India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Waah re defeatist hindu mentality!

ye dekho

First they came walking across the LOC... Chuziya hindu built the fence

Then they started cutting the fence... Chuziya hindu electrified the fence

Then they digged underground tunnels... Chuziya hindu went in market for tunnel detection equipment

Now they started supplying arms and drugs through drones... Chuziya hindu will now buy anti-drone equipment

sab kuch kiya... par jo karna tha... wo nahi kiya...

They have been successful in past 30 yrs in increasing our cost & we are bleeding money
I agree.
Been saying it for a while. We must impose cost to both the local supporters and those across the border.

I think our armed forces should now start taking out infrastructure from the Paki side as part of our action/reaction.
The singular focus on just military & militant infrastructure must go.

The calculation should be on return on investment. The Pakis have for long imposed an excessive cost from us by sending their unwashed abduls with cheap guns and simple training. Our responses should extract multiples of that cost, if not atleast equivalent cost from the Pakis.
By ROI, I am not just talking of money.
It is
1) People (already being done)
2) Cost (not being done)
3) Standard/Ease of living on the other side(not being done)

Hope Doval saab makes good on his earlier thought process.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2021
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Well cost is being imposed in Waziristan and Balochistan it's our enemy which is in suicide mode.
bhai... iska explanation bahut lamba hai... but I will try

Pakistani public(the 95% lower class) doesn't expect & ask anything in form of facilities from their govt... there has always been a lack of any political movement that make people aware of their rights

on the contrary... kashmir jihad has always been the favourite topic of the most NANGA-BHUKHA porki.

Pakistan is a poor country... Pakistani army is not poor

they have the entire Pakistani nation to sell endlessly for their anti India jihad... they have established all kind of businesses to generate revenue + they take from govt as well

2,5,10,15 killed here and there won't make much difference

we need to hit them so hard that it becomes UNMANAGEABLE for ISPR

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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bhai... iska explanation bahut lamba hai... but I will try

Pakistani public(the 95% lower class) doesn't expect & ask anything in form of facilities from their govt... there has always been a lack of any political movement that make people aware of their rights

on the contrary... kashmir jihad has always been the favourite topic of the most NANGA-BHUKHA porki.

Pakistan is a poor country... Pakistani army is not poor

they have the entire Pakistani nation to sell endlessly for their anti India jihad... they have established all kind of businesses to generate revenue + they take from govt as well

2,5,10,15 killed here and there won't make much difference

we need to hit them so hard that it becomes UNMANAGEABLE for ISPR
Punjab is the heart of porki established hit them there.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Central-South Asia region is about to heat up soon. J&K UT must be secured at all cost. Gurkey could be a ally or enemy to India in the region especially Afghanistan or they could collaborate with Porkistan and fund Islamic terrorist groups against India like they done in Syria, Libya and Armenia.

Anybody has the freight railroad map connecting China with EU?

Couldn't locate one.

If it passes through Afghanistan then China should start worrying. A lot.
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New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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You watched the documentary I see........
Americans use and throw Terror groups like Tissue paper without bothering about the repurcussions
Almost all of the major terror groups including Hamas, Al-GAYda, Lashkar and many more, at some point, has received American money, either directly or through backchannels
CIA works with unlimited power and zero supervision
David Headley is kept quite for a reason, he comes out and speaks, so many CIA/DEA/NSA officers are gonna have their Pichwadas burnt
which documentary?

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Anybody has the freight railroad map connecting China with EU?

Couldn't locate one.

If it passes through Afghanistan then China should stop worrying. A lot.
Interesting times ahead major war is coming very soon tipping point has been reached. A last major that will solve major problems existing since decades.


New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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The Pakistani Army is the biggest long term threat to India from its western borders. After independence and partition in the subcontinent India inherited a relatively professional and effective army whereas Pakistan inherited a much less effective force. Specifically the ISI of Pakistan as and when it was created was a mediocre force and India developed better intelligence organisations. The Pak Army made many strategic blunders in the 1965 and 1971 wars.

We should remember the master stroke of the hijacking of the Indian aircraft by a Kashmiri group and its forced landing in Pakistan. India got the excuse to ban all over flights from West Pakistan to East Pakistan thereby almost crippling the supply lines of the Pak Army in East Pakistan (Bangladesh). This operation was master minded by Indian intelligence.

I think we can confidently state in those decades Indian intelligence (R&AW) was better than the ISI.

India after 1971 could have made Pakistan splinter again as the Pashtoon and Baloch insurgencies were active at that time. But India chose not to further dismember Pakistan and did not provide large scale support to the freedom movements in Balochistan and Pakhtoonistan.

The turning point for the Pakistan Army and its offshoot the ISI came with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Americans in order to win against the Soviets provided massive amounts of arms including the F16's to the Pakistan armed forces and training to the ISI to take on the Soviets. The ISI learnt new techniques and methods of creating and running armed militias /terrorist groups. The CIA became the Godfather of the ISI.

Of course the plan succeeded in driving out the Soviets from Afghanistan but in the process created an Frankenstein monster in the form of a new highly virulent ISI. The Pakistan Army and the ISI gained enormous confidence and thought that after defeating a Super Power like the Soviet Union they could do anything. Thus started the offensive against India in Punjab and Kashmir.

Of course India has managed pretty well to weather the storm and even pushed Pakistan on the back foot many a times. But the costs have been quite heavy.

The Americans and the CIA in particular bear the responsibility of creating a much more virulent ISI. This Pakistan Army and ISI combine has fostered terrorism in many parts of the world. The Pakistan Army as of today is still an force which pathologically hates India. As long as the Pakistan Army and the ISI remain strong in that country the chances of durable long term peace between India and Pakistan will remain bleak.

One irony is that now the CIA since the last many years must be regretting their role in creating the monster(ISI).The student has turned against the master on many occasions. The beheading of Daniel Pearl is but one example.

The decisive conclusion is that in its present form the Pakistan Army is a threat to India. We need to have a long-term plan to destroy the Pakistan Army from within. A separate division in the R&AW and the Defence Intelligence Agency should be created to create divisions inside the Pak army on ethnic and sectarian lines. Even the so called monolithic Punjabi Sunnis are divided into sects like the Deobandis, Barelvis etc. Not to speak of the Shia-Sunni divide. Ultimately the Pak army will reflect the larger divisions in the Pak civil society. Lower the morale of the Pak army. Make the lower rung Pak soldiers lose confidence in the Pak army officers. We must use all means to systematically degrade the effectiveness of the Pak army. This will be a long term process. By destroying the regular Pak army the ISI will also get weakened.

The latest reports of the mutiny in the Pak army and the intended assassination of the Chief of the Pak Army General Bajwa is welcome news though one doubts whether our R&AW was involved.
That hijacking of Indian aircraft and landing it in Porkistan was done by RAW


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Really interesting impact if you notice the round hole and no visible damage to the fan, tubelight or glass window panes.

Doesn't look like a mortar round as being speculated.

Am just curious about the makeup of the explosive. Looks more of the penetrating kind.

Probably a dry run before a swarm hits stationary aircraft, helis on the tarmac.

This poses a very serious challenge while Babudom sits in Delhi with a heap of catalogues wondering which deal will fetch the highest commission.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2019
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Really interesting impact if you notice the round hole and no visible damage to the fan, tubelight or glass window panes.

Doesn't look like a mortar round as being speculated.

Am just curious about the makeup of the explosive. Looks more of the penetrating kind.

Probably a dry run before a swarm hits stationary aircraft, helis on the tarmac.

This poses a very serious challenge while Babudom sits in Delhi with a heap of catalogues wondering which deal will fetch the highest commission.
It was a 40mm grenade round. But they can use drones with mortars in future.


Senior Member
Jan 16, 2019
Waah re defeatist hindu mentality!

ye dekho

First they came walking across the LOC... Chuziya hindu built the fence

Then they started cutting the fence... Chuziya hindu electrified the fence

Then they digged underground tunnels... Chuziya hindu went in market for tunnel detection equipment

Now they started supplying arms and drugs through drones... Chuziya hindu will now buy anti-drone equipment

sab kuch kiya... par jo karna tha... wo nahi kiya...

They have been successful in past 30 yrs in increasing our cost & we are bleeding money
Simple solution for this is, killing 'they' so that they stop escalating the whole thing. India has no such will. So we keep spending more money on defence systems.

Situation: Some one hurling bomb at army HQ.
GoI solution: Build big concrete wall around the army. The bomb won't penetrate anything.

Lol. Do we even know the purpose of armed forces?

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Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Simple solution for this is, killing 'they' so that they stop escalating the whole thing. India has no such will. So we keep spending more money on defence systems.

Situation: Some one hurling bomb army HQ.
GoI solution: Build big concrete wall around the army. The bomb won't penetrate anything.

Lol. Do we even know the purpose of armed forces?
Lol u have no idea how many pigs are roasted every day in LOC, Balochistan and Waziristan every one is cannon fodder in porkistan.
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