India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Indian Libertarian

Regular Member
Aug 5, 2019
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- no self destruct

Why would you have a self destruct mechanism on an operational missile? Do we have self-destruct on nuke-tipped Agni's? What if they figure out the frequency?

- 40000 feet altitude; max flight ceiling for civilian planes is 36-37K feet.

At this very moment, Thai Airways 777 TG921(Frankfurt to Bangkok) is flying over that area at 39,000 feet.

- targeted landing is at a cluster of Porki bases. Meaning the missile was testing radar coverage overlap. Not radar at one location but a coverage overlap among multiple bases. That is why it was programmed to land between coverage areas of 2 or 3 bases. People are missing this. It is not one base that matters but the overlap between bases. Now we have that data. They do not have overlap and there are big gaps. So none of their AD systems got activated. Remember Hijra army is still on full alert after our operation Balakot barbecue.

Wow, this is a stretch. You know there are SIGINT aircraft that can already do that. In an actual war, we would strike the bases themselves, not the gaps in between them. That's rarely a good strategy.

- IAF expressed surprise that Porki Hijra Army did not install AD guns at the Balakot terror camps. Clearly an incentive then exists to check if other bases have AD systems installed. Clearly Porkis have very poor AD coverage.

What use would AA guns have been at Balakot? You're planning on shooting down bombs with 40mm Bofors? The Mirages never got close to Balakot to shoot at.

- We suddenly going passive after Op. Swift Retreat. Clearly the armed forces wanted to prepare and plan better for an action that would conclusively establish deterrence.

Maybe because they had one of our pilots in custody and used him as a bargaining chip to de-escalate? Perhaps?

- “don’t send your stupid drones” warnings not heeded by Porki Army.

How about we try shooting down the drones?

- trying to act oversmart with J10c. Potentially a warning to both China and Porkis to not mess around with our resolve to take the war deep inside Porki land.

We're upset because they are acting "oversmart"? What are you like, 12 years old?

- impossible for a missile to veer away like this. Nowhere has such deviations happened. If there is a possibility of veering, the missile’s original flight path would not have been chosen to be this close to the border.

It wasn't meant to be fired. So we didn't choose this flight path.

- technical incompetence could mean the missile could have fallen anywhere in India - even on Modi’s rallies in Ahmedabad. Who will take this risk?

It wasn't meant to be fired. So we didn't choose to take this risk.

- post UP elections, BJP is assured of a 2024 government. So they can take strong decisions now. Not much noise from liberandus.

So why hide the strong decision and claim it was an oopsy instead?

- right time to embarrass Katora khan and show him off as a weak puppet. The rest will be taken care of by their jaahil awaam.

We want to get rid of a weak puppet and replace him with ..... what? A strong and capable leader? How does this help?
Are Indian generals competent enough to do this as a probing operation?


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2019
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Whatever I have read about Brahmos, it reads that co-ordinates of the Target are to be entered in system computer and, also, this object can not be fired like a Gulel. Obviously, this is not an accident. How can Govt say that this is not an accident when countries are not engaged in war. The crater itself shows the success of impact of explosives laden. It was a minimum calculated risk taken by defence/political leadership which was extremely successful and we should congratulate them. The capacity and capability of this instrument has been tested in real time and on real target. Paisa wasool ho gaya iske development ka.


Sep 7, 2015
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Overall, this is a deliberate firing by the IAF and a significant warning to pakis to stop yakking about strategic balance, and trying to form alliances with China against India.

I have a feeling there is more to come. The pattern is visible. Testing paki waters with our subs repeatedly, their radar coverage and tracking ability with a dummy missile which has now clearly established that Porkis have zero credible AD systems. The next probably is some sort of a directed energy weapon firing into some unknown Porkland location and seeing if they can pick that up. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Don’t be a Porki.
This was a clear message not only for Pak but also China. This was a deliberate attempt to cock a snook at the AD systems of Chinese origin that both these adversaries have deployed. The lid of their impotency has been blown right off the can. Remember Balakot where a dozen Mirages entered their behinds and penetrated deep, playing merry for 19 long minutes inside hostile Paki territory but the worlds best Air Force, the PAF (or so they claim!!) were found sleeping on the job as usual.

It is now proved beyond doubt that their AD systems are as useless as tits on a boar hog!!

The next probably is some sort of a directed energy weapon firing into some unknown Porkland location and seeing if they can pick that up. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Don’t be a Porki.
Remember, on 7th April 2012, at-least 129 Pakistani Army soldiers died after getting buried under 80 to 100 feet of snow when an avalanche hit their Battalion HQ in the Gayari sector. The incident occurred at an altitude of over 4500 meters and was the worst avalanche that the Pakistani Army had ever experienced.

Whodunit? DEW Kali? Nuff said!


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Are Indian generals competent enough to do this as a probing operation?
Remember there is a red line to everything. Countries do not spell out their red lines loudly in public but let the world know if their red line has been breached. China and Pakistan ganging up is a red line. China attacking Indian soldiers is also a red line crossed. Indi will not accept China and Pakistan ganging up. Brahmos supply to the Philippines was a direct consequence of this Chinese rogue behavior. Things can change and if people in charge feel that there is a grave threat to national security, things can happen. It is one thing for Porkis to keep sending south Punjabi foot soldiers to bet barbecued in Kashmir valley. It is another thing to openly gang up against India. Porkis are seeing the consequences of this gang up. At some level Indian politicians are accountable. For example, if India came across as a weak state, we will suffer image loss and investors will think twice before investing as their investments could be at risk.
The other thing is india has repeatedly warned Porkis to not do the CPEC shit via PoK. There is no business case to trade across the Himalayas. We all know what is happening - the Porkis and Chinese together trying to threaten India. Firing a Brahmos has clearly told these rogue states not to mess with us.
Indian security is at stake thanks to decades of bad security policies pursued by the stupid congress. This government is trying to change it and you are seeing an aggressive India which we have not seen before. This government will exact revenge for Mumbai, Pathankot, Pulwama and then some. Be sure about it. Modi is not Maun Mohan Singh , to be sure.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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View attachment 143738

Successfully inducted and tested system.
That's why brahmos was fired
Working pattern of this radar exposed :pound: :pound:
Chinese probably tested it against their own crappy aircraft and then sold it to their slaves. And the Porkis being loyal slaves just obediently took it up their ass.


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Now Jokes about this Missile in Bureaucratic Language

PCDA is Principal Controller Defence Accounts who Never Releases Any Money 🤣
Because of this Bureaucracy we have lost lives of many soldiers.
Till 2014 delhi got full control on army actions taking place on loc.
Pakistani army fired artillery rounds on us and our soldiers used to take permission and most of the time it was refused and this leads to many casualties on our side.
Nowadays commander on ground is incharge what to do next

All of our bureaucracy is not incompetent many go them go to RAW and IB where they work very efficiently


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Yes @FalconSlayers is direct descendant from Dogras the original habitants of Kashmir.

View attachment 143670

There is irrefutable archaeological evidence to establish the Hindu BHARAT's Ownership of Kashmir 4th ad.

Devi Lakshmi of wealth and prosperity Devta Skanda the son of SHIVA the destroyer

View attachment 143673 View attachment 143674

Vajrin Indra the freer of cows Bhagvaan Vishnu the administrator of Prakriti

View attachment 143672View attachment 143675
“नमस्ते शारदे देवी काश्मीरपुरवासिनि
त्वामहं प्रार्थये नित्यं विद्यादानं च देहि मे॥”

Kashmir has been the crown jewel of Indian civilisation, and will remain so, and we must protect it no matter how many mlechhs we have to kill for doing so.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Because of this Bureaucracy we have lost lives of many soldiers.
Till 2014 delhi got full control on army actions taking place on loc.
Pakistani army fired artillery rounds on us and our soldiers used to take permission and most of the time it was refused and this leads to many casualties on our side.
Nowadays commander on ground is incharge what to do next
Sir , you are absolutely right

I just posted a Joke which I found on Twitter


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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View attachment 143738

Successfully inducted and tested system.
That's why brahmos was fired
Working pattern of this radar exposed :pound:

even paf we know this radar location where they have placed it.
man seriously , is there any shed of proof ?

why would they even turn this shit on for a cruise missile .

u know they can just move this somewhere later right , knowing its locations is literally pointless

OSINT people connecting dots trying to convince everyone its not a misfire


Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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“नमस्ते शारदे देवी काश्मीरपुरवासिनि
त्वामहं प्रार्थये नित्यं विद्यादानं च देहि मे॥”

Kashmir has been the crown jewel of Indian civilisation, and will remain so, and we must protect it no matter how many mlechhs we have to kill for doing so.
Its again so surreal
Kashmir is the crown jewel , northern India is the food bowl and the arms òf india
Southern India are the feet , meaning without their economy India won't run .

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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That's borderline War mongering
Also, isn't your civilisation starting from Indus Valley
Which is in Pakistan btw
If anything Pakistanis Truly inherit the blood of the People that you claim Ancestory from
India was divided into two , nations based on religions .

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