Indian Special Forces


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Isn’t this just evidence that all Indian SF are tier 2 in nature and tactical level assets only? As is known they are basically only used by local commanders and there is no direct link to central leadership

SG is SG, they do seem to only get serious work but they Aren’t a tier 1 national missions unit as is described here or the kind the the US has
Tier 2 in gears tier 1 in op history

skunk works

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Jul 25, 2022
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Shit happens.Dozens of MacvSog teams were vanished into thin air without even a trace during Vietnam war.A well placed ambush could wipe out the whole squad even before you realise what hit you.
No amount of training will save you if you step foot into the awaiting enemy's killzone.Remember what happened to Green berets in Mali.
Though I don't know the specifics,such combing ops should involve large RR teams and throwing away small teams of SF to sweep large areas to hunt down hiding enemies is not a bright move.
If Ukraine,Iran , Azerbaijan,Turkey all could amass large number of drones why couldn't IA buy drones and deploy them in such ops?
Also, Robert's Ridge/ OP Anaconda. US SOF lost a helicopter and took casualties despite weapons free ROE and hot air support.

Jedi Operator

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Sep 28, 2022
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Sorry but calling AFSOD JSOC shows that your friend doesn’t understand what JSOC is. JSOC is NOT a single unit made up of the US’s best operators. JSOC is a command (as the name suggests) under which certain military units from the various branches of the US Military are contained within. JSOC has a national mission mandate with a command chain directed from the very senior most executive and military level.

US SOCOM is a separate thing, units like Delta actually predate SOCOM and JSOC.

The Naresh Chandra Task Force created in the early 2010s to see how to implement the Kargil review committee’s recommendations recommend 3 new tri-service commands; cyber, space and special operations.

AFSOD was created as an INTERIM EXPERIMENT to predate a full blown command (INSOCOM) which would encompass the majority of the 3 services’ SF personnel and various SF support assets they have (like SF aviation units). This will become even more important when/if theatre commands emerge

so >20 years later and this cr@p is still just on trail and based on recent reports around AFSOD it doesn’t seem like they are having much success in figuring out what to do with it.

for india to have a JSOC it would need to raise tier 1 units/capabilities within the various branches first. AFSOD is definitely not a JSOC, it’s utter nonsense to make such a claim.
I Agree with you on this, but I just quoted what he said.

Jedi Operator

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Sep 28, 2022
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Isn’t this just evidence that all Indian SF are tier 2 in nature and tactical level assets only? As is known they are basically only used by local commanders and there is no direct link to central leadership

SG is SG, they do seem to only get serious work but they Aren’t a tier 1 national missions unit as is described here or the kind the the US has
As I said in the following post, SG and the three Para Cdo units were initially to be under a Special Forces Regiment, the correct word should have been command. Nevertheless, when the knowledgeable people in the army saw how Para Cdo's capabilities were diminshed by Airborne officer's pushing forward for their interests. SG was asked to be under R&AW, so that atleast it's mandate to serve as a strategic force wasn't let down. This is written in Gen PC Katoch's book also.

However, it is evident that MARCOs, did start as the "SG of the Navy", it was the first force in India to call itself a "special force" and according to the vetran MARCOs, on paper it still is IMSF. The Army guys suggested the Navy leadership to name MARCOs as Marine Commandos. MARCOs were initially made for Hostage Rescue at Sea and protecting offshore oil rigs. That in and of itself is similar to what SEAL Team 6 was created for. There was this interview of MARCO Girish Kaushik where he said he was one of the lead trainers at the sniper cell for MARCOs. He also said that he worked with Naval Intelligence and had fake identities for work in the Malacca Strait and Kashmir.
All the interviews of Old School MARCOs guys where they say they went on to do courses with NSG, 3-month course with SG (which is the duration of that course in general, according to the SG officer who came on Millitary mantra, the video was taken down and the guy blocked me on insta when I asked him why did he do it. Lmao) MARCOs learn Offensive/Defensive driving and also photograph and intelligence course. But in the interview with Ranveer Allabadiya, Cdr Vijay said they no longer do driving and photography courses.

At best, I will say, they dont have the capability but are trying to mimick what the best of the best in western forces do.

Jedi Operator

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Sep 28, 2022
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MARCOs Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar was awarded Shaurya Chakra for gallantry.

Life prior to the event that lead to the Shaurya Chakra

Mritunjay was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 1 Jan 2013. He is an alumnus of the prestigious National defence academy, Pune from where he passed out in Nov 2011. He is an avid runner since Academy days. He is a Marine Commando in the Indian Navy and based in the MARCOs unit in the East Coast, INS Karna. His trust with endurance runs began in 2016 where he led a team of four in the first ever international adventure race (consisting of running cycling and rafting over a distance of 359 km)held at Leh in Sep 2016.The team stood first amongst all Indian teams and was overall third among 15 participating teams which included five foreign teams and other units like special frontier forces and ITBP . He was also part of the team that was selected to represent India at the Africa expedition 2017. Mrityunjay Kumar participated in the gruelling 111 km La ultra marathon at Leh in Aug 2017. He completed the race in 19 hrs and 25 min and overall finished ninth.

His Citation for the award

"Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar was deployed for OP RAKSHAK at J&K from 23 Mar 21 to 03 Oct 21. The officer displayed selfless individual valour and personal example during OP SHOKBABA FOREST (2021) which resulted in successful elimination of terrorists and saved life of a jawan.

OP SHOKBABA FOREST (2021) was a joint Search and Destroy Operation (SADO) launched by 14RR Bn (GARH RIF) from 23 Jul 21 to 27 Jul 21 based on intelligence shared by JK Police regarding presence of terrorists in Shok Baba Forest in Kashmir. At 2300H on 23 Jul 21, an outer cordon was established. Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar led the MARCOS team for SADO in the challenging dense mountainous forest terrain. At 0710 Hr on 24 Jul 21, two terrorists hiding near a boulder opened indiscriminate fire on the search team wherein RFN Pradeep Singh sustained multiple Gun Shot Wounds (GSW). Whilst terrorists were pinned down by a heavy volume of retaliatory fire by the joint team including MARCOS, the officer noticed two other terrorists escaping uphill. Though the officer was in an extremely disadvantageous downhill position, he selflessly went beyond the call of his duty in discreetly tracking these terrorists and passing live position to the Control for readjustment of uphill stops. The valiant pursuit and precise tracking by the officer in an extremely treacherous terrain regardless of his tactically disadvantageous position and personal safety resulted in subsequent neutralisation of both terrorists by the readjusted uphill stops.

After this, Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar regrouped with joint team at initial contact site where engagement with terrorists was still in progress. He conducted hot extraction of REN Pradeep Singh downhill to the MARCOS evacuation team and administered IC Fluids and compression bandage en route. This timely hot extraction and Field Trauma Management was critical in successful recovery of RFN Pradeep Singh. Thereafter the officer once again regrouped with the team at initial contact site and tactically maneouvered himself into an uphill position in direct line of site of hiding terrorists. In ensuing firefight, terrorists lobbed grenades towards the officer however he maintained tactical cover and directed accurate gunfire from other positions onto the terrorists. This resulted in neutralisation of one terrorist by own troops.

Whilst army troops approached the boulder to confirm status of neutralised terrorist, the second terrorist opened fire on them. Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar observed that readjusted position of second terrorist placed own approaching teams in a precarious position. With utter disregard to his personal safety, the officer broke cover and unleashed a heavy volume of aimed fire to subdue the terrorist whilst closing his position with a BP shield. This effectively stopped firing by the terrorist. Thereafter, own teams were repositioned and a thorough search conducted. The body of neutralised terrorist with War like Stores was recovered and blood trial of second terrorist observed. The second terrorist was found dead in the general area Shok Baba forest two days later having succumbed to GSW.

In keeping with the highest traditions of the Indian Navy, Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar went beyond the call of his duty during OP SHOKBABA FOREST (2021) displaying rare courage, personal example and selfless daring for which he is awarded the Shaurya Chakra."

Dude's a legend, ultramarathon runner with a rich record in international competions and lead an awesome operation for which he was awarded the Shaurya Chakra, eliminating terrorists in Kashmir.


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May 3, 2023
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View attachment 204351
View attachment 204353
MARCOs Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar was awarded Shaurya Chakra for gallantry.

Life prior to the event that lead to the Shaurya Chakra

Mritunjay was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 1 Jan 2013. He is an alumnus of the prestigious National defence academy, Pune from where he passed out in Nov 2011. He is an avid runner since Academy days. He is a Marine Commando in the Indian Navy and based in the MARCOs unit in the East Coast, INS Karna. His trust with endurance runs began in 2016 where he led a team of four in the first ever international adventure race (consisting of running cycling and rafting over a distance of 359 km)held at Leh in Sep 2016.The team stood first amongst all Indian teams and was overall third among 15 participating teams which included five foreign teams and other units like special frontier forces and ITBP . He was also part of the team that was selected to represent India at the Africa expedition 2017. Mrityunjay Kumar participated in the gruelling 111 km La ultra marathon at Leh in Aug 2017. He completed the race in 19 hrs and 25 min and overall finished ninth.

His Citation for the award

"Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar was deployed for OP RAKSHAK at J&K from 23 Mar 21 to 03 Oct 21. The officer displayed selfless individual valour and personal example during OP SHOKBABA FOREST (2021) which resulted in successful elimination of terrorists and saved life of a jawan.

OP SHOKBABA FOREST (2021) was a joint Search and Destroy Operation (SADO) launched by 14RR Bn (GARH RIF) from 23 Jul 21 to 27 Jul 21 based on intelligence shared by JK Police regarding presence of terrorists in Shok Baba Forest in Kashmir. At 2300H on 23 Jul 21, an outer cordon was established. Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar led the MARCOS team for SADO in the challenging dense mountainous forest terrain. At 0710 Hr on 24 Jul 21, two terrorists hiding near a boulder opened indiscriminate fire on the search team wherein RFN Pradeep Singh sustained multiple Gun Shot Wounds (GSW). Whilst terrorists were pinned down by a heavy volume of retaliatory fire by the joint team including MARCOS, the officer noticed two other terrorists escaping uphill. Though the officer was in an extremely disadvantageous downhill position, he selflessly went beyond the call of his duty in discreetly tracking these terrorists and passing live position to the Control for readjustment of uphill stops. The valiant pursuit and precise tracking by the officer in an extremely treacherous terrain regardless of his tactically disadvantageous position and personal safety resulted in subsequent neutralisation of both terrorists by the readjusted uphill stops.

After this, Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar regrouped with joint team at initial contact site where engagement with terrorists was still in progress. He conducted hot extraction of REN Pradeep Singh downhill to the MARCOS evacuation team and administered IC Fluids and compression bandage en route. This timely hot extraction and Field Trauma Management was critical in successful recovery of RFN Pradeep Singh. Thereafter the officer once again regrouped with the team at initial contact site and tactically maneouvered himself into an uphill position in direct line of site of hiding terrorists. In ensuing firefight, terrorists lobbed grenades towards the officer however he maintained tactical cover and directed accurate gunfire from other positions onto the terrorists. This resulted in neutralisation of one terrorist by own troops.

Whilst army troops approached the boulder to confirm status of neutralised terrorist, the second terrorist opened fire on them. Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar observed that readjusted position of second terrorist placed own approaching teams in a precarious position. With utter disregard to his personal safety, the officer broke cover and unleashed a heavy volume of aimed fire to subdue the terrorist whilst closing his position with a BP shield. This effectively stopped firing by the terrorist. Thereafter, own teams were repositioned and a thorough search conducted. The body of neutralised terrorist with War like Stores was recovered and blood trial of second terrorist observed. The second terrorist was found dead in the general area Shok Baba forest two days later having succumbed to GSW.

In keeping with the highest traditions of the Indian Navy, Lt Cdr Mritunjay Kumar went beyond the call of his duty during OP SHOKBABA FOREST (2021) displaying rare courage, personal example and selfless daring for which he is awarded the Shaurya Chakra."

Dude's a legend, ultramarathon runner with a rich record in international competions and lead an awesome operation for which he was awarded the Shaurya Chakra, eliminating terrorists in Kashmir.
noice, clears multiple doubts here
Marcos also use shields that too in forests they found a use, Para already do even in non-Urban areas
Also some questioned whether minimum care is given to injured and it is, not Pararescue but still


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Marcos also use shields that too in forests they found a use, Para already do even in non-Urban areas
Also some questioned whether minimum care is given to injured and it is, not Pararescue but still
Nuance - A few Squads within One team of Marcos has Shields and a few Units within a couple of Bns of SF have Shields.


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May 3, 2023
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All the interviews of Old School MARCOs guys where they say they went on to do courses with NSG, 3-month course with SG (which is the duration of that course in general, according to the SG officer who came on Millitary mantra, the video was taken down and the guy blocked me on insta when I asked him why did he do it. Lmao) MARCOs learn Offensive/Defensive driving and also photograph and intelligence course. But in the interview with Ranveer Allabadiya, Cdr Vijay said they no longer do driving and photography courses.
Garuds First batch went on to Train with both the NSG aswell as SG also at Commando School Belgaum (sauce: Military Mantra Interview)
Marcos still learns that driving course, they probably reintroduced it.
Source: A Off-roading school published their video

Jedi Operator

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Sep 28, 2022
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Garuds First batch went on to Train with both the NSG aswell as SG also at Commando School Belgaum (sauce: Military Mantra Interview)
Marcos still learns that driving course, they probably reintroduced it.
Source: A Off-roading school published their video
Their is a difference between off-road driving and tactical driving. The latter is primarily for VIP protection, escort drills or in a civilian street. Offroad driving as the name suggests is completely different. Yes, some aspects might be adjusted here and there. But offroad driving has it's own kind of vehicles that are rugged. Tactical driving is entirely different.
I've seen that video you're talking about, it's on Insta I guess
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New Member
May 10, 2023
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2 para is a tri-services unit??
When we heard about AFSOD being based at bangalore ,My first thought was 2 para sf will be army's hand of AFSOD and thats why they placed AFSOD at bangalore to be near both PRTC and 2 PARA HQ.
Looks like Army have made a scuffed arrangement for AFSOD where they based Naval and AF SOF within 2 PARA.
I dont consider this a good arrangement as it just shows that even though its "tri-service" its still the Army leading the charge and we all what happens when it comes to SF being handled by the Army.


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Dec 10, 2016
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When we heard about AFSOD being based at bangalore ,My first thought was 2 para sf will be army's hand of AFSOD and thats why they placed AFSOD at bangalore to be near both PRTC and 2 PARA HQ.
Looks like Army have made a scuffed arrangement for AFSOD where they based Naval and AF SOF within 2 PARA.
I dont consider this a good arrangement as it just shows that even though its "tri-service" its still the Army leading the charge and we all what happens when it comes to SF being handled by the Army.
Students who fail the whole year dont top in the final exam.

Unfortunately, very less people understand this in this thread with regards to Indian SF.(modernization and AFSOD)

