgical strike " wala 9 para guys for medal ceremony, if marcos were doing something crazy, we would have gotten a hint by now.

Tactical Doge

π•±π–”π–”π–‘π–˜ π–—π–šπ–˜π– 𝖆𝖓𝖉 π–†π–“π–Œπ–Šπ–‘π–˜ π–‹π–Šπ–†π–—
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Well its a good thing that marcos are not being used as super infantry but the issue is what have they done ?
I cant think of any particular operation they did that fits the special forces mandate.
They still operate with rr and still carry out
surveillance in wular lake and some more stuff here and there not really realted to sf.
Para are being used as super inf lot of time but some time they do carry out cross border raids , marcos dont do much stuff.
Its like Indian security appratus dont have much trust in "navy soldiers" outside of maritime environment.
Cross border raids IS super infantry tasks lmao


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Sure but If you hear what para sf guys says about marcos on interviews, all they say is "our work is on land and they work in maritime environment" ,it paints a picture that marcos are treated like a unit for maritime environment only, also we paraded "surgical strike " wala 9 para guys for medal ceremony, if marcos were doing something crazy, we would have gotten a hint by now.
Not crazy but how about this hostage rescue in Somalia


Regular Member
Aug 13, 2020
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A Telegram handle is claiming that in the above pic and the couple of other pics that we've seen, the headset worn by the operators is an Incision X5. If that's true then this is huge.
Because the Invisio X5s function exactly like COMTACs just low vis.
If all the kit in the above pic gets standardized, Para SF will be fairly well equipped. Proper PCs, battle belts, OpsCore highcuts, proper COMTACs.
All we need are some good NVGs and Para operators will be fairly well equipped by global standards.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
A Telegram handle is claiming that in the above pic and the couple of other pics that we've seen, the headset worn by the operators is an Incision X5. If that's true then this is huge.
Because the Invisio X5s function exactly like COMTACs just low vis.
If all the kit in the above pic gets standardized, Para SF will be fairly well equipped. Proper PCs, battle belts, OpsCore highcuts, proper COMTACs.
All we need are some good NVGs and Para operators will be fairly well equipped by global standards.
Will still be super infantry. It’s always been super infantry, it’s never been SF and never will be true SF.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
It was not a special operation.
Cross border raid indeed is super infantry stuff, but well its the only one I could think of which was remotely close to mandate.
EDI Pampore was more SOF (hostage rescue) tbh, which begs the question, is para sf a hostage rescue or a super infantry force. More proof Indians are clueless in regards to sf


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
You are giving them too much credit,
You get to hear about devgru, sas, jw grom operations but never marcos ?
Sure .
American military history writing traditions are far greater than that of Indias. Indias isn’t bad but it needs improvement. Only 20% of Indias operations are really known

Jedi Operator

Senior Member
Sep 28, 2022
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Sure but If you hear what para sf guys says about marcos on interviews, all they say is "our work is on land and they work in maritime environment" ,it paints a picture that marcos are treated like a unit for maritime environment only, also we paraded "surgical strike " wala 9 para guys for medal ceremony, if marcos were doing something crazy, we would have gotten a hint by now.
Ok, the only thing I could think of is this, just a case study of Operation Snake Eyes

"The Euphrates lapped against the sides of the small boats as, cloaked in darkness, they pulled up to the riverbank beside the farm in Anbar province. The men in the boats wore kaffiyehs and looked from a distance like local farmhands. But they weren’t. They were Delta operators on a mission to capture a top Zarqawi lieutenantβ€”a mission of the type others said would never succeed. The man they were after, Ghassan Amin, was close enough to Zarqawi to have recently arranged for a relative to host the Al Qaeda in Iraq supremo for five days. Amin was Zarqawi’s enforcer in Rawa, a strategically important town on the north bank of the Euphrates that he ran as his personal fiefdom. With its bridge across the river, Rawa was key terrain for Zarqawi. Whoever controlled the town could influence the flow of foreign fighters from Syria into the dense urban battlefields of Fallujah, Ramadi, and Baghdad. His forces having destroyed the Rawa police station, Amin’s effective counterintelligence network allowed him to terrorize the town’s population of about 20,000. β€œHe … used to publicly execute one personβ€”snitchβ€”per week in the market,” said a senior special mission unit officer. β€œWe saw him on a Predator shoot a source [of ours] right in the head in his vehicle. He was a bad, bad guy.” He was also very difficult to catch. β€œWe couldn’t figure out how to get the guy,” the officer said. But intelligence that Amin owned a farm west of Rawa on the banks of the Euphrates gave Delta operators an idea. β€œSome of our sources said, β€˜Hey, they’re coming up to harvest season and he goes down and he visits the farm certain days literally to watch the workers bring the harvest in,’” the officer said. An assault troop in C Squadron led by Captain Doug Taylor, a former enlisted Delta operator who had received a commission from Officer Candidate School and returned to the unit, proposed snaring Amin by driving up to the Euphrates from Al Asad air base, floating down and across the river in small boats, then posing as workers on his farm. It was a classic out-of-the-box Delta plan: simple, yet elegant. It was also the type of plan that rarely got approved. But the United States was not winning in Iraq. Unconventional ideas that senior commanders would previously have dismissed were now getting a fair hearing. β€œBy that time we had carte blanche to do anything we liked,” said a Delta source. Taylor’s plan was given the green light. So it was that he and his menβ€”including several Arabic speakersβ€”found themselves sneaking onto Amin’s farm before the day heated up. It was the morning of April 26, 2005. The operators quickly sequestered the real farmworkers in the farmhouse. Taking the farmhands’ places, they worked the fieldsβ€”even driving a tractorβ€” and waited. After some time, their prey approached. β€œGhassan Amin and his two henchmen drove right up to the guys,” said the special mission unit officer. Amin walked to within a couple of feet of an operator and greeted him in Arabic, before belatedly realizing his mistake as the operators whipped out their weapons and took him and his cohorts prisoner. The Delta ruse worked so well that the operators were able to capture several of Amin’s Al Qaeda associates in Iraq that day on the farm. β€œIt’s like something out of the movies,” said the special mission unit officer. β€œMany higher officers would [say], β€˜Well, you can’t be putting Arab garb on and driving tractors out in the field and have anyone fall for that.’ Person after person came down to the farm, into the bag.” The Delta source was more specific in his movie reference, alluding to Kevin Costner’s famous quote in Field of Dreams. β€œIf you build it, they will come,” he said. β€œThey came and they came and they came.”

Do you guys think MARCOs will do such ops, considering that Terrorists infiltrate through Jhelum river and Wullar Lake from PoK. It shouldn't be any difficult to flip the switch onto their side.


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I’ve read over 20 books in the last year. Many on Lanka, many on 1965, 1971. Have also began watching several interviews. Digging up so many older news articles. Still I haven’t even been able to uncover 20% of Indian military operations. It’s been very tough. Your older posts basically align with what I have to say (Indian Army declining throughout the 2000s, the 90s operations in Kashmir was full of badassery by pretty much every arms branch, our piss poor sniping capabilities).

I still do have my slight disagreements in regards to some oeprations like Lanka and Kargil and infantry’s role, but your posts have given me new insights into how the army operated.

For example I used to be concerned about the fact that Pakis were attacking us and we weren’t retaliating, but your posts dismissed them as I learned about raids in which ghataks killed 20-30 Pakis.

I agree wholeheartedly that para has painfully fallen behind, and the operations in Kashmir show this. I’ve tracked 9 paras casualties since it was inducted in 91 to now, and never had it taken more than 5 in a year. However, some of the op’s para and infantry have done from what I’ve read and heard were world class. Have talked to some Americans whose fathers served in Vietnam and green berets used to do similar ops to paras in 90s regarding to stalking.

We have our strengths and weakenesses, but the weaknesses need to be addressed. I mean para snipers can’t even go past 800 meters!

Indian military has a respectable record against militants, objectively. NE, Kashmir in 90s, ltte, Punjab were all tough nuts and well trained, but the amount of casualties we could have reduced by simply equipping our boys and preparing them is mindblowing.

I maintain we could have prevented 50% of casualties in Op Vijay and Op pawan by simply preparing them for the damn mission. The organization of the military in the 70s was far superior to what it is now. We had proper SFs back then and airborne infantry. Nowadays we are raising one airborne battalion and making them SF in months. WTF! it’s fuckinf criminal!

SF is our weapon. We need to treat it like such.
Appreciate the thrust for knowledge. I will say for as much as the Indian military as a whole has hollowed out and regressed the Indian defence fanboy these days have massively upgraded their knowledge base, for every 3-4 jai ho clowns you see on the open SM platforms there’s 1 guy 100% knowing his stuff and being very technical. Having access to knowledge and the Indian student’s thirst for answers is a potent combination and why I think India has a very positive future more than almost any other developing nation (China is too walled off and censorious, Africa lol). This won’t translate into the uniformed services of course

+ Did you recommend the Arisen series? If so many thanks.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
It was not a special operation.
Cross border raid indeed is super infantry stuff, but well its the only one I could think of which was remotely close to mandate.
Hostage rescue isn’t special operations? Doesn’t it technically come under it?

Tactical Doge

π•±π–”π–”π–‘π–˜ π–—π–šπ–˜π– 𝖆𝖓𝖉 π–†π–“π–Œπ–Šπ–‘π–˜ π–‹π–Šπ–†π–—
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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You are giving them too much credit,
You get to hear about devgru, sas, jw grom operations but never marcos ?
Sure .
I'm not giving them too much credit

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