Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Dec 10, 2016
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The same sentiment our SF held for the Tamil Tigers ;) The Lankans are tough as nails. I wouldnt pick a fight with them in their own back yard.
Ya thatswhy its impressive that Para SF towards the end was dominating and winning and was the only feared force in SL.

If they continued to be there i think we would have finished LTTE in early 90s.


Section Moderator
Sep 15, 2009
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Ya thatswhy its impressive that Para SF towards the end was dominating and winning and was the only feared force in SL.

If they continued to be there i think we would have finished LTTE in early 90s.
Initially that was not the case. One of our business associates dad was part of 9 para . When they first went there they were still feeding SLRs and Sterlings. First Aks they got were captured ones and only later Hungarian and Bulgarian and East German Aks were bought.This was the case with the whole army.
Though SFs were doing very well dont think tge regular infantry units were doing the same as most were not much acquainted with CT ops. Also dont think that we had sufficient numbers on the ground enough to annihilate the entire Tigers as Lankans had done in 2009.


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Dec 10, 2016
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UK Court Says Indian Special Forces Helped Dubai Ruler Abduct His Daughter on High Seas

Operation by Indian special forces

They noticed another boat shadowing them on the sixth day and also noticed that an Indian coast guard spotter plane made regular flights over the boat.

Referring to Jauhiainen’s account, Judge McFarlane said that when the boat was 30 miles off Goa in international waters on March 4, it was boarded “by a substantial number of Indian special forces”.

“Smoke grenades or gas, together with gunshots soon led to the crew and passengers being subdued. TJ (Tinna Jauhiainen) describes being totally terrified and ‘frightened to death’. At one stage, after TJ had been dragged to the deck with her hands tied behind her back, she saw Latifa lying face down on the floor with her hands similarly bound. TJ says that the Indian servicemen kept shouting ‘who is Latifa’ over and over again. After some time an Arabic man was brought onboard who identified Latifa.”

During this time, Latifa was shouting that she was seeking asylum and that the operation by Indian forces was in violation of international law.

Marcos in action


Regular Member
Sep 28, 2019
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Can you copy the links to these articles?

SAS joins Kashmir hunt for bin Laden

By Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent

12:01 AM GMT, 23 Feb 2002.

THE SAS is hunting for Osama bin Laden in the Indian state of Kashmir after intelligence reports stated that he had sought the protection of an extremist Islamic group.

The SAS soldiers involved are part of a joint 40-man operation with Delta Force, the US equivalent of the SAS.

The decision to send in British Special Forces followed the Prime Minister's visit to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan last month.

Mr Blair's trip, made amid fears of a nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, was followed almost immediately by a visit to both countries by Colin Powell, US secretary of state.

At about that time, Indian intelligence told the CIA that they believed bin Laden was hiding in the Himalayan mountains in Kashmir, protected by the Islamic guerrilla group Harkat-ul-Mujahideen.

The group, whose sphere of operations sprawls across Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, is believed to have smuggled him into one of many remote areas that are nearly impossible for the Indian army to police.

Harkat-ul-Mujahideen is the latest incarnation of a militant Islamist group which is extremely closely linked to al-Qa'eda and has kidnapped a number of westerners, including two Britons who are still missing.

The hunt is employing a range of high-tech devices. A spy satellite above the Indian Ocean operated jointly by American and British signals intelligence is being used to monitor any communications between bin Laden and other members of al-Qa'eda.

Other satellites capable of using infra-red imaging to detect the movement of humans in the snow of the remote Himalayan passes are also looking for the terrorist leader.

A senior defence source who recently returned from the region said the SAS troopers were "acting in an advisory role" for Indian Army special forces.

Amid fears that any military intervention might ignite the border conflict between India and Pakistan, the SAS has been given strict orders to stay clear of any firefights and merely collect intelligence.

But Pakistan's announcement this week that members of its Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) had been ordered to disband its section aiding Kamiri separatist groups including Harkat-ul-Mujahideen appears to indicate that it has been informed of the SAS-Delta Force operation of the war" to pinpoint any activity by members of the separatist group.operationjole area is ultra sensitive," he said. "But bin Laden has a history here with some of the terror groups and he may have regarded it as a safe haven.

"He knows we are not going to start bombing the area or sending in the marines, but there are lots of other things we can do and if he is alive he is definitely not safe."

Bin Laden has not been seen since shortly before US and British Special Forces entered the Tora Bora complex in Afghanistan in November.

The source refused to comment on what would happen if they managed to find bin Laden in Kashmir.

But he added that the Indian Army was "as keen as the rest of the world" to see the al-Qa'eda leader dead.

Many of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen's fighters trained in the Afghanistan terror camps. It recruits young Muslims from Pakistan and Britain and has received significant financial support from bin Laden and the ISI.

The group was originally called Harkat-ul-Ansar (Movement of the Volunteers) and was sponsored by America in the 1980s to fight against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. It later turned its attention to the Kashmir issue.

It was declared an international terrorist organisation by the US in 1987 and subsequently merged with an existing group, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Movement of the Religious Fighters).

As Harkat-ul-Ansar, it was responsible for the kidnapping of two Britons in 1995 - Paul Wells, 23, from Blackburn, and Keith Mangan, 33, from Middlesbrough - two Americans, a Norwegian and a German.

One of the Americans escaped. The Norwegian was found beheaded. Nothing is known of what happened to the others.

The kidnappers were demanding the release of three Kashmiri separatist leaders, one of whom was the British-born Islamic militant Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who is currently held by the Pakistani authorities in connection with the murder of the US journalist Daniel Pearl.


And here's India's denial;


Regular Member
Sep 28, 2019
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Can you copy the links to these articles?

Pentagon commander claiming US special forces are deployed in India;


Here's India's denial;


I suggest you go read the full articles but I'M REPRODUCING HERE THE MOST IMP PART OF THE SECOND ARTICLE;

[ "The Ministry of External Affairs said both countries occasionally conduct short duration special forces exercises in India and the U.S. while the Defence Ministry asserted that neither has the U.S. sought nor had India approved stationing of U.S. special forces in “any capacity'' in India.

That left the question open whether a component of Pentagon's special forces, who conduct operations of hazardous nature such as snatches, sabotage behind enemy lines or liquidation, were secretly stationed in the embassy or one of the consulates – as they do in neighbouring Pakistan and Afghanistan – to track, kill or assist in killing militants. Officials when asked were not willing to hazard a guess on that.

Testimonies before the U.S. Congressional panels, as is the case with depositions before Standing Committees of Parliament here, are sacrosanct and an official may lie at the peril of his job and liberty. Admiral Willard heads the Pacom whose area of “responsibility'' begins from the eastern edge of Asia and end on India's western borders. ]

Now it's a very, very serious thing IF true. We are not some banana republic and Americans are better made to realise that.


Section Moderator
Sep 15, 2009
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Despite dozens of ambushes against CRPF by maoists which had got 20+ casualties many times, why CRpF is not going to introduce the concept of 5/6 man Long range Recon Patrol instead of much bigger sized Cobras.
LRRPs had been found great success in Vietnam, South America and also very recently in Lanka


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Despite dozens of ambushes against CRPF by maoists which had got 20+ casualties many times, why CRpF is not going to introduce the concept of 5/6 man Long range Recon Patrol instead of much bigger sized Cobras.
LRRPs had been found great success in Vietnam, South America and also very recently in Lanka
When naxal scum attack they bring volume in firepower. We need to match up. Unless we have A 29 Super Tucan style CAS, LRRP is futile.


Section Moderator
Sep 15, 2009
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When naxal scum attack they bring volume in firepower. We need to match up. Unless we have A 29 Super Tucan style CAS, LRRP is futile.
Its the other way around. They bring in hge numbers because they gets the prior info that we are sending a whole company and they gets enough time. To muster 300-500 men in arms.
LRRP is made around the concept of fighting guerillas the guerilla way. Maoists are not camped in massive numbers but section strength or so unless thats their Hq. LRRPs are there to take out enemy patrols and also HVTs.
In Vietnam LRRPs were inducted when conventional army units who sends company or battallion strength US armies were pinned down by guerillas.
LRRPs changed the whole scenario. Their kill ratio was as high as 1:400.LRRPs alone killed some 10000 NVA and Vietkong through out the war.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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UK Court Says Indian Special Forces Helped Dubai Ruler Abduct His Daughter on High Seas

Marcos in action
I read a lil bit about it.

The humanist in me was a bit depressed but it gave some reassurance to the nationalist in me.
Our guys are ruthless. They will follow orders, personal leanings and morals be damned.

At least that's what it felt like reading the account of the guy who was onboard with the princess. They beat him up pretty bad.
The princess who was abducted is missing ever since she was handed over to her family. Weird. I love our military but shudder at the thought that our guys were instrumental in damning an innocent to a life of subjugation and torture by the arabs...


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2014
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The best among the whole Sri lankan SFs
Its amazing the the Lankans have been able to stand up and operationalize a "Tier 1" asset when we still dont have one. SG is the only close thing we have and that is more SAD than JSOC. Hopefully SOD makes its way there.

It seems the army has finally given him, his deserving promotion after messing with him so much....hopefully the news is true.

View attachment 44048
Make him operating CO of the SOD IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Initially that was not the case. One of our business associates dad was part of 9 para . When they first went there they were still feeding SLRs and Sterlings. First Aks they got were captured ones and only later Hungarian and Bulgarian and East German Aks were bought.This was the case with the whole army.
Though SFs were doing very well dont think tge regular infantry units were doing the same as most were not much acquainted with CT ops. Also dont think that we had sufficient numbers on the ground enough to annihilate the entire Tigers as Lankans had done in 2009.
Our experience in Lanka had a myraid of issues - We deployed Gurkha's and Sikh Light Infantry in a hot/humid Jungle - Those boys really struggled to adapt to the conditions. The Lack of Build up training and orientation before deployment was a glarying mistake.

The SF also had a 1st gen NVGs with them in Lanka which Gave them a significant edge in the jungle. They were also given a huge amount of freedom to cultivate their own HUMINT assets. They also had moving FOBs that they would set up deep in the jungles and operate out of there. While they were feared by the Lankan's it was long hard climb for them as well. Man some of the stories of the Jungle Ambushes they went through and the manner in which they used to be overcome are mind boggling. My mum's elder cousin was 9ParaCdo and served in Lanka.

When naxal scum attack they bring volume in firepower. We need to match up. Unless we have A 29 Super Tucan style CAS, LRRP is futile.
LCH's and Rudra's can provide top Cover. Air Power in domestic COIN Ops is a no-no for the military (and for good reason in many cases) - The issue with the Naxals is not just the OpFor - the entire system - Police, AR, CRPF, Politicans, Bureacrats are all mixed in there with the drug and weapon smugglers etc - its a far more overarching battle which will never get addressed as there is too much money to be made by all parties involved. (Just like Kashmir)

The humanist in me was a bit depressed but it gave some reassurance to the nationalist in me.
Our guys are ruthless. They will follow orders, personal leanings and morals be damned.

At least that's what it felt like reading the account of the guy who was onboard with the princess. They beat him up pretty bad.
The princess who was abducted is missing ever since she was handed over to her family. Weird. I love our military but shudder at the thought that our guys were instrumental in damning an innocent to a life of subjugation and torture by the arabs...
If having Humanism as the only filter to all things means being liberal please be so.

The Marcos op was a political price that Modi Paid to the UAE. for what i dont really know. Was it worth it god knows. But none the less it isnt something to be prideful off. It was high sea interdiction of a civilian yatch. VBSS could have done it.


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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I read a lil bit about it.

The humanist in me was a bit depressed but it gave some reassurance to the nationalist in me.
Our guys are ruthless. They will follow orders, personal leanings and morals be damned.

At least that's what it felt like reading the account of the guy who was onboard with the princess. They beat him up pretty bad.
The princess who was abducted is missing ever since she was handed over to her family. Weird. I love our military but shudder at the thought that our guys were instrumental in damning an innocent to a life of subjugation and torture by the arabs...
Almost whole muslim morld is against us for being non Muslims. We are getting threatened of consequences if we dont take actions against the riots.

So very few countries are there to support us in the muslim world and we cannot mess with those.

If we didnt do this someone else would.This is not a perfect world.


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Its amazing the the Lankans have been able to stand up and operationalize a "Tier 1" asset when we still dont have one. SG is the only close thing we have and that is more SAD than JSOC. Hopefully SOD makes its way there.

Make him operating CO of the SOD IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Our experience in Lanka had a myraid of issues - We deployed Gurkha's and Sikh Light Infantry in a hot/humid Jungle - Those boys really struggled to adapt to the conditions. The Lack of Build up training and orientation before deployment was a glarying mistake.

The SF also had a 1st gen NVGs with them in Lanka which Gave them a significant edge in the jungle. They were also given a huge amount of freedom to cultivate their own HUMINT assets. They also had moving FOBs that they would set up deep in the jungles and operate out of there. While they were feared by the Lankan's it was long hard climb for them as well. Man some of the stories of the Jungle Ambushes they went through and the manner in which they used to be overcome are mind boggling. My mum's elder cousin was 9ParaCdo and served in Lanka.

LCH's and Rudra's can provide top Cover. Air Power in domestic COIN Ops is a no-no for the military (and for good reason in many cases) - The issue with the Naxals is not just the OpFor - the entire system - Police, AR, CRPF, Politicans, Bureacrats are all mixed in there with the drug and weapon smugglers etc - its a far more overarching battle which will never get addressed as there is too much money to be made by all parties involved. (Just like Kashmir)

If having Humanism as the only filter to all things means being liberal please be so.

The Marcos op was a political price that Modi Paid to the UAE. for what i dont really know. Was it worth it god knows. But none the less it isnt something to be prideful off. It was high sea interdiction of a civilian yatch. VBSS could have done it.
No it was marcos..They had Tavors.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Despite dozens of ambushes against CRPF by maoists which had got 20+ casualties many times, why CRpF is not going to introduce the concept of 5/6 man Long range Recon Patrol instead of much bigger sized Cobras.
LRRPs had been found great success in Vietnam, South America and also very recently in Lanka
That probably because unlike the other countries you mentioned, naxals use villagers are human shield, sometimes 1:5 ratio. And they travel and camp in groups of 100.

They can’t shoot , even if they come across a naxal camp in the jungle.

Minimum patrol team has to be 15-20, to make counter a naxal group of 100.

Hence the waiting game, to take care of naxal when they are not using villagers/tribals as human shields.
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