Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Apr 18, 2014
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Moronic or what?

then some wonder why Indian SF casualty rate is so disturbingly high.

armed forces swallow up >$50bn USD/year (including pensions), almost half of this to the army and this is the product? Meanwhile ISRO’s entire budget is less than $2bn annually and they are truly world class- would never use that term to describe Indian military. Every major city in India could be linked with HSR within 10 years if armed forces were disbanded and not 1 penny would be needed from abroad to finance it (JICA loan is paying for MUM-AHD HSR).

The more I see, the more I see there’s a deep underlying sickness present inside Indian mil, colonial era mindset hasn’t been shed. The “leadership” still practicing what they were taught 100++ years ago from their British masters. They speak with upper class accents and know how to hold cutlery and glasses appropriately when they come out of OTA and IMA but they haven’t got a single clue how to fight in the 21st century.

They then get duped by Russians selling their outdated junk or think they can dupe the taxpayers with how inefficiently they are spending their budgets.

It’s been fine until now when India’s main threat has come from Pakis and their jihadi proxies with AKs and IEDs but when India’s armed forces get into a real conflict with, say, the Chinese military that ARE modernising and that ARE aware of their weaknesses and quickly filling them all those good for nothing “commando” drills and pathetic warfighting capabilities are going to exposed and exposed badly. Then let’s see how high the Josh will be.

@Gessler post that video where TONBO CEO is accurately calling out and humiliating IA leadership for how backwards they are.
Its true. We don't usually question military generals in India because they are kept on a pedestal which they do deserve. But we have to also understand the fact that the ground soldier cannot pay by their life for the incompentencies of top leadership. They have become comfortable in breaking breads inside their Lutyen bungalows.
I think Modi govt has started a good precedent by ignoring seniority in promotions. But a lot needs to be done. A "purge" is necessary.


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Mar 31, 2015
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If only Para SF had plate carriers and better helmets back in the 90s.... all those cross-border missions carried out by the likes of colonel sangram singh would have actually been possible
You hit the nail on the head. They jhatkaed thousands of abduls in the 90s with not much beyond Vz.58s and pathan suits.

The growth of the Para SF and their subsequent focus solely on COIN in the valley and NE has led to a steady erosion of true commando expertise. There needs to be a focus back on real SF tasks. COIN is better left to others


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Jul 9, 2019
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I don't know if this has been posted before.

Basically the higher officer corps are not taught about procurement at all, something which western powers have dedicated entire institutions to.

That is problem number 1, this is problem number 2-

"Top private sector companies that have ventured into defence sector and have invested heavily, have written to the government in the past four years, pointing out unfair advantages being given to the DPSUs. They have protested against nomination state-owned undertakings for large defence contracts."

Watch from 4:48

Where did they procure that sight from? i'm sure i've seen it on a few rifles and was confused as to what it was.
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Sep 15, 2009
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@rkhanna @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR any idea how different are the training regimes of Para SF and airborne as compared to SFF.
Is SFF cross trained with any other Indian or Foreign SF? Compared with Para SF, how much capabilities they posess in terms of equipment and war fighting.


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Sep 15, 2014
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The SFF is very similar in many ways to the Parachute Regiment. The difference in their training being on 3 fronts

1. Trained to work behind enemy lines without logistical support for extended periods
2. Mountain warfare specialists.
3. Work with / Raise tibetian Insurgency

Like the Para's the SFF primarily works in larger unit maneuvers (Company + level) while they can execute Small unit missions well it wont be their bread and butter.

They are a Commando Unit and would be comparable to our own Paras, Brit Paras, US Army Rangers, Aussie 2nd Cdo Regmt etc


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Dec 10, 2016
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You hit the nail on the head. They jhatkaed thousands of abduls in the 90s with not much beyond Vz.58s and pathan suits.

The growth of the Para SF and their subsequent focus solely on COIN in the valley and NE has led to a steady erosion of true commando expertise. There needs to be a focus back on real SF tasks. COIN is better left to others
So..most of you wont know this but in the 90s Kashmir was very similar to Afghanistan.

Terrorist camps were not across the LOC but inside Kashmir. A town near Srinagar was called Islamabad openly even by own troops sometimes.

I dont have any relatives in the Para SF...but i have seen them operate in Kashmir... a bunch of indisciplined looking soldiers sitting in their open jongas smiling and going towards the area of operation.

I have no one in the Para to be biased about but they are beyond comparision to Garud or Marcos.

I dont know about Sam Manekshaws quote about Gurkhas but the only soldiers i have seen smiling with incoming fire are Paras.(laughing would be a better word)

P.S-I had the fortune of getting stuck in three suicide attacks in 90s and 2000s.


New Member
Oct 10, 2014
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You hit the nail on the head. They jhatkaed thousands of abduls in the 90s with not much beyond Vz.58s and pathan suits.

The growth of the Para SF and their subsequent focus solely on COIN in the valley and NE has led to a steady erosion of true commando expertise. There needs to be a focus back on real SF tasks. COIN is better left to others
Before the LoC was fenced, it was an open border where infiltrations happened everyday with much better fighters than today's lot, coming from places like Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, etc. Para SF smoked every single Abdul coming from Porkistan. Compare that to the track record of NATO in Afghanistan.... its abysmal. Despite the latest weapons and gadgets, they are going back home without achieving anything
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