I have muslim friends too, one of them preparing for the airforce and is an extremely awesome fellow to be around. However, he is not the mazhabi musalmaan type he celebrates holi and other hindu festivals with us. The problem is the book, it radicalizes people into being extremists. Muslims like my friend (not so religious types) keep india before their faith, however the percentage seems to be small.
Do note that momins make their own choices about which parts of al kitab they practice and which parts they would rather dismiss via the guise of "context".
Moderates may think or say whatever they want to about al kitab , it doesn't change what al kitab says about itself.
It's not all true though, there are exceptions
For example, I have a neighbor
Naib Subedar Mohammed, he's a retired military man and his views on Islamic extremism would actually shock most here
Very inspiring personality
I love to chat with him whenever I get chance
Quite a nationalist guy
Celebrating that few are better than the rest of their ilk is a subjective benchmark. From time to time we must ask ourselves whether this ‘relatively good’ is ‘good enough’. A woman journalist in Mumbai was hounded into exile by the same peaceful moderates for reposting the Charlie Hebdo cartoon while reporting about it. The deeper you go into the hole of jihadi nexus, sooner or later you will realize that it is mainstream shitlame , not a fringe, not a sect, not a twisted individual, but the mainstream bs which is responsible for all problems .
Also note that al kitab specifically exempts the disabled and 'weak' from jihad which would make no sense if the word jihad is being used within the context of inner struggle as moderates claim.
So jihad plainly teaches that it is not only proper to blow up in the name of allah in certain circumstances, but that it is required. Moderates who don't believe in killing over it either do not know of muhammad's example or tacitly prefer a moral law that is independent of it.