Indian Special Forces


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Nov 10, 2019
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one big question
why no thermals ?
they have them in good numbers , also it is the ideal piece of equipment when you are the one hunting at night..
They choose to mount their thermals on their helmet and their Nods on their rifles. weird


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Sep 15, 2014
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And I'm yet to see proper strobes on our boys. Its almost non existent except maybe Marcos in a few pics which speaks volumes of our lack of night fighting capabilities.
When ISR and CAS has no night fighting capability whats the point of Strobes.

Combined Arms warfighting is still somehting we are coming to grips with.

Btw also (if i remmeber correctly) the Marcos strobes are more from the perspective of safety around water work. incase they fall over into the drink.
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India is my Identity
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Aug 30, 2013
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But understand that we also tire of Conventional Soldiers/Officers/Veterans not having a clue on how SOF is supposed to behave or operate and then commenting/influencing the subject matter.

When you understand the above then you will understand why @abingdonboy posted what he did.

And your post is guilty of the same. (as have your previous posts)
"You" guys are better qualified to think and comment than a conventional soldier/officer/veteran about how SOF is supposed to behave or operate?

I'd like to know how and you want me to believe that the original post is absolutely on point? Any military gathering is in a uniform. Medals are achieved not granted. On field conditions do warrant removal of all shiny things but calling bullshit everytime just because you believe that it shouldn't be done that way is definitely hatred.


India is my Identity
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Aug 30, 2013
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Despise and hatred because we are sick and tired of 5 KIA in a single ambush. It’s not mildly infuriating it’s damn near blood boiling that the same shit happens in 2016, 2021, and 2023 and shit still doesn’t change.
One thing is constant in any risky job. Casualties, yet I don't endorse that we accept and behave the same. Refinements and restructuring of SOPs are an endless task. In military they say SOPs are written in blood.

I'd have accepted it if the OP knows the context in its entirety. Even if he does, his choice of words is not convincing


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Sep 15, 2014
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"You" guys are better qualified to think and comment than a conventional soldier/officer/veteran about how SOF is supposed to behave or operate?
The proof is always in the Pudding. Going by your comments and others like you across conferences and media 100% YES

Your colleaques in their wisdom have now effectively killed our Army's SOF capability. First they did a whole scale expansion by Conversions and now all Para battalions are SF.

Its time to recognize that you (as in your conventional peers) are now part of the problem and should move away from this theater of conversation. you are doing more harm than good. a WHOLE bunch of SOF soldiers of the IA have commented on the same 100s of times.

Any military gathering is in a uniform. Medals are achieved not granted. On field conditions do warrant removal of all shiny things but calling bullshit everytime just because you believe that it shouldn't be done that way is definitely hatred.
Sir we are talking apples and organges. a SOF unit doing a FID has no BUSINESS being paraded around in public and the press - you can have "representatives" COs etc do that for Diplomatic Goals.

In India where MARCOS came on Tv on 26/11 with their faces hidden are now paraded around like Luxury Cars by our Brass and Politicans. The Handing out of medals after the Uri Strikes on national TV to our SF soldiers was criminal.

We have Zero concept of Opsec in our SOF forces. Instgram accounts etc alone tell you the culture and ethos. the fact that you think it should be the same as conventional forces itself is inherently the problem.


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Jan 10, 2013
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Sometimes I wish India joined the western block. The US might drag our military to modernization.
You might be ready to accept RoL and LSD Rainbows in your life .. but most Indians dont


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Jan 10, 2013
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As if we already have more than the west.military is becoming more like a tickbox exercise for womens rights
Still we have enough delta from them. And in our forces women participation seems as ceremonious as in Russian or N Korean.


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Nov 10, 2019
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"You" guys are better qualified to think and comment than a conventional soldier/officer/veteran about how SOF is supposed to behave or operate?

I'd like to know how and you want me to believe that the original post is absolutely on point? Any military gathering is in a uniform. Medals are achieved not granted. On field conditions do warrant removal of all shiny things but calling bullshit everytime just because you believe that it shouldn't be done that way is definitely hatred.
After seeing this i feel more qualified.



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Dec 10, 2016
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"You" guys are better qualified to think and comment than a conventional soldier/officer/veteran about how SOF is supposed to behave or operate?

I'd like to know how and you want me to believe that the original post is absolutely on point? Any military gathering is in a uniform. Medals are achieved not granted. On field conditions do warrant removal of all shiny things but calling bullshit everytime just because you believe that it shouldn't be done that way is definitely hatred.
Dear sir,

What makes one “qualified” to question something?

As per my experience in life i would say knowledge.

As long as someone shows knowledge and questions in the way of correcting or showing disappointment in something he is passionate about there is no harm.

If we go about by this logic of yours i would be afraid we all would have to stop watching cricket or movies coz none of us have done casting couch to speak on Bollywood or played in IPL to talk about cricket.

Instead of showing your “i served so i am superior” attitude why dont you try taking some questions head on like..Why dont we have Sniper capability?

Why has the Army not developed Night fighting capability?

What objective will granting SF tag to all units achieve?

Why despite our budget being in billions and orders of extra tanks and jet fighters have we not focused on the poor foot soldier who is 90% of the casulaty list each year?



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Jul 8, 2011
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Dear sir,

What makes one “qualified” to question something?

As per my experience in life i would say knowledge.

As long as someone shows knowledge and questions in the way of correcting or showing disappointment in something he is passionate about there is no harm.

If we go about by this logic of yours i would be afraid we all would have to stop watching cricket or movies coz none of us have done casting couch to speak on Bollywood or played in IPL to talk about cricket.

Instead of showing your “i served so i am superior” attitude why dont you try taking some questions head on like..Why dont we have Sniper capability?

Why has the Army not developed Night fighting capability?

What objective will granting SF tag to all units achieve?

Why despite our budget being in billions and orders of extra tanks and jet fighters have we not focused on the poor foot soldier who is 90% of the casulaty list each year?

It's all classified.

PS: YES!! This IS indeed sarcasm, in case anyone's been wondering.
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