India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Underground Soldier

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Apr 6, 2020
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I want ask you brother why do you call these pakjabi jihadi Terrorists as martyrs? and second of all I have never seen family members of porkis who were eliminated by India crying for Recognition or acknowledgment. In there SM Posts they always talk about how proud they are that died defending there country and died fighting Hindu Kaffirs and also sometimes boast about killing Indian soldiers. Most Indians just see Porki civilians through the eyes of how Indian civilians would feel but they are both different People and taught different ideologies since birth and comes different circumstances.

Porki Army always either hides there casualties or out right exaggerates them. brainwashed porki civilian jihaadis will eat up this crap without a second thought and mind there own way. Porki Army is revered more than puppet government of Imrandi khan in porkistan unlike in India were civilian government takes precedence. What the porki army says is the truth to them. So when they say we only have one death and Indians have 6 deaths as reported by Indian Media the porkis will off course believe there Army and call what ever India Says as Indian Propaganda even if it is the truth.
Bhai I am not using it for them, instead it's the Pakistani who use these terms for their soldiers/Terrorists. That's why I used it. And you can see some social media posts on account of ronsekl where Porki we're crying as to why their Martyr were buried surreptitiously. And regarding Porki hiding there casualties, we all know that they hide their casualties and will do same in future


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May 25, 2013
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The pakjabi is a feudal,to hurt him truly you need to take real estate.That is deterrence,killing cannon fodder wont work.Yes,killing pakjabi officers hurts them.The solution is very simple.Simply take over neighbouring indefensible land like akhnoor dagger and other bulges and publicize the fact.Pak army will come under immense domestic pressure to take it back or lose face.Declare that the lands will be returned when pak army hands over certain terrorists to justify takeover to international.Also declare everytime there are major terror attacks or BAT action we will take slices at the border.That will be deterrence.But govt doesnt seem to have balls or vision to understand this.The feudal jihadi gernail understands plots - zameen.Take his land and he will get the message.This will also humiliate him in front of his awam in such a manner that he is unable to deny it or cover it up.
Sep 5, 2020
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The point was about inaction on 26/11, on which you said UPA was kicked out into oblivion, which is untrue. Lastly, In 2014 UPA2 was not kicked out due to inaction on Pakistan. Wrong here.

Wrong here. You first whined why cant we criticise present Govt on which I have no disagreement, neither have I taken it as an attack on it.

International perception. Now thats something new. By the support India got from EU, USA, Russia etc afai remember international perception was largely on our side. The fact that we indeed came out on top post Balakot has been extensively discussed in 2019 itself. When thrashing is delivered in the form of Spice bombs in the real, who th fcuk cares for the perception battles.
But the point is: has it achieved deterrence? Despite scores of casualties in Balakot the Paki pizza gernails are still firing at us. That surely means these Porkis don’t care about their cannon fodder. We have now 100% established that even a high double digit casualty does not deter them. So we cannot continue to employ the same strategy of going after their foot soldiers. That is the definition of insanity. Members here are correctly pointing out that you have to hit where it hurts - and that is loss of face caused by loss of officer’s lives and/or loss of territory that they can never deny. Porkies are getting roasted left and right on Balochistan and BLA did not put out high quality footage earlier. Has this affected porkies one bit? No. The complete opposite happened when the BLA went after the Chinese consulate and started publishing high quality footage. ISPR bots went nuts taking down BLA accounts on Twitter. So we exactly know what matters to the paki suar. The undeniability plus massive loss of face with their overlord chingchongs means they were forced to create several new battalions specifically for CPEC security that tremendously increased their costs, and is forcing them to cut down completely on new capital expenditure for their forces. That is hitting where it hurts. Salami slice and taking parts of GB will send shivers and uncertainty down the spines of landlord gernails and their PLA overlords (Loss of face portion). Even accidentally hitting Mangla dam cannot be covered up. You keep butchering Northern Light Infantry fodder they will just recruit more from South Punjab where they breed like rabbits and a human life has a value of 5000 PKR. There is now way IA will be able to win this war of attrition. Their ordnance factories do enough to keep the armaments supply up and the Bahawalpur child molesters do enough to keep the population medieval and breed like rabbits. If our government does not understand this and keeps doing the same LoC retaliation every time we suffer casualties, I am afraid this is actually going to play into the hands of the uniformed terrorists. For instance, we could try and get the US to deport former Paki gernails selling pizza there to India for war crimes. Even talk of the US confiscating their properties for war crimes should be enough to get the current gernails to shit their pants. We need to be like Israel - be innovative and do what actually works in the ground. Not just constantly do the same response over and over again.
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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But the point is: has it achieved deterrence? Despite scores of casualties in Balakot the Paki pizza gernails are still firing at us. That surely means these Porkis don’t care about their cannon fodder. We have now 100% established that even a high double digit casualty does not deter them. So we cannot continue to employ the same strategy of going after their foot soldiers. That is the definition of insanity. Members here are correctly pointing out that you have to hit where it hurts - and that is loss of face caused by loss of officer’s lives and/or loss of territory that they can never deny. Porkies are getting roasted left and right on Balochistan and BLA is putting out high quality footage. Has this affected porkies one bit? No. The complete opposite happened when the BLA went after the Chinese consulate. The undeniability plus massive loss of face with their overlord chingchongs means they were forced to create several new battalions specifically for CPEC security that tremendously increased their costs, and is forcing them to cut down completely on new capital expenditure for their forces. That is hitting where it hurts. Salami slice and taking parts of GB will send shivers and uncertainty down the spines of landlord gernails and their PLA overlords (Loss of face portion). Even accidentally hitting Mangla dam cannot be covered up. You keep butchering Northern Light Infantry fodder they will just recruit more from South Punjab where they breed like rabbits and a human life has a value of 5000 PKR. There is now way IA will be able to win this war of attrition. Their ordnance factories do enough to keep the armaments supply up and the Bahawalpur child molesters do enough to keep the population medieval and breed like rabbits. If our government does not understand this and keeps doing the same LoC retaliation every time we suffer casualties, I am afraid this is actually going to play into the hands of the uniformed terrorists. For instance, we could try and get the US to deport former Paki gernails selling pizza there to India for war crimes. Even talk of the US confiscating their properties for war crimes should be enough to get the current gernails to shit their pants. We need to be like Israel - be innovative and do what actually works in the ground. Not just constantly do the same response over and over again.
With Pak there is no question of deterrence, they are exploiting a sweet spot which never existed in modern military history anywhere in the world i.e cross border terrorism under nuclear umbrella.

hence it was explained by IA to the public a few years back that their plan is to mow the grass once while extracting a heavy penalty across the border, so far IA seems to be following the same plan. so if pak army thinks there is space for them to operate below the nuclear threshold, IA is gonna exploit the same space under nuclear threshold with much more punitive response. Since Dec 2014, IA has been relentless in their response to CFV.
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Sep 5, 2020
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I understand what IA is doing but the current attrition warfare as a response strategy is not going to work for us. Pakis do not care about actual losses. Kargil is an example. They simply did not even take their dead soldiers back. Pakis are a different breed. They operate at a mercenary army level where the bosses really matter and the foot soldier will be shot if he refused to fight. So, IA can go down this line but casualties on our side are going to continue to mount. I, for one, don’t like strategies that don’t have a specific, time-bound end goal. The current IA response strategy has no specific outcome and does not induce any desire behavior we want in our enemy. So, we are just wasting precious time, resources, and human lives.


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Feb 27, 2018
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With Pak there is no question of deterrence, they are exploiting a sweet spot which never existed in modern military history anywhere in the world i.e cross border terrorism under nuclear umbrella.

hence it was explained by IA to the public a few years back that their plan is to mow the grass once while extracting a heavy penalty across the border, so far IA seems to be following the same plan. so if pak army thinks there is space for them to operate below the nuclear threshold, IA is gonna exploit the same space under nuclear threshold with much more punitive response. Since Dec 2014, IA has been relentless in their response to CFV.
All the more reason that the government should have prepared for this better by buying a lot more artillery. We need to saturate the whole LC/IB in Kashmir with them. Let the Pakistanis know that their border in Sialkot would be a target. The Pakistanis don’t like the Punjabis dying, the Kashmiri’s they don’t care about.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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But the point is: has it achieved deterrence? Despite scores of casualties in Balakot the Paki pizza gernails are still firing at us. That surely means these Porkis don’t care about their cannon fodder. We have now 100% established that even a high double digit casualty does not deter them. So we cannot continue to employ the same strategy of going after their foot soldiers. That is the definition of insanity. Members here are correctly pointing out that you have to hit where it hurts - and that is loss of face caused by loss of officer’s lives and/or loss of territory that they can never deny. Porkies are getting roasted left and right on Balochistan and BLA did not put out high quality footage earlier. Has this affected porkies one bit? No. The complete opposite happened when the BLA went after the Chinese consulate and started publishing high quality footage. ISPR bots went nuts taking down BLA accounts on Twitter. So we exactly know what matters to the paki suar. The undeniability plus massive loss of face with their overlord chingchongs means they were forced to create several new battalions specifically for CPEC security that tremendously increased their costs, and is forcing them to cut down completely on new capital expenditure for their forces. That is hitting where it hurts. Salami slice and taking parts of GB will send shivers and uncertainty down the spines of landlord gernails and their PLA overlords (Loss of face portion). Even accidentally hitting Mangla dam cannot be covered up. You keep butchering Northern Light Infantry fodder they will just recruit more from South Punjab where they breed like rabbits and a human life has a value of 5000 PKR. There is now way IA will be able to win this war of attrition. Their ordnance factories do enough to keep the armaments supply up and the Bahawalpur child molesters do enough to keep the population medieval and breed like rabbits. If our government does not understand this and keeps doing the same LoC retaliation every time we suffer casualties, I am afraid this is actually going to play into the hands of the uniformed terrorists. For instance, we could try and get the US to deport former Paki gernails selling pizza there to India for war crimes. Even talk of the US confiscating their properties for war crimes should be enough to get the current gernails to shit their pants. We need to be like Israel - be innovative and do what actually works in the ground. Not just constantly do the same response over and over again.
But currently Pakistan acts like Israel, hai chhota sa lekin aankhenroz aise dikhata hai jaise koi khauf na ho usse Hindustan ka.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Don't compare inbred infested country with Israel it's an insult. Pakistan is light year behind Israel in terms of talent, firepower, technology and capability.
But its a fact that being militarily inferior it is still hurting us without any fear.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Pakistan is dog's tail hamesha tedi hi rahega no matter how much we thrash them peace will only come with their entire annihilation.
I guess the only reason Indian army rejected TOS-1 Heavy FlameThrower from Russia last year was because of the fact that it can lit up the whole mountain and can cause huge forest fires.
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