Indian Special Forces


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May 23, 2022
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No what I meant is whether this particular pic is in service with any operator
As we have seen this combination i.e pc+battle belts have not been seen in Indian special infantry
I think this combination is just advertisement not a procurement
personal purchases by individuals mostly in para, also 9 para has a belt + pc setup and Marcos had it Malabar


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Sep 13, 2010
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They're good, but at the level they're operating at not as good. I still see inefficient drawstrokes, dogmatic adherence to dynamic entry (that too the POD sort), untested hand to hand techniques etc. Like those knife defense tactics aren't all too effective against a guy who will be resisting. Their striking was technically weak too, saw atleast two guys throw the punch before the hip rotation and i didn't see any footwork for stepping in and out or angling out, then there was that terrible leg kick. Could just be putting on a show, i mean those pistol shots looked stable, rapid and accurate but i don't know.
As @rkhanna said a lot of what is shown is obviously a new batch in training and they say as much.

as the video explicitly states SPG’s core ethos is secrecy so they aren’t going to show more than the basics but what they did show was leagues ahead of any other unit in india and it’s not even close. The physical training alone was like nothing else seen outside of professional athletes in india. Their reflex drills were also pretty tight. Overall they looked far more fluid and dynamic than even military SFs in india that often look stiff and a little clueless.

On the hand to hand combat bit, that’s not something I am too well versed in, at least it looked practical and they mentioned consistently about body mechanics, no kung flu BS to be seen here

I was pretty impressed by their react to contact and extraction drills particularly the build up from 1 bodyguard and 1 protectee to the entire team. They definitely do the crawl walk run approach.

+ as I said the first time this was posted, SIU’s drills are competent enough but their gear is frustrating to look at knowing how professional this unit otherwise is. I’m surprised they’ve let their tactical units get so far off the contemporary standards, they’ve barely changed in about a decade (small tweaks here and there)

Aditya Ballal

New Member
Dec 16, 2020
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No what I meant is whether this particular pic is in service with any operator
As we have seen this combination i.e pc+battle belts have not been seen in Indian special infantry
I think this combination is just advertisement not a procurement
Yeah you maybe right

See this.

