Development of a true Universal VLS system is already underway - it was confirmed by the DRDO director himself in official publications. But there is no information regarding:
1) Whether this uses the UVLM external casing, or a new, smaller one. I think it would be the latter due to space constraint issues I mentioned before.
2) Whether the new UVLS will have any provision for quad-packing of still smaller missiles like VL-SRSAM. Common sense (if we follow the established American & Chinese models) dictates that it should - however, don't underestimate our capacity for stupidity either, or our lack of clear planning & foresight.
I'm aware of the source you mention - I myself am a moderator on that forum. As you said, it's only a study and nobody knows what came of it.
The picture however, is only for illustration purposes - it's taken from a 2016 (or earlier) Chinese publication regarding the VLS on their Type-055 DDG, nothing to do with our UVLM:
WeChat ID qqmiljwt Intro 腾讯网军事频道出品。专业军事评论,解码环球军情。 美国“改进型海麻雀”(ESSM)导弹以其50公里的射程和高机动性,成为了美国和西方海军目前最有效的中近距离防空反导武器。加之具有一坑四弹的集束装弹能力,使安装了MK41垂直发射系统的军舰,拥有了其他战舰4倍的载弹量,也就是说要实现32发备弹,诸如红旗-16、紫苑-15这样的…