India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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People here are salty because all members here are not immediately swallowing the intentional firing of the missile theory :pound:

I agree, a lot of information is hidden, we have barely scratched the surface of the whole story, and as @abingdonboy mentioned, nothing is making sense.
This is probably because both the sides is holding back information and maybe even released misleading information.

Also just a reminder, we don’t have to always sniff hopium and remain high on positive narrative building (there will be a time for that, I assure you), it is not good for your health.
Fools paradise...... saying lot of information is hidden. What do you want open book policy.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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This missile incident in which an unarmed Indian missile flew astray into Pakistan deserves an apology but nothing more.
How can an unarmed missile decimate a huge building?
And how come there are zero casualties was that building empty ?
Who is the owner of that building why is he/she not asking for compensation?
Neither side is telling the truth
Pakistan sealed the area for 2 days which itself makes it more suspicious
Sep 5, 2020
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To me , following things clearly state that this is intentional firing:
- no self destruct
- 40000 feet altitude; max flight ceiling for civilian planes is 36-37K feet. No planes on Indian side.
- targeted landing is at a cluster of Porki bases. Meaning the missile was testing radar coverage overlap. Not radar at one location but a coverage overlap among multiple bases. That is why it was programmed to land between coverage areas of 2 or 3 bases. People are missing this. It is not one base that matters but the overlap between bases. Now we have that data. They do not have overlap and there are big gaps. So none of their AD systems got activated. Remember Hijra army is still on full alert after our operation Balakot barbecue.
- IAF expressed surprise that Porki Hijra Army did not install AD guns at the Balakot terror camps. Clearly an incentive then exists to check if other bases have AD systems installed. Clearly Porkis have very poor AD coverage.
- We suddenly going passive after Op. Swift Retreat. Clearly the armed forces wanted to prepare and plan better for an action that would conclusively establish deterrence.
- “don’t send your stupid drones” warnings not heeded by Porki Army.
- trying to act oversmart with J10c. Potentially a warning to both China and Porkis to not mess around with our resolve to take the war deep inside Porki land.
- impossible for a missile to veer away like this. Nowhere has such deviations happened. If there is a possibility of veering, the missile’s original flight path would not have been chosen to be this close to the border.
- technical incompetence could mean the missile could have fallen anywhere in India - even on Modi’s rallies in Ahmedabad. Who will take this risk?
- post UP elections, BJP is assured of a 2024 government. So they can take strong decisions now. Not much noise from liberandus.
- right time to embarrass Katora khan and show him off as a weak puppet. The rest will be taken care of by their jaahil awaam.
- non-chalant, just-don’t-care response by India.

There are more indicators that this was a deliberate test than technical incompetence. Clearly given the flight timing, so much data has been collected by Indian tracking and monitoring stations. I think we are entering a new era where India will increasingly signal to Porkland and China to not play with fire.

Expect Porkis to lay off the stupid sending drones with arms and drugs nonsense in Punjab.
Expect Porki Army to start realizing that this event could turn their jaahils against the Hijra Army. And go into overdrive or impose more heavy handed ness like abduct neutral journalists, get more control over media, even get close to imposing a martial law.
Expect Porki army to start downplaying Chinese acquisitions as threats to India.
Expect Porki Army to understand that there is zero chance of any dialog on J&K and the matter is solved. It would mean no more statements on J&K and things like fascist this, fascist that…blah, blah, blah
Expect the entire Porki Punjabis to demand retaliation and the hijras to fire an old missile into some area near Rajasthan border on their side and then insanely do some Op. Swift Retreat like bullshit (we will surprise you) to calm their inbreds. That desert looks the same on either side - easy to claim they targeted some remote border outpost along the Thar border.

Internally Porki Army action: Operation mathe pe paseena , Operation pair kaampna, Operation verbal diarrhea.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
Country flag
To me , following things clearly state that this is intentional firing:
- no self destruct
- 40000 feet altitude; max flight ceiling for civilian planes is 36-37K feet. No planes on Indian side.
- targeted landing is at a cluster of Porki bases. Meaning the missile was testing radar coverage overlap. Not radar at one location but a coverage overlap among multiple bases. That is why it was programmed to land between coverage areas of 2 or 3 bases. People are missing this. It is not one base that matters but the overlap between bases. Now we have that data. They do not have overlap and there are big gaps. So none of their AD systems got activated. Remember Hijra army is still on full alert after our operation Balakot barbecue.
- IAF expressed surprise that Porki Hijra Army did not install AD guns at the Balakot terror camps. Clearly an incentive then exists to check if other bases have AD systems installed. Clearly Porkis have very poor AD coverage.
- We suddenly going passive after Op. Swift Retreat. Clearly the armed forces wanted to prepare and plan better for an action that would conclusively establish deterrence.
- “don’t send your stupid drones” warnings not heeded by Porki Army.
- trying to act oversmart with J10c. Potentially a warning to both China and Porkis to not mess around with our resolve to take the war deep inside Porki land.
- impossible for a missile to veer away like this. Nowhere has such deviations happened. If there is a possibility of veering, the missile’s original flight path would not have been chosen to be this close to the border.
- technical incompetence could mean the missile could have fallen anywhere in India - even on Modi’s rallies in Ahmedabad. Who will take this risk?
- post UP elections, BJP is assured of a 2024 government. So they can take strong decisions now. Not much noise from liberandus.
- right time to embarrass Katora khan and show him off as a weak puppet. The rest will be taken care of by their jaahil awaam.
- non-chalant, just-don’t-care response by India.

There are more indicators that this was a deliberate test than technical incompetence. Clearly given the flight timing, so much data has been collected by Indian tracking and monitoring stations. I think we are entering a new era where India will increasingly signal to Porkland and China to not play with fire.

Expect Porkis to lay off the stupid sending drones with arms and drugs nonsense in Punjab.
Expect Porki Army to start realizing that this event could turn their jaahils against the Hijra Army. And go into overdrive or impose more heavy handed ness like abduct neutral journalists, get more control over media, even get close to imposing a martial law.
Expect Porki army to start downplaying Chinese acquisitions as threats to India.
Expect Porki Army to understand that there is zero chance of any dialog on J&K and the matter is solved. It would mean no more statements on J&K and things like fascist this, fascist that…blah, blah, blah
Expect the entire Porki Punjabis to demand retaliation and the hijras to fire an old missile into some area near Rajasthan border on their side and then insanely do some Op. Swift Retreat like bullshit (we will surprise you) to calm their inbreds. That desert looks the same on either side - easy to claim they targeted some remote border outpost along the Thar border.

Internally Porki Army action: Operation mathe pe paseena , Operation pair kaampna, Operation verbal diarrhea.
Operation Ashrafiya Pasmanda Gandmasti


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
yes, that bit is unanswered.
if military chaps are not giving answers, some science guy/girl will. we know the mass, we can guess the trajectory, we can guess the speed, folks should be able to calculate the kinetic energy at impact.
Building is single shed poorly built on industrial beams that got collapsed due to entry of missile from the main retaining wall.


New Member
Jun 17, 2021
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"By mistake" Iran launched six missiles on US embassy in Iraq...

Wake up... intellectual-panti band Karo... start looking at things as a chain of events.

Behind closed doors deals have been struck to establish a new imbalance.

Like Ukraine is an international migraine conventional weapons proliferation

Same way Pakistan is an international migraine nuclear weapons proliferation

So... agla number kiska?

This is 2022.

(I assure... you will witness a new war front as massive as Ukraine within 3-4 months)
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New Member
Jun 27, 2020
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PKS saying in his blog,


"Due to prevailing wind conditions and the navigational gyros weren’t activated, The missile went haywire."
Ehh....what the hell is he smoking...if the navigational gyros fail....the Mizzile would be out of control...then how the hell did the Mizzile travelled so far into Porkistan


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Ok guys, here's what Pak's mentally retarded 'Liddell Hart' Lal Topee has to say about the missile incident. This dickhead seems really really pissed off with Pak's response!


1. Now when ISPR has confirmed my analysis, I am going to do a deep strategic analysis on the scenario built since that missile landfall. (strategic analysis my ass!! 😜 :pound:)

The scenario is scary & sobering & I will be savage..

Last night India attacked Pakistan with a nuclear capable missile !!!

2. World & even most of the Pakistanis does not seem to grasp the gravity of the events which passed last night. Imagine the scenario -- India launches its nuclear missile on Pakistan without did not have a warhead this time, but Pakistan didn't know that....

3. The Indian cruise missile Brahmos was detected by Pakistan's Air Defense at 40,000 feet, travelling at Mach 3, moving towards South India & suddenly making a 90 degrees turn & entering Pakistan, heading towards a strategic Air base....

What could go wrong, right?

4. That is where things get dangerous & insane at many levels..

The surprise incoming nuclear capable cruise missile was tracked inside Pakistan was almost 3 minutes till it made a landfall....It was only tracked & NO response was generated..

What if it did carry a warhead??

5. Indians launched a nuclear capable missile on Pakistan suddenly....what on earth were they thinking? Last night, Indians tested & evaluated Pakistan's entire nuclear doctrine, checked our response & reaction time & validated their own first attack doctrine.

6. Indians are running aggressive Tri services exercises to test Pakistan's physical, political & psychological response to an Indian invasion plan. Few days ago, they sent their attack submarine into Pakistani waters to check our detection capabilities & Navy's will to fight.

7. This time, they sent in a nuclear capable missile in an apocalyptic gamble to test our Air Defense capabilities, military response & the political & military will to confront India on such a grave provocation & act of war. On all counts, Indians are happy to say the least!

8. Pakistan's entire nuclear response doctrine was put to test last night....& it failed. Indians deliberately deceived Pakistan's air controllers by sending the missile south first, then suddenly changing its course into Pak. Their "nuclear" attack was successful. (Yaay!! 👍)

9. Next time, Indians will launch a cruise missile with a real they have all the required information about Pakistan's capabilities & will to respond.. The way this grave act of war is being downplayed in Islamabad & GHQ is unbelievable even for the Indians.

10. So now, Indians have finally validated all their war doctrines in real time & tested them against Pakistani defenses. They are now ready for a real invasion. They will chose the time of attack on their own free will, depending upon the chaos & political anarchy in Pak.

11. A friend from India has told me that this is being discussed within BJP groups that this missile launch was also meant to celebrate the victory of Yogi Agarnath, the bloodhound of BJP & to send a message to Pak that now the real warheads are coming next...

I believe that!

Para 11 above = :pound::rofl:Now what if this twit had even half a brain cell, he could have been taken seriously! But, whatever, his antics are 100% paisa vasool!!
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New Member
Feb 1, 2022
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To me , following things clearly state that this is intentional firing:
- no self destruct

Why would you have a self destruct mechanism on an operational missile? Do we have self-destruct on nuke-tipped Agni's? What if they figure out the frequency?

- 40000 feet altitude; max flight ceiling for civilian planes is 36-37K feet.

At this very moment, Thai Airways 777 TG921(Frankfurt to Bangkok) is flying over that area at 39,000 feet.

- targeted landing is at a cluster of Porki bases. Meaning the missile was testing radar coverage overlap. Not radar at one location but a coverage overlap among multiple bases. That is why it was programmed to land between coverage areas of 2 or 3 bases. People are missing this. It is not one base that matters but the overlap between bases. Now we have that data. They do not have overlap and there are big gaps. So none of their AD systems got activated. Remember Hijra army is still on full alert after our operation Balakot barbecue.

Wow, this is a stretch. You know there are SIGINT aircraft that can already do that. In an actual war, we would strike the bases themselves, not the gaps in between them. That's rarely a good strategy.

- IAF expressed surprise that Porki Hijra Army did not install AD guns at the Balakot terror camps. Clearly an incentive then exists to check if other bases have AD systems installed. Clearly Porkis have very poor AD coverage.

What use would AA guns have been at Balakot? You're planning on shooting down bombs with 40mm Bofors? The Mirages never got close to Balakot to shoot at.

- We suddenly going passive after Op. Swift Retreat. Clearly the armed forces wanted to prepare and plan better for an action that would conclusively establish deterrence.

Maybe because they had one of our pilots in custody and used him as a bargaining chip to de-escalate? Perhaps?

- “don’t send your stupid drones” warnings not heeded by Porki Army.

How about we try shooting down the drones?

- trying to act oversmart with J10c. Potentially a warning to both China and Porkis to not mess around with our resolve to take the war deep inside Porki land.

We're upset because they are acting "oversmart"? What are you like, 12 years old?

- impossible for a missile to veer away like this. Nowhere has such deviations happened. If there is a possibility of veering, the missile’s original flight path would not have been chosen to be this close to the border.

It wasn't meant to be fired. So we didn't choose this flight path.

- technical incompetence could mean the missile could have fallen anywhere in India - even on Modi’s rallies in Ahmedabad. Who will take this risk?

It wasn't meant to be fired. So we didn't choose to take this risk.

- post UP elections, BJP is assured of a 2024 government. So they can take strong decisions now. Not much noise from liberandus.

So why hide the strong decision and claim it was an oopsy instead?

- right time to embarrass Katora khan and show him off as a weak puppet. The rest will be taken care of by their jaahil awaam.

We want to get rid of a weak puppet and replace him with ..... what? A strong and capable leader? How does this help?

The Shrike

New Member
Jun 12, 2021
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Although there are no reports, i hope there were no casualties at our end. A Brahmos sized missile would create huge overpressure for 10's of meters (at least) around the TEL, enough to kill or seriously injure. If it was really an "audit" (or whatever) they may not have cleared the launch site as per SOPs.


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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In that cold storage as claimed by porkis.
Their were destroyed lathe machines.

This might be terrorist weapon hideout or manufacturing depot( for ied manufacturing, rifles, etc)

Indian Army objective was to neutralize that weapon depot.

Indian army also tested the effectiveness of hq-9 air defence system and radar signature of paf were also analyzed

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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The India super power guy ain't Indian but porki
Are bhai problem kya hai
Is it my pessimism?
Then it's okay bcoz I am like that and I have also got banned too
And here I barely give any information but always ask in order to know the things
But do me a favor u can scold with any foul language or word but not porki(I get depressed when I here this)
In my life I just don't want to be retarded dillusioned porki


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Clearly a lathe machine.

This should not be present in cold storage area this was terrorist weapon making depot or storage unit of weapons
Most probably used for ied making or rifle manufacturing.

In kashmir 3-4days before m4 and aks were recovered that were manufactured locally
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