Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 13, 2010
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NSG Raising Day
True kudos to NSG. They were badly exposed in 26/11 but they accepted that and went back to the drawing board and have come out as an entirely different force in the process.

And this isn’t just about their new kit which is always rolling in even to this day, but their tactics have changed, they’ve drawn up entirely new deployment plans and contingencies, they train like they fight and they have done the hard and unglamorous work such as creating digital blueprints of strategic locations and uploading this to a central database for their use, they conduct security audits and weekly global security reviews of emerging threats.

special forces aren’t special becuase they have the toughest guys, they are special because they pay close attention to DETAILS and they have a plan for everything. This is what Western SF learnt a long time ago and what NSG has now also. It’s a mindset issue.

No doubt in my mind no military SF has this mindset, look at them above. Swaggering around in their berets and showing off their non-existent skills. Those Garuds that are posing (that’s all they are doing let’s be honest) at AF day don’t even have spare mags for their sidearms! Complete amateurs.

Strange place to keep the would be hard to take it out from there in close combat.

I have always like the Spetsnaz ballistic dagger.

I wish our guys had it.
Daggers aren’t always for combat, I’d assume these could also be for cutting lines when they are repelling and encounter an issue and this is this a good place for the dagger to be. it’s doubtful they consider daggers to be one of their primary weapons anymore.

What is that fancy thing in the last pic?
TCV- total containment vessel. Used to deposit and dispose of bombs and suspicious items.


Seriously? Aim for the chest and before these guys have even hit the floor you can have turned and aimed at the COAS.

Any competent attacker would chew threw these guys without even a fight. Not only is is a gross misuse of resources to have SF deployed as bodyguards for the COAS but they aren’t even competent at their job! Army just thinks you give a guy a Tavor and he’s now superman??


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Sep 13, 2010
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IWI GALATZ ..........
utterly laughable to call these guys “snipers”

The Galil’s maximum effective range is, what, 500-650m?

The longest sniper kills in history are at >3500m

Galil/Galataz is a designated marksmen rifle, it’s embarrassing that the Army’s most elite “snipers” consider these sniper rifles.

the average sniper in any Modern army’s infantry platoons could hit a target out at >2500m, a capability that India’s most “elite” (military) units don’t even have


Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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utterly laughable to call these guys “snipers”

The Galil’s maximum effective range is, what, 500-650m?

The longest sniper kills in history are at >3500m

Galil/Galataz is a designated marksmen rifle, it’s embarrassing that the Army’s most elite “snipers” consider these sniper rifles.

the average sniper in any Modern army’s infantry platoons could hit a target out at >2500m, a capability that India’s most “elite” (military) units don’t even have
Bro huh they are special forces they have most elite sniper rifle. (available)
Rest of the troops have this beast. Great rifle created by OFB.:pound::pound:



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Sep 13, 2010
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Bro huh they are special forces they have most elite sniper rifle. (available)
Rest of the troops have this beast. Great rifle created by OFB.:pound::pound:
Bro you laugh but that OFB rifle isn’t too bad actually. It’s very accurate from what I hear, the wooden construction is customer preference (god knows why) and OFB are working to increase its range to 800-1000m.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Bro you laugh but that OFB rifle isn’t too bad actually. It’s very accurate from what I hear, the wooden construction is customer preference (god knows why) and OFB are working to increase its range to 800-1000m.
If this rifle was good enough why army is getting videshi rifle.
This rifle looks like it's from WW2.
SSS defence rifle is dope.

And this fuckin junk weight 25 KG without scope with scope at least 27 kg? Fuck
AMW weights just 6.5kg.


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Sep 13, 2010
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If this rifle was good enough why army is getting videshi rifle.
This rifle looks like it's from WW2.
SSS defence rifle is dope.

And this fuckin junk weight 25 KG without scope with scope at least 27 kg? Fuck
AMW weights just 6.5kg.
Like I said users specified wood not polymer which adds a huge amount to the weight

Can’t deny those SSS things are beautiful and should be ordered ASAP in large quantities, starting with SFs.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010


Fiber may be more fragile compare to wood ?

If this rifle was good enough why army is getting videshi rifle.
This rifle looks like it's from WW2.
SSS defence rifle is dope.

And this fuckin junk weight 25 KG without scope with scope at least 27 kg? Fuck
AMW weights just 6.5kg.
Why the army asked for wooden one??????? :facepalm::facepalm:


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Jan 10, 2016
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If we are talking about Indian sniper rifle made design by OFB, It was originally in fiber body and latter change to wood as per requirement set by Indian Army.

These are not the same rifle though. The one above is a Lee Enfield/SMLE-based action, the new one (wooden stock) seems to have more in common with SSG 3000...looking at the bolt:


It is true however that Army requested wooden furniture for the OFB rifle at unfounded decision as evidenced by the fact they no longer want it.

Fiber may be more fragile compare to wood ?
I suppose only if made of extremely poor quality plastics instead of a proper polymer.

Plus you have to deal with warping issues.

There isn't a single major sniper rifle manufacturer in the world who markets wooden-stocked precision rifles meant for military service (hunting rifles are different thing) today. Those are passe for a reason.

My guess is, Army may have requested wood based on previous experience with poor quality polymers from OFB, however, perhaps after one of the foreign dealers gave gyan about why everyone uses polymer nowadays, Army changed its mind.

Good thing is, after inducting the Victrix Scorpio and hopefully after evaluating the SSS rifles, Army won't take a second look at the OFB crap. Problem with OFB is that they won't do anything unless Army specifies it first...and Army procurers themselves don't stay well-informed most of the time so its a vicious circle.

What Army needs frankly is a Pvt company unperturbed by poorly structured Army GSQRs, and simply manufacturers equipment out of entrepreneurship based on prevailing global standards and modern tech, and then offers them to Army. Foreign rifle makers don't give two hoots about IA GSQR but we buy them anyway because they are good.


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Jan 11, 2014
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The Galil’s maximum effective range is, what, 500-650m?
The DMR version can go upto 800m effective range.

The longest sniper kills in history are at >3500m
Thats just the one made by a JTF2 operator in Iraq. Extreme desert heat and rarefied atmosphere will provide conditions that allow for an extension of the maximum range, and even then, it would've been from a .50 BMG calibre.

Most sniper engagements are more to the tune of around 1.5 - 1.8 km. That's where the preferred sniper cartridge of today, .338 Lapua Magnum, excels.

the average sniper in any Modern army’s infantry platoons could hit a target out at >2500m, a capability that India’s most “elite” (military) units don’t even have
Not really. Infantry platoon snipers are equipped with either 7.62x51mm NATO, or .338 Lapua at best. And there's not much chance that it is going beyond 1800mtrs at sea level atmospheric parameters.

Both the second (Craig Harrison) and third (Rob Furlong) longest sniper kills were made in Afghanistan with .338 Lapua, where again, one has to account for the thinner air and possible altitude advantage the snipers would've had while firing down at the targets.

it’s embarrassing that the Army’s most elite “snipers” consider these sniper rifles
Like I have said here on this thread again and again, the boots on the ground are not to be blamed for what they have or dont have. Its more to do with the powers-that-be in charge of procuring new and up to date equipment.

That being said, now new equipment is finding its way to the SF slowly. The Victrix Scorpio is the most recent such example. Possibly NSG can show the way in this regard. They have equipment and tactics most contemporary to other top notch CT/HRT units in the world.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Bro, daggers are not primary but secondary weapons but used primarily for sentry silencing since we dont know(army) that we can use silencers on our guns.

Hence, daggers need to be at a more better position to take it out quickly coz we also dont know(army) that pistols are a good secondary weapon.
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