Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Section Moderator
Sep 15, 2009
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That probably because unlike the other countries you mentioned, naxals use villagers are human shield, sometimes 1:5 ratio. And they travel and camp in groups of 100.

They can’t shoot , even if they come across a naxal camp in the jungle.

Minimum patrol team has to be 15-20, to make counter a naxal group of 100.

Hence the waiting game, to take care of naxal when they are not using villagers/tribals as human shields.
Where did u get the info that they travel in the number of 100 or so? Maoidts or no other guerilla faction does that as it will make them sitting ducks as such a mass movement is eady to catch.
The isstances which u say that they had men in huge nunbers where well planned ambushes where they had exact knowledge of our patrol routes timings and strengths thanks to movement of men in numbers of dozens.
One more thing which i missed, LRRPs are not for area dominance they are almost Special forces for taking out vulnerable enemies and to act as forward observors and scouts and to recce


Regular Member
Dec 15, 2019
Where did u get the info that they travel in the number of 100 or so? Maoidts or no other guerilla faction does that as it will make them sitting ducks as such a mass movement is eady to catch.
The isstances which u say that they had men in huge nunbers where well planned ambushes where they had exact knowledge of our patrol routes timings and strengths thanks to movement of men in numbers of dozens.
One more thing which i missed, LRRPs are not for area dominance they are almost Special forces for taking out vulnerable enemies and to act as forward observors and scouts and to recce
Why dont we use armed drones and attack helicopters to kill those bloody naxals.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Where did u get the info that they travel in the number of 100 or so? Maoidts or no other guerilla faction does that as it will make them sitting ducks as such a mass movement is eady to catch.
The isstances which u say that they had men in huge nunbers where well planned ambushes where they had exact knowledge of our patrol routes timings and strengths thanks to movement of men in numbers of dozens.
One more thing which i missed, LRRPs are not for area dominance they are almost Special forces for taking out vulnerable enemies and to act as forward observors and scouts and to recce
First hand info from my relatives who used to live in villages of naxal dominated areas during their peak in 90’s and early 2000’s before Chidambaram & Chandra babu Naidu crushed them.

They used to come and eat at night, people were supposed to leave food items for them to cook. At any point in time only 10% of the group would eat, rest would guard on rotation entire night.

At a theoretical stand point, I agree with you. But somehow our chaps didn’t go the LRRP path. there must be some valid reasons like :

1) cross state jurisdiction
2) recruitment of tribals into security forces started after the peak naxal activity has subsided
3) naxals knew the jungles better than forces initially


Regular Member
Dec 15, 2019
They are the original inhabitants of the land. in an ironic way they still practice some of the most early vedic way of life. You (we) are the invaders and colonizers. Cause and effect.
We are superior to them in every aspect in looks and most important in brain.


Regular Member
Dec 23, 2016
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All the tribal people are ugly, backward and worth piece of shit. They should be nuked.
FCK off u idiot what kind of mentality u have, mentality retarded human piece of shit, they are also our citizens judging peoples worthiness based on fair skin go and die ur self u piece of shit they also my citizens if they don't do anything wrong and law obeying citizens each one of us have the responsibility to help them and protect them its under of constitution so FCK off u bloody idiot


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Dec 23, 2016
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Tribal people are sub humans they look like shit with brain on the foot.
Any admins or mods plz ban this wannabe white mother we don't need ppl like him Here we have enough porki supporter's commies and urban nexals in forum we don't need new kind of neo Nazis here plz consider this as request and ban this idiot who Dont understand our nations strength lies in it's diversity

PS: sorry for derailing thread for little bit but these kind of members altitude must be addressed here am gald to accept any kind of disciplinary action's for my doing


Section Moderator
Sep 15, 2009
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Tribal people are sub humans they look like shit with brain on the foot.
WTF you said? I hope that was just some kind of satire agaisnt the use of excessive force agaisnt them by state. Otherwise you have some serious issues man. Being left or right is Ok, but these kinda attitude is pure racist and sick.


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Sep 28, 2019
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Can PARA(SF) be considered a proper FID force ? How is PARA(SF) different from US Army Green Berets in this regard ?

aditya g

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
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What 9 and 10 had done between 71 and blue star? Any idea @rkhanna @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @abingdonboy.
I assume they were involved in NE ops, but not much is available in public domain.
I read this question and responses again.... I think its a very interesting question from history point of view.

There was approx 3 decades of "peace" between 1971 and 1999. Say approx 15 year from 1971 - Bluestar and another 15 years to Kargil

However, there were a lot of major operations in the meantime for Indian Army and surely Indian SF. I think its worthwhile trying to list these out (all as per open source).

Between 1971 and Blue Star

Naga Insurgency
Ops at LoC
Naxal Insurgency (Army involvement minimal or unknown)

Between Blue Star and Kargil War

Operation Ashwamedh
Operation Black Thunder
Operation Black Thunder II
Operation Meghdhoot
Operation Cactus
Operation Golden Bird
Operation Rakshak I (Punjab)
Operation Mouse Trap (Punjab)
Operation Rakshak II (Kashmir)
Operation Pawan
Operation Trident
Operation Brasstacks​

Just going by the above list, 71 - 84 was probably the most peaceful time in our history. I suppose we were still bathing in the glow of success from 1971


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Almost whole muslim morld is against us for being non Muslims. We are getting threatened of consequences if we dont take actions against the riots.

So very few countries are there to support us in the muslim world and we cannot mess with those.

If we didnt do this someone else would.This is not a perfect world.
Totally understandable sir.
Not putting myself on a higher than thou pedestal, just thinking out loud.

We are superior to them in every aspect in looks and most important in brain.
Live on their diet and I'll see how well you develop. Man, stfu with your racism. Take it elsewhere. You're beginning to sound like the retarded cousin shaggers
Ugly tribal monkey spotted. Hahahahahaha.
Ah, but you see, you're the ugly one here.

Dravidians are the ones handling the Indian Silicon valley while Punjab is drowning in drugs.
Everyone has their weaknesses. Except nut sized brain fucks like you.

Biwi bhaag gayi thi kya kisi Tribal ke saath teri?
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