Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 15, 2014
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Looks like Shahrukh Khan's production company is making a Movie on Operation Khukri.


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Jul 9, 2014
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In SFF there is a gorkha unit.They like to call themselves "para gorkha" for the obvious reasons,however no official designation.

SFF do have have their amphibious expert combat divers ,they even cross train with the MARCOS.
A single soldier guard..small gate and the boundary walls is a joke.
This why army camps get hit every time.


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Aug 12, 2015
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A single soldier guard..small gate and the boundary walls is a joke.
This why army camps get hit every time.
@tharun , what you are crying for is valid. But do remember that to avert any attack on base, what is needed is strong ground intelligence. How do you think the Pathankot incident happen? Was it guarded by a single gaurd? Was there no high walls around the base? Was there no gaurd towers with sentry positioned around it?

No matter how hard you try to build up your perimeter defence it would get breached if you don't have adequate ground intelligence. Have you ever heard of such attack in NE part of India?

Ground intelligence plays a major role in averting such attack apart from the modus operandi of the group. With Jehadis, you are bound to get hit. If not they would ram a explosive laden car at any part of your defence and would infiltrate through that. So along with high rise walls and barbed wire, you need a strong intelligence to avert such attacks. So before crying about the outer fence, try to get hold of the ground fact.


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May 16, 2011
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Wow, that's quite a confidence building post....

Bless you.....
You're welcome, I don't like divulging much details but I am quite tired of people who keep insulting the forces when it's not needed. Our forces are top notch, sure there is always a lot of room for improvement on many fronts and I am strong advocate for many changes.


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Dec 16, 2013
You're welcome, I don't like divulging much details but I am quite tired of people who keep insulting the forces when it's not needed. Our forces are top notch, sure there is always a lot of room for improvement on many fronts and I am strong advocate for many changes.
Since you have got sources at highest level,I would request you to source photos of the new OFB 7.62x51mm assault rifle which is undergoing trials right now.As well as can you tell us what is going on with the assault rifle and carbine procurement of Indian army?


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Dec 25, 2016
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The time is ripe to mint money as the nation is fully in the grip of nationalism and they don t want to make another Don movie glorifying a thug as robinhood ..instead make a movie about Jai jawan and simply tide through the wave s ..

Our indian version of Ridley scott s Black hawk down ..Lets see how well they capture the operation ..We need movie s like this which shows our forces operations beyond our borders

Looks like Shahrukh Khan's production company is making a Movie on Operation Khukri.


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May 16, 2011
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It was also in news that some Pakistani Brigadier ratted OBL out .... he sold the info to yankees ... the name was Brig Kalid is there any shred of truth in it ???
Brig Khalid came into picture much later, as early as 2008 RAW was feeding intel to CIA. CIA was back then still looking around in the mountain ranges of Af/Pak. RAW pointed them to hone in on Islamabad, by 2011 RAW was certain he was within a few km radius of a Paki military establishment. Taking that intel further the CIA strong armed a few in the ISI. Khalid caved into the pressure perhaps, there were others, heck even Mush knew where OBL was. They didn't know he was about to be toasted or made to disappear.


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May 16, 2011
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Since you have got sources at highest level,I would request you to source photos of the new OFB 7.62x51mm assault rifle which is undergoing trials right now.As well as can you tell us what is going on with the assault rifle and carbine procurement of Indian army?
Will try to get some info about this.


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Apr 28, 2017
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Can someone shed some light on Operation Khukri.
I have read bunch of articles but the info wary too much..
Can anyone give me some links about original articles or something?


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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The time is ripe to mint money as the nation is fully in the grip of nationalism and they don t want to make another Don movie glorifying a thug as robinhood ..instead make a movie about Jai jawan and simply tide through the wave s ..

Our indian version of Ridley scott s Black hawk down ..Lets see how well they capture the operation ..We need movie s like this which shows our forces operations beyond our borders
IMO the 4 movies of the Modern Indian army i would like to get made (outside of this)

1. Raid at Jafna University
2. Alpha Group - 9 Para's defense of Aknoor Bridger 1971
3. The Night Heliborne Operation -1971 - Eastern Sector - Battle of Sylhet?
4. The Stand of 13 Kumaon - 1962 - Rezang La


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Can someone shed some light on Operation Khukri.
I have read bunch of articles but the info wary too much..
Can anyone give me some links about original articles or something?
Gives good details

My fav parts:

"The mission was conducted in a classical VUCA environment, in the absence of geographical information, using tourist maps and borrowing equipment from friendly nations. 2 Para (SF) collected valuable intelligence by conducting recce and inserting its commandos for 7 days at a stretch into the camp in disguise, prior to the launch of the operation, to map the area, carryout liaison and collect Intelligence which enabled the planning and execution of what would become one of the most daring commando operation conducted by the Indian Army on foreign soil."

"The move of the IND BATT break out column was secured by the Special Force Commandos both at the Van and the Rear. This ensured that the tired hostages were kept safe from any possible assault from the now active enemy. The IND BATT column thus secured at both ends was now under hot pursuit from the RUF rebels and caught up with the rear of the foot column approximately 5 km south of Kailahun, 2 Para (SF), under the leadership of its second in command, started laying booby traps along the road in the rear to start slowing down the rebel advance. The ensuing fire fight resulted in major losses to the RUF post which they abandoned the chase."

Operation Khukri was not a success simply in tactical terms. It was the worst defeat that the RUF has suffered in recent times, and was a tremendous boost to UNAMSIL morale. The Indian Forces were met with a rapturous welcome, as they marched triumphantly into Daru. The people of Sierra Leone helped build the Khukri War Memorial on the bank of the River Moa


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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I Think we can skip the Jafna university raid which didn't went really well if i am not wrong ...The rest i think is good to be made to show the mango people what the forces do behind the TV screens what they see every day ..

IMO the 4 movies of the Modern Indian army i would like to get made (outside of this)

1. Raid at Jafna University
2. Alpha Group - 9 Para's defense of Aknoor Bridger 1971
3. The Night Heliborne Operation -1971 - Eastern Sector - Battle of Sylhet?
4. The Stand of 13 Kumaon - 1962 - Rezang La


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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I Think we can skip the Jafna university raid which didn't went really well if i am not wrong ...The rest i think is good to be made to show the mango people what the forces do behind the TV screens what they see every day ..
Actually despite the failings, Intel Screwups and Blatant betrayal according to me it was one of our finest moments in Sri Lanka.(on an individual soldiering level) - Not planning and C&C

Those Para and Sikh Soldiers got ambushed. Made a Stand in open ground in the middle of the Stadium, Counter Assaulted and (rumored) even managed to put a bullet in Prabhakaran's leg. The 30 Sikh Soldiers fought till the Last man allowing a surrounded Para team to maneuver and come within reach of accomplishing their mission.

Then the men of 10 Para and 3 T-72s had to fight their way in to rescue whatever men were still alive.

The level of confusion on the ground was mindboggling. The Determination and the courage shown by the soldiers to operate on was Outstanding and is a worthy story to tell.

Anyways thats just my opinion


New Member
Jul 7, 2016
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Can someone shed some light on Operation Khukri.
I have read bunch of articles but the info wary too much..
Can anyone give me some links about original articles or something?
Read the book mission overseas....

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New Member
Jan 30, 2015
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Can someone shed some light on Operation Khukri.
I have read bunch of articles but the info wary too much..
Can anyone give me some links about original articles or something?
Its a classic way of brits...use and never recognize their sacrifice.
That operation was joint operation of Indian and English SF.
But not even single documentry mentioned Indian presence.

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Sep 13, 2010
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Actually despite the failings, Intel Screwups and Blatant betrayal according to me it was one of our finest moments in Sri Lanka.(on an individual soldiering level) - Not planning and C&C

Those Para and Sikh Soldiers got ambushed. Made a Stand in open ground in the middle of the Stadium, Counter Assaulted and (rumored) even managed to put a bullet in Prabhakaran's leg. The 30 Sikh Soldiers fought till the Last man allowing a surrounded Para team to maneuver and come within reach of accomplishing their mission.

Then the men of 10 Para and 3 T-72s had to fight their way in to rescue whatever men were still alive.

The level of confusion on the ground was mindboggling. The Determination and the courage shown by the soldiers to operate on was Outstanding and is a worthy story to tell.

Anyways thats just my opinion
Yup! Not all military operations are a perfect success and it is important to not overlook these operations just because of how they are percieved.

The fighting to the last man alone is something to be highlighted and celebrated, look at the Pakis- surrendering en masse at every opportunity they get. The IA is an altogether different animal and made up of men of steel (thanks to culture and training, not some martial race thinking of course).

Just look at the Black Hawk Down operation, a mess and one of the US's most disasterous single operations but an example of damn fine abilities on an induvidual level and the movie was great at highlighting it despite that fact it has left a scar on the US's thinking.


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Apr 11, 2017
For all those who still "Love" your western SOF

Sources within the Special Operations community have described a situation to SOFREP in which SEAL Team Six operators are routinely high on drugs while conducting highly dangerous direct action missions while deployed abroad. Operators are known to abuse methamphetamine and other uppers on a regular basis during combat operations. The use of cocaine and methamphetamine is also quite common while re-deployed back to the United States. The question remains as to how elite Special Operators who must hold a Top Secret security clearance are allowed to not only remain on the SEAL Teams, but also to retain their security clearance.
That's only the half! During the Capt.Philips rescue off Somalia the Seal Team 6 somehow mislaid 30 K$ meant for the ransom.
It was an unbelievable story, with a new retelling that hits the big screen Friday with Tom Hanks playing Capt. Richard Phillips.

But the official version that unfolded in the Indian Ocean wasn't as tidy as Hollywood's, or the versions in Phillips' own book or in contemporaneous news reports.

In fact, many more than three shots were fired, $30,000 went missing and the integrity of the SEALs was questioned.

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Most of what we think we know is bs based on American advertising,24,The Unit,Covert Affairs etc .etc.
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