Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Jan 30, 2015
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While I have been told LASIK tech has grown leaps and bounds. i got mine done in 2006 and it has greatly messed with my night vision. and from my research this is a known / common side effect. which is why i think a soldier may avoid it.

But again i dont know if the surgery tech improvements have overcome that.

The essense is this. He can technically qualify with one leg also. All he has to do (constantly) is clear his qualifications
is that problem common for all lasik surgeries....


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2014
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is that problem common for all lasik surgeries....
Completely OT but all eye surgeries are specific. It happened to me. (To the point where at night if it's raining I get very uncomfortable to drive )

But tech and procedure has really advanced these days


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Dec 10, 2016
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Multiple regiments make up a Brigade. multiple brigades make up a Division. Multiple Divisons make up a Fighting Corp in the Indian Army.

Maybe I mistook your question
Yes.. i know this.

i am asking you how can all of a regiment be equipped by corp... like dogra regtt has units all over India.. how can it be equipped by a particular corp.

Unless you are talking like a Navy or AF background guy for whom regiment means only one regiment and no particular units.


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Oct 11, 2017
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Meet The Former Special Forces Doctor, Who is Waging a One Man War Against Lifestyle Diseases
With Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing the Fit India campaign, former Special Forces officer, doctor and renowned international athlete, Major Surendra Poonia, VSM, moved by the prime minister’s initiative has decided to use his decade’s worth of combined military, sporting and medical experience to promote a spirit of fitness throughout the country, launching his flagship initiative, FitBharat. Speaking exclusively to SSBCrack, the renowned Para Special Forces Officer, who has served in the famed President’s Bodyguard proudly says, “Being a Special Forces veteran and a medical professional, I believe it is my soldierly duty to continue to serve the country by promoting an environment of health and fitness.” Major Poonia like a dutiful soldier, is on a mission to counter the country’s most significant national threat, the silent killer known as lifestyle diseases.

Major Surendra Poonia in his Special Forces Uniform
The root causes of these disorders have been linked with a lack of regular exercise and today’s sleep-deprived corporate culture. Being a former military man, the Ex-Special Forces Major came to the conversation armed to the teeth, this time with facts! The officer explains that “Lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, poor nutrition and improper sleep cycles are some of the leading causes of health-related ailments in India.” Elaborating on this, he says “7.1 per cent of the adult population in India are suffering from diabetes. There were an estimated 69.1 million cases of diabetes in India in the year 2015, and it has exceeded to around 70 million as of 2019! By 2030, almost 100 million of my fellow countrymen will suffer from diabetes.” The former Special Forces Commando says this with fiery conviction!

Speaking about widespread obesity, Major Poonia says, “Obesity has become one of the leading health epidemics in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting approximately five per cent of the national population! This means over 6.8 million Indians suffer from morbid obesity. Being a sportsman it truly pains me to have to acknowledge that over 13.5 crore Indians are morbidly obese!” According to several research papers shared by Major Poonia to SSBCrack, it has been ascertained that obesity in the country has doubled in the past ten years. Going by the research presented by the retired officer, it has been found that the urban population and states with higher income groups have a higher rate of obesity.

While conversing with SSBCrack, Major Poonia shared his observations, splitting the anatomy of the leading causes of obesity and its implications on productivity, self-esteem, mental health and youth development. The former military medical professional spoke extensively, about the surge of junk food, appealing advertisements promoting unhealthy food choices, mobile games such as PUBG and Fortnite and their effects on the youth. “These mobile games have confined the youth in their rooms and have trapped them in a vicious cycle of unhealthy life choices”, he declares enraged! “A lack of importance given to sports and fitness in educational institutions is disheartening and a cause of grave concern,” says Major Poonia with a sense of genuine concern.

During one of SSBCrack’s in-depth conversations with the former Special Forces doctor, he stressed on the vital role educational institutions have to play in promoting a spirit of fitness, among young school-going students. Major Poonia cited his discontent towards the syllabus of physical education in Indian schools. He says “Even physical education is taught through textbooks, and is evaluated through written exams! How is this physical fitness?”, the commando asks rhetorically. “This neglect,” he says “results in a generation of academically burdened youth with no outlet to vent their burdens.” Furthermore, they “lose out on so many benefits of taking part in sporting endeavours such as problem solving, teamwork, purpose, camaraderie, overcoming obstacles. This criminal neglect at an early stage follows them throughout their lives!” says the commando with great passion.

Touching more on this, he says, “The lack of fitness being imbibed in young children at an early age haunts them when they become working professionals. The increasingly exploitative corporate work environment has resulted in significant health problems.” Putting out another chilling statistic, the former president’s bodyguard says, “63 per cent corporate professionals are overweight. This leads to heart conditions leading to death as aforementioned. It results in “lowered productivity, leading to stalled career progression, ultimately making an employee feel dejected and stressed.” This “stress,” the officer says, “results in poor sleep patterns, improper nutrition and host of mood swings affecting one’s mental and spiritual well being. It is an interconnected vicious cycle.”

The former special forces doctor indulging himself in a strenuous workout regime
Major Poonia keeps on reinforcing passionately, the need for regular, sustained exercise and healthy eating. “Being an athlete and a soldier serving in the elite special forces, I was fortunate to be in an environment where fitness was prioritised…Soldiering is a high stress a high-risk job, however, what I experienced was that the rigorous fitness regimen we were subjected to, significantly alleviated the stress which came from such a hazardous profession!” Drawing from his personal observations, the Special Forces doctor empathises the plight of corporate professionals, saying, “Corporate professionals play a crucial part in our nation-building process. They are the ones who provide us with essential services, design the softwares and infrastructure required to make our lives easier, and put our country on the world stage. They work tirelessly in the pursuit of nation-building, yet do not get the time or encouragement to give time to their own health!”

Answering SSBCrack’s questions on what FitBharat hopes to achieve, the ex-commando says, “FitBharat, aims to imbibe a sense of physical fitness not only to our youth who are our future but even working professionals who are building our nation’s present.” Major Poonia stresses on the benefits of exercise on increased productivity at the workplace. “Focusing on personal health will undoubtedly help in enhanced mood and energy levels, resulting in better workplace productivity.” Efficient productivity, he says, “leads to superior output resulting in higher national growth!” The former army man says, “I believe that if we are physically fit as individuals, we can grow as a community, for me, fitness itself is a major national service!”

Ending the conversation with SSBCrack on a positive note, Major Poonia maintains an optimistic mindset towards the success ofFitBharat. He speaks about the gradual but increasing trend towards health and fitness in the country, and how more and more people are “indeed putting efforts towards their well being.” When asked on how he aims to promote the message of FitBharat to his target audience, he replied saying “We have already started with the Soldierathon, which is a marathon organised once a year, and it has received a nationwide response. Going on further we aim to tie up with several sporting brands to highlight youth inspiring messages, in order to promote our young guns to take the first step. We shall also partner with sports regulatory bodies and organise inter-college and university sporting events.” He stresses on the reach of social media platforms and portals like SSBCrack to further the message, saying, “In today’s day and age, social media and youth-based websites are a potent tool, through which we can advocate fitness, give health and nutrition advice to bridge the knowledge gap!” FitBharat intends to come out with hashtag based challenges, creating a supportive online community dedicated to one another’s growth!

Major Poonia showcasing his sports medals
Speaking about his roadmap for the long run, the fit commando says “Over time, we shall work with the Ministry of Human Resource Development, to develop state of the art sporting facilities in schools and educational institutions to inculcate sports and fitness at a much younger age.” Major Poonia being a battle-hardened commando is hopeful but remains a pragmatist, acknowledging the challenges for the road ahead. “See it will not happen overnight, it is not simple to change attitudes and I recognise it will take time and a lot of effort however I am satisfied beyond any doubt that we shall succeed, there is now a tremendous internal drive towards fitness, and this is something that will continue to increase and can be channelised for the betterment of society and the nation at large!”


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Sep 13, 2010
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I meant about the recent event of them surrendering.

Better equipment doesnt guarantee anything.
SOD will solve this equipment shortage.

BTW, comparing Indian SF units to Nigeria and calling their gear better is funny and unfair!
My point was you can’t keep asking Indian SFs to make up for shortfalls in their equipment. Frankly I’m not even that confident in their skills anymore. THe men are surely as hard as nails but are they 21st warfighters? I have little evidence for it.

Today who would you send on a strategic mission into hostile territory? Would Indian SFs even be in the top 30 units considered? I wouldn’t place my bets on them.

Look at the kind of real world training and attention to detail these units elsewhere in the world have then look at Indian SF training which seems more anchored in commando skills of WW2.

Fundamental question about IA - Is equipment provided by formation or by regiment?

I am asking in context of AFSOD - will it make any difference at all to equipment levels?

SOD will get their own equipment procured from IDS afaik but in early days they will probably being with them some things from parent units but soon enough it will be like NSG who manage and procure all their own stuff.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Berets and not helmets? Are they posing or on duty? Seems to me they are meant to be on duty to act as a CAT/QRT so in that case they would be pressed into action immediately and should be kitted out as such so why the beret and not a helmet?

Also, I kept getting a glimpse of one of these teams stood just by off camera on the live stream and there was a kid standing right next to them and the commando next to him was encouraging him to salute and mess around. Nothing wrong with the kid being happy but these guys are meant to be professionals are they not? They were meant to be staying vigilant. Again it betrays a lack of seriousness and warrior operator mindset from these “elite” guys.

And before people attack me for being critical always, I will praise when praise is due. These are meant to be the most elite warriors a nation of 1.3bn people with an economy of $3TN USD has to offer. So far these guys are falling well short of such standards.


Section Moderator
Sep 15, 2009
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Berets and not helmets? Are they posing or on duty? Seems to me they are meant to be on duty to act as a CAT/QRT so in that case they would be pressed into action immediately and should be kitted out as such so why the beret and not a helmet?

Also, I kept getting a glimpse of one of these teams stood just by off camera on the live stream and there was a kid standing right next to them and the commando next to him was encouraging him to salute and mess around. Nothing wrong with the kid being happy but these guys are meant to be professionals are they not? They were meant to be staying vigilant. Again it betrays a lack of seriousness and warrior operator mindset from these “elite” guys.

And before people attack me for being critical always, I will praise when praise is due. These are meant to be the most elite warriors a nation of 1.3bn people with an economy of $3TN USD has to offer. So far these guys are falling well short of such standards.
How many times US secret service, green berers or other spec ops involved in VIP security are spotted with full battle gear in such functions?
Could have agree with you if they were on a mission. But in such guard duties where there are other hundreds of men who secure various layers of security perimeter, wanting them to bulky helmets is an overkill


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Sep 15, 2014
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My point was you can’t keep asking Indian SFs to make up for shortfalls in their equipment. Frankly I’m not even that confident in their skills anymore. THe men are surely as hard as nails but are they 21st warfighters? I have little evidence for it.
Reading India's Most Fearless 2 right now. Balls of steal yes, Insane courage and bravery ofcourse! Skills / Tactics? Questionable

couple of observations so far

1. Story of Major Mohit Sharma - 24 Man 1Para team enters heavy Forest Area to hunt for unknown number of terrorist. Forest is so dark, sunglight does not breach canopy even at 12 noon. Net result 8 Para SF dead, 12 Terrorist Dead. 4 Para SF taken out by OPFOR Sniper with headshots.

a) NO NVGS used - Our night fighting skills are severly lacking.
b) SF continued to be used as Elite Infantry- A ghatak platoon could have done the same task
c) NO SNIPER capability within the 24 man team. AGL and RCL weapon of choice for supressive fire.

2. Corp Jyoti Nirala (Garud)

The story opens with the Corporal recieveing a Watsapp Call from his daughter during the Mission Briefing.

Clearly we have ZERO concept of Opsec - Concept of SCIFs are still alien to us. When we all know that our security establishment leaks like hell via informants etc etc

very poor from a SOF unit

3. Captain Pawan (9 SF) - CT/HR mission where he died. He died during a Room entry.
Use of flashbangs could have saved his life. No Flash Bangs in arsenal.

All three operations displayed insane bravery and leadership qualities under extreme stress. But our lack of tech shows in our tactics and training

DISCLAIMER: This is ofcourse based on reading prose by Shiv Aroor. Who simply is a crap story teller. So ofcourse my opinion is based on the level of information and detail he has gone into. Reality could be completely different (luxury of being an Arm Chair Mental masturbator :) )


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Reading India's Most Fearless 2 right now. Balls of steal yes, Insane courage and bravery ofcourse! Skills / Tactics? Questionable

couple of observations so far

1. Story of Major Mohit Sharma - 24 Man 1Para team enters heavy Forest Area to hunt for unknown number of terrorist. Forest is so dark, sunglight does not breach canopy even at 12 noon. Net result 8 Para SF dead, 12 Terrorist Dead. 4 Para SF taken out by OPFOR Sniper with headshots.

a) NO NVGS used - Our night fighting skills are severly lacking.
b) SF continued to be used as Elite Infantry- A ghatak platoon could have done the same task
c) NO SNIPER capability within the 24 man team. AGL and RCL weapon of choice for supressive fire.

2. Corp Jyoti Nirala (Garud)

The story opens with the Corporal recieveing a Watsapp Call from his daughter during the Mission Briefing.

Clearly we have ZERO concept of Opsec - Concept of SCIFs are still alien to us. When we all know that our security establishment leaks like hell via informants etc etc

very poor from a SOF unit

3. Captain Pawan (9 SF) - CT/HR mission where he died. He died during a Room entry.
Use of flashbangs could have saved his life. No Flash Bangs in arsenal.

All three operations displayed insane bravery and leadership qualities under extreme stress. But our lack of tech shows in our tactics and training

DISCLAIMER: This is ofcourse based on reading prose by Shiv Aroor. Who simply is a crap story teller. So ofcourse my opinion is based on the level of information and detail he has gone into. Reality could be completely different (luxury of being an Arm Chair Mental masturbator :) )
With respect to Maj Mohit Sharma encounter i would say that NVG does not really work well inside thick forests.

As far as the Garud op is was not a typical sf operation plus we ended up losing more people.

Garud has yet to be a true SF as far as the physcology goes. More people have to taste blood without ending up being killed.

I know on this thread someones uncles or brother has served in some units and its pure blind support they do when talking of few units.

But if we talk neutrally a lot of things have to be done.


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2014
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With respect to Maj Mohit Sharma encounter i would say that NVG does not really work well inside thick forests.

As far as the Garud op is was not a typical sf operation plus we ended up losing more people.

Garud has yet to be a true SF as far as the physcology goes. More people have to taste blood without ending up being killed.

I know on this thread someones uncles or brother has served in some units and its pure blind support they do when talking of few units.

But if we talk neutrally a lot of things have to be done.
IMO Actually New Gen NVGs would have worked fine for the Major Sharma op. There was plenty of ambient light being daylight hours. its not literally pitch black. Density of Foliage would restrict Field of View as much to the naked eye as under NVGs.

The Garud Op - it was a Joint Pre Mission Brief. Multiple units present including Garud. My observation isnt about SOF or not. A mission brief that allows Non Secure Coms in is pretty criminal in the 21ist centuary given the level of HUMINT and ELINT (hacks/ etc) the OPFOR employs against us.

The one Glaring "physcology" coming out through the pages was that of Revenge. Now that may most likely be could be the liberty of the writer but IMO in "REVENGE" emotion has no place within ELITE SOF units. There job is to get the job done. Celebration, mourning etc etc is all for after

Like you said ALOT has to be done.

And in today's information age where the size volume of reading material/ research papers / Joint Excercises etc are not leveraged to DO Something. it would be criminal.


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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IMO Actually New Gen NVGs would have worked fine for the Major Sharma op. There was plenty of ambient light being daylight hours. its not literally pitch black. Density of Foliage would restrict Field of View as much to the naked eye as under NVGs.

The Garud Op - it was a Joint Pre Mission Brief. Multiple units present including Garud. My observation isnt about SOF or not. A mission brief that allows Non Secure Coms in is pretty criminal in the 21ist centuary given the level of HUMINT and ELINT (hacks/ etc) the OPFOR employs against us.

The one Glaring "physcology" coming out through the pages was that of Revenge. Now that may most likely be could be the liberty of the writer but IMO in "REVENGE" emotion has no place within ELITE SOF units. There job is to get the job done. Celebration, mourning etc etc is all for after

Like you said ALOT has to be done.

And in today's information age where the size volume of reading material/ research papers / Joint Excercises etc are not leveraged to DO Something. it would be criminal.
The thing is if you suck out everything of your NVG during day what will you do at night and remember the Para team was deployed for multiple days.

Rumours have it that some members of the terrorists were ex SSG.. plus they were deployed at a height. These things happen.

Garud i believe should be conducting some under cover ops and physcological warfare..or loc raids. these cordon 1 .. cordon 2.. RL kaboom ops are better for RR. RR gets these things done with less kills.. and they are effective.


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2014
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The thing is if you suck out everything of your NVG during day what will you do at night and remember the Para team was deployed for multiple days.

Rumours have it that some members of the terrorists were ex SSG.. plus they were deployed at a height. These things happen.

Garud i believe should be conducting some under cover ops and physcological warfare..or loc raids. these cordon 1 .. cordon 2.. RL kaboom ops are better for RR. RR gets these things done with less kills.. and they are effective.
Well running out of batteries on NVGs is one thing (extra batteries?!). Not having them at hand is another thing.

Having crappy outdated Generation NVGs is a WHOLE another thing.

but fair point
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