Indian Air Force: News & Discussions


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Sep 13, 2010
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There are better option like Kawasaki C2 or Embraer KC 390 and they have better option
C2 is very very expensive, will not be built in India and has a very slow production rate, KC-390 may be an option but I have my doubts.

Last I check US FCA was not a priority , they might not even build the prototypes so that leaves IL 106(PAK VTA) and PAK TA both of which are heavy lifter .IL 106 will be close to C 17 while PAK TA will replace AN 124 and it will be supersonic .We can sure buy a few PAK TA to our rapid response plus it can 200 Tons so it makesūsutaing future bases in IOR very easy
Russians are very very good at promising the moon and the stars to India but what is the outcome in 90% of the cases? How is Russia going to develop these wildly ambitious projects with an ever shrinking economy? Already their PAK-FA project has been stalled because of a lack of funds.

Time to ditch the Russians once and for all.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Ya that s what make my mind go completely off ..

How the fuck on earth these guys ordered submarines without Torpedoes , Destroyers and Frigates without Helos to protect them from submarine attacks .. Aircraft's without missiles and LPD/LHD without helo s to park on them may be our IAF guys will land a C-17 on top of LHDs if we don t get Helo s by them ..

This is not chalta hai attitude this is just that we know what we are doing and we can simply fool around everything with what we say and get away ..If we had taken to court few retired admirals Air chiefs and Generals and punished them for their corruption trust me today there would be some fear inside these chiefs when they ask for a Aircraft or a Ship ..Simply letting them do what they want without an accountability is leading us to this all nonsense ..

Same should go with DRDO and HAL too ..When people have to fear that their jobs will not be safe forever if they dont deliver then things will change ..If someone things one lunch two punch all the way till retirement nothing is going to change in this country ..

Edit : with this kind of joke happening in defence modernization i don t know with what Bullshit confidence these Chiefs keep saying we are prepared for two front war we will give befitting reply ..:facepalm:

Sadly, it is a typically Indian "chalta hai" mentality. I'm just a defence enthusiast but even I could see the crisis emerging many years ago so I have to assume the experts in the IAF/MoD knew full well also and yet did nothing.

And regrettably this thinking is not restricted to the IAF, just look at the IN-pushing for those 4 beastly LPDs and willing to commit $3B to them but have ZERO plans for the helicopters that will fly off them. 100+ 10-12 ton NMRH will be required for just those 4 ships, let alone the rest of the surface fleet that are having to make do with 30+ year old Sea Kings or no helos at all, but the IN has not intiated any such tender. Mark my words, in 4-5 years we will see the media waking up to this mess and asking why these white elephants are being built but there aren't any aircraft to fly off them.

Let's hope Modi can inject some sanity into the clowns at the very top and create a culture of responsible and realistic decison making because right now all 3 services are truly f)cked.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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There isn't any clarity on what helo requirement that SP will be for; NMRH or NUH or some other? Besides, the point still stands because of the timelines involved, even if SP is ready this year, the first helo won't land in India before the LPDs they are meant to fly off most likely.

SP will be a boost for sure BUT the IN cannot be sheilded from any blame, when you have $1B USD destroyers going to sea with empty hangers and 30+ year old aged ASW helos, someone has made a huge mistake.
Assuming LPD deal will be officially signed by end of 2018, it takes atleast 7-8 years for the first two to be fully inducted in IN(inclusive of LCU).

That should be sufficient amount of time for delivery of first two squadrons of helos.

If the RFI is issued by Apr 2018 for helos, we might be on the right track.


New Member
Oct 31, 2015
Already their PAK-FA project has been stalled because of a lack of funds.
Stage I is completed only stage II engine and weapons are left
How is Russia going to develop these wildly ambitious projects with an ever shrinking economy?
Last 2 quarter they had positive growth but industrial growth has remained stable .Prototypes are expected after 2020 as if the prediction are right they will have stable growth between 3-5%.Funding is not major problem for these project , they have backing of most important people.


New Member
Jan 25, 2014
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One thing I would implore the MoD to think about is to forget about the F-16/Gripen BS and talk to Lockhead Martin about setting up a C-130XJ production line in India, this stripped down C-130J would be an excellent replacement for the AN-32 and would fill the gap now present because of the MTA's death.

TATA already makes the rear tail section of the C-130 and has ties with LM, it should not be too much to ask that they make the entire a/c, especially with the expertise they will gain from making the C-295 in India.

No thanks, no more Russian deals please, India has been looted enough.

There isn't any clarity on what helo requirement that SP will be for; NMRH or NUH or some other? Besides, the point still stands because of the timelines involved, even if SP is ready this year, the first helo won't land in India before the LPDs they are meant to fly off most likely.

SP will be a boost for sure BUT the IN cannot be sheilded from any blame, when you have $1B USD destroyers going to sea with empty hangers and 30+ year old aged ASW helos, someone has made a huge mistake.
I too agree that Single engine is like going nowhere- If they are seriously thinking about Single Engine- It is better to negotiate for a customized F-35- License production-

India should also negotiate to move C-17 production line to India- We have a requirement of 30-50 such planes- License production of C-130XJ should also be negotiated- Given that all these will go to Tata, We would be creating an aerospace Giant in India- And that would help in Civil Aviation also-

For NMRH the LPDs won't be ready before 2024- It is better to fast track HAL project which plans to deliver first prototype by 2021- They have good record in Helicopter department- I am sure they will be able to deliver on time- Meanwhile Navy could opt for Jugad by buying old Helicopters from Canada or a few dozen from some foreign Vendor like Sikorsky-


Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
Why don't we think to revive RTA Project. And explore military variant of RTA.


New Member
Oct 10, 2015
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Has he provided the details what has been modified?

Apparently no modification is visible.


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
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What the fcuk??\
No wonder...IAF has turned into laughing stock.
Is this news confirmed or just a rumour ?

Sent from my ASUS_Z00LD using Tapatalk
sorry why Laughing stock? I find your comment distasteful.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
What the fcuk??\
No wonder...IAF has turned into laughing stock.
Is this news confirmed or just a rumour ?

Sent from my ASUS_Z00LD using Tapatalk
This news is confirmed. Search operation is still underway.


New Member
Mar 26, 2015
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Now their russian love is showing result..currupt iaf top brass.. playing with life of pilot...
No point deflecting the problem onto the Russians when the issues are with our own our force. We have also crashed American C-130 and recently damaged another.
Don't forget the Russians too operate similar aircraft with lower crash rates.


New Member
Jul 1, 2015
Why are we not able to locate the sukhoi?
If it would have crashed then nearby locals would have alerted police.
Unless Sukhoi crashed in some remote place, like a forest.
Or is this spooky.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Why are we not able to locate the sukhoi?
If it would have crashed then nearby locals would have alerted police.
Unless Sukhoi crashed in some remote place, like a forest.
Or is this spooky.
This has crashed in AP. Terrain there is generally inhospitable specially in this rainy season. Moreover its been raining intermittently for last few days.

