Indian Naval Aviation


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Mar 21, 2009
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Rare image of the Super Étendard doing a buddy-refueling with Indian Navy's Sea Harrier. The image also includes another snap of the Harrier landing on the Charles de Gaulle. Similarly India can also land their Harriers on their other aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya.

Though Indian Navy's Harrier have been upgraded incorporating Israeli MMR and Derby missiles, they will be retired after IAC-1 becomes operational which will carry MiG-29Ks.

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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Navy wants comprehensive Aviation Management System, calls for consultancy

January 28, 2015: The Indian Navy has announced interest in engaging consultants from India to help create a comprehensive naval aviation management system (NAMS) to handle the entire gamut of air operations. The navy has called for Indian firms to help to prepare a detailed project report and provide consultancy towards the implementation of a Navy-wide Enterprise system called to integrate and manage 'online' aircraft flying operations, maintenance and logistics on a single platform in real time. The NAMS is envisaged to be a real time integrated and hierarchical enterprise system interlinking all naval aviation units, IHQ MoD (Navy), Command headquarters and Headquarters Naval Aviation using the existing secured Navy Enterprise Wide Network (NEWN) for wide area connectivity and LAN/MAN within each geographical area. The new naval aviation units which may be established in future would also be linked to NEWN for accessing NAMS system. The organisations whose functionalities are required to be supported through NAMS broadly include all Naval air stations including their air squadrons, workshops, hangars, air electrical / engineering departments, base support facility etc., aircraft carriers and ship borne flights, naval aircraft yards, aircraft and engine holding units and quality, assurance organisations, headquarters at fleet, command and MoD levels, material organisations and naval liaison units, additional aviation units established in future. The project will be a turnkey one.
Navy wants comprehensive Aviation Management System calls for consultancy - SP’s Exculsive


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
India wants to use state-of-the-art U.S. technology to boost the range and potency of a planned aircraft carrier, defence sources said, a move that would tie their arms programmes closer together and counter China's military influence in the region.

The proposal, referred to only obliquely in a joint statement at the end of President Barack Obama's recent visit to New Delhi, is the clearest signal yet that Washington is ready to help India strengthen its navy.

Ashton Carter, Obama's nominee for defence secretary, said he would take a strong interest in strengthening U.S.-India ties if confirmed, and a "great deal" could be done to expand military and defence technology cooperation.
India eyes U.S. aircraft carrier technology as arms ties deepen | Reuters


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Tucked away in a new defense deal with India was an agreement for the U.S. to aid India in fielding aircraft carriers that China views as a threat.

As part of a Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) signed by President Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, the U.S. agreed to "form a working group to explore aircraft carrier technology sharing and design."

Under the agreement, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said that "we will begin to realize the enormous potential of the U.S.-India defense industrial partnership. We have further strengthened this partnership with an agreement that will allow us to continue science and technology collaboration for the next 15 years."
U.S. to Aid India in Building Aircraft Carriers | DoD Buzz


New Member
Mar 20, 2015
The Navy had recently promoted the aircraft to range its service life by five years in view of the stays in DRDO and HAL coming out with the Naval version of the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
Senior Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Second contract for delivery of MiG-29K/KUB carrier-based fighters to India will be implemented next year

In 2016 Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RAC MiG) will implement the second contract for delivery of 29 carrier-based MiG-29K/KUB fighters to India. RAC MiG hopes that the Indian navy will continue purchasing the jets, Interfax-AVN reports. "The contract for delivery of the carrier-based fighters will be implemented in 2016 (six jets of the type will be delivered to the customer in 2016)," RAC MiG CEO Sergey Korotkov said. According to him, a total of 12 more fighters should be delivered to India under the second contract. "This year we will deliver six jets and six more – in 2016," he said. Speaking of further procurement of Russian MiG-29K/KUB carrier- based fighters by India, Korotkov said: "Yes, we hope to continue our cooperation". According to foreign sources, India is going to establish a new military unit operating carrier- based fighters. "It makes no sense to operate two types of carrier- based aircraft in order to perform the same tasks. That is why we hope to sign a new contract for delivery of MiG-29K/KUB jets," Korotkov explained. It was reported earlier that the first contract for delivery of 16 multi-role carrier-based MiG-29K/KUB fighters to India was signed in January 2004, the second one (for delivery of 29 jets of the type) – in March 2010. MiG-29KUB fighter performed its maiden flight in January 2007. Production jet of the type performed its maiden flight in March 2008. The first fighter of the type was delivered to Indian navy in late 2009.
Second contract for delivery of MiG-29K/KUB carrier-based fighters to India will be implemented next year - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
Senior Member
Oct 3, 2009
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NEW DELHI: India will undertake mid-life upgrade of six Russian- made Kamov 28 anti-submarine warfare helicopters besides overhaul of another four. Of the ten Kamov 28 helicopters that were procured from the erstwhile USSR in the mid-80s, only a few are in flying condition today while the remaining have been mothballed for spares. The Defence Acquisition Council on Saturday cleared the proposal for the upgrade of the helicopters in Russia, defence sources said. Under the mid-life upgrade, the six choppers will get new sensors among others while the rest four will only undergo engine overhauling. The project, to be undertaken by Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Rosoboronexport, is valued at nearly Rs 2,000 crore.
India to Upgrade 10 Kamov Anti-Submarine Warfare Choppers - The New Indian Express


Regular Member
Nov 20, 2013
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Re: ADA LCA Tejas - IV

For the Navy Tejas will probably replace Mig-29K which essentialy means the aircraft is as capable of it say atleast 80%. How is that IAF still says Tejas is not as capable as obslete aircraft that operate..


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Re: ADA LCA Tejas - IV

For the Navy Tejas will probably replace Mig-29K which essentialy means the aircraft is as capable of it say atleast 80%. How is that IAF still says Tejas is not as capable as obslete aircraft that operate..
i too think so,

The Navy will induct Tejas in 2050, and the same Year MiG 29K Starts retiring from Navy


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Re: ADA LCA Tejas - IV

For the Navy Tejas will probably replace Mig-29K which essentialy means the aircraft is as capable of it say atleast 80%. How is that IAF still says Tejas is not as capable as obslete aircraft that operate..
The MK-1 is not suitable for carrier deployment due to low range. The carrier deployment will come with MK-2.
Mig-29K is the only carrier-borne fighter in near future. Mig-29K has a combat radius of 1000km, which is sufficient for most carrier-borne tasks.

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