India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Op Kahuta

Tihar Jail
Nov 10, 2021
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People here are salty because all members here are not immediately swallowing the intentional firing of the missile theory :pound:

I agree, a lot of information is hidden, we have barely scratched the surface of the whole story, and as @abingdonboy mentioned, nothing is making sense.
This is probably because both the sides is holding back information and maybe even released misleading information.

Also just a reminder, we don’t have to always sniff hopium and remain high on positive narrative building (there will be a time for that, I assure you), it is not good for your health.
Ok so I am gonna be frank here shit like this can't happen accidently.

This is not a gun where someone accidently presses the trigger and it fires.

Some members have really done a good analysis which likely indicates that it wasn't accidental. The print article atleast verifies this fact and their sources are being cryptic for obvious reasons. What you think if and when they will only say, "yeah we fired at them intentionally" then only one can believe?

If they'd said that people should understand that this would have led to tensions increasing on both sides cuz the simple fact is that pak is a nuclear armed country. And now I know from the article for a fact that we didn't want to escalate this incident any further for this very precise reason.

Now about the hopium part. I am not the kind of guy who like many other handles on Twitter believe that "ki kuch bada hone wala hai" everytime a ccs meet happen. Hell people were even dumb enough to speculate that we are retaking pok when repeated and frequent ccs meets were happening during the 1st week of Russia Ukraine War. But I am not dumb enough or on enough hopium to believe that bs. But I am also not the kinda guy who really doesn't have faith that our govt and armed forces can't take big and bold ops like this one. I think when people say "lay off of hopium" they are in other words on copium cuz they have always believed that the govt and military are incompetent and unprofessional and not ballsy so accidents like this can happen.

I don't understand this pessimism and undermining our own people so much that they can't do anything besides kadi ninda. In the end everyone's has their own beliefs and opinions and I can't change that but least give out logical reasons why you think something can't happen they way others think it could have happened not just the toe line of hopium or copium.
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ThE BrOkEn HeArT

New Member
Sep 2, 2019
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He is talking against India here and not BJP. In my books he is a traitor and needs to be sent on a one way ticket to Porki land so he can eat some donkey meat over there. I wonder if this is that Ashok Swine guy in disguise. Their words sound the same. They are not anti BJP. These guys are anti idea of India period.
He is probably Parveen swaney. Ashok Swain is an open traitor but parveen Swaney plays smartly like Joe.
He also said that he made a mistake that he stayed in India when he had a chance to settle down in other country. You can imagine the state of his mind.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020

He is right. Porks should be treated as an extended arm of the PLA now. Just like Ukraine, during any conflict, China will be feeding 24/7 live ISR data to Pakistan. By the time ISRO's chairman finishes his speech, CSA would have launched 5 new satellites up there. IAF loves talking about a 2 front war but at this rate even the PAF would give IAF a bloody nose in a full conflict. 36 rafales simply not enough. And what happened to the Tejas Mk1A? Wasnt it supposed to fly by March or did it get delayed again
Sep 5, 2020
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- no self destruct

Why would you have a self destruct mechanism on an operational missile? Do we have self-destruct on nuke-tipped Agni's? What if they figure out the frequency?

- 40000 feet altitude; max flight ceiling for civilian planes is 36-37K feet.

At this very moment, Thai Airways 777 TG921(Frankfurt to Bangkok) is flying over that area at 39,000 feet.

- targeted landing is at a cluster of Porki bases. Meaning the missile was testing radar coverage overlap. Not radar at one location but a coverage overlap among multiple bases. That is why it was programmed to land between coverage areas of 2 or 3 bases. People are missing this. It is not one base that matters but the overlap between bases. Now we have that data. They do not have overlap and there are big gaps. So none of their AD systems got activated. Remember Hijra army is still on full alert after our operation Balakot barbecue.

Wow, this is a stretch. You know there are SIGINT aircraft that can already do that. In an actual war, we would strike the bases themselves, not the gaps in between them. That's rarely a good strategy.

- IAF expressed surprise that Porki Hijra Army did not install AD guns at the Balakot terror camps. Clearly an incentive then exists to check if other bases have AD systems installed. Clearly Porkis have very poor AD coverage.

What use would AA guns have been at Balakot? You're planning on shooting down bombs with 40mm Bofors? The Mirages never got close to Balakot to shoot at.

- We suddenly going passive after Op. Swift Retreat. Clearly the armed forces wanted to prepare and plan better for an action that would conclusively establish deterrence.

Maybe because they had one of our pilots in custody and used him as a bargaining chip to de-escalate? Perhaps?

- “don’t send your stupid drones” warnings not heeded by Porki Army.

How about we try shooting down the drones?

- trying to act oversmart with J10c. Potentially a warning to both China and Porkis to not mess around with our resolve to take the war deep inside Porki land.

We're upset because they are acting "oversmart"? What are you like, 12 years old?

- impossible for a missile to veer away like this. Nowhere has such deviations happened. If there is a possibility of veering, the missile’s original flight path would not have been chosen to be this close to the border.

It wasn't meant to be fired. So we didn't choose this flight path.

- technical incompetence could mean the missile could have fallen anywhere in India - even on Modi’s rallies in Ahmedabad. Who will take this risk?

It wasn't meant to be fired. So we didn't choose to take this risk.

- post UP elections, BJP is assured of a 2024 government. So they can take strong decisions now. Not much noise from liberandus.

So why hide the strong decision and claim it was an oopsy instead?

- right time to embarrass Katora khan and show him off as a weak puppet. The rest will be taken care of by their jaahil awaam.

We want to get rid of a weak puppet and replace him with ..... what? A strong and capable leader? How does this help?
1. All missiles have self destruct including Agni etc. Frequencies are closely guarded secrets and scrambled periodically. There are procedures in place on how to activate self destruct. Such manuals have been there since Cold War days. No exceptions.
2. No plane will ever fly 40k. 39k are exceptions. Most altitude is 36-37k - lighter atko sphere, less drag, fuel savings etc.
3. Every base has AD guns period. Balakot was a Pakistan Army funded terror base. This is why IAF officers expressed surprise that the terror base did not have AD guns. Yes, once the airspace is sanitized, airforce planes will directly strafe bomb these bases not shoot expensive stand-off weapons.
4. The point is China’s regular arming of Porkis - not just j10c. The government is clearly sending a signal that a joint Pakistan-China axis against India is no longer acceptable. If you cannot even understand this, you shouldn’t be on a defense forum. The Indian government is dead set against the China-Pak nexus.
5. You cannot fire a missile just like that. Lol. There are protocols in place like two people need to press buttons or someone has to read out the code and another must enter the code etc. There are voluminous Cold War manuals on missile launches. You must be nuts to even suggest that someone smoking a bheedi actually triggered it off. Read through missile launch manuals even as old as one from the soviets to put your ridiculous theory to rest.
6. Are you joking? Do you think the government will deliberately announce that they fired a test missile into porkland? They waited for Porkis to acknowledge the hit just like in Balakot and then they responded.
7. All AD coverages are measured for overlaps and yes all bases have AD guns. You have no clue what you are talking about. Nobody measures a point coverage at a base. You really need to look at military manuals.
8. Porkis have zero strong capable civilian leaders other than nawaz sharif who tried to maintain some control over the Hijra army. The point is the Indian government treats Katora khan less than a cockroach and has no problem lighting a fire under his ass.

Overall, this is a deliberate firing by the IAF and a significant warning to pakis to stop yakking about strategic balance, and trying to form alliances with China against India.

I have a feeling there is more to come. The pattern is visible. Testing paki waters with our subs repeatedly, their radar coverage and tracking ability with a dummy missile which has now clearly established that Porkis have zero credible AD systems. The next probably is some sort of a directed energy weapon firing into some unknown Porkland location and seeing if they can pick that up. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Don’t be a Porki.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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View attachment 143733View attachment 143734
Clearly a lathe machine.

This should not be present in cold storage area this was terrorist weapon making depot or storage unit of weapons
Most probably used for ied making or rifle manufacturing.

In kashmir 3-4days before m4 and aks were recovered that were manufactured locally
lol , so we used a 3 million $ missile to take out a shed where guns were made

it will take them 1 day to setup 10 another ones like this .

people on twitter and their imagination .


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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lol , so we used a 3 million $ missile to take out a shed where guns were made

it will take them 1 day to setup 10 another ones like this .

people on twitter and their imagination .
Besides taking out let weapon hideout.

This missile also had many other objective.
1) This weapon hideout was very close paf air base so it clearly gave them a message that we can target you without taking any risk.

2) Even brahmos is successfully integrated in sukhoi su-30 and is also working properly

3) Even over hyped system HQ-9(sasti s300) proved useless.
4) Even paf radar frequency and working pattern exposed
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New Member
May 31, 2020
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Besides taking let weapon hideout.

This missile also had many other objective.
1) This weapon hideout was very close paf air base so it clearly gave them a message that we can target you without taking any risk.

2) Even brahmos is successfully integrated in sukhoi su-30 and is also working properly

3) Even over hyped system HQ-9(sasti s300) proved useless.
4) Even paf radar frequency and working pattern exposed
HQ-9 cant take out supersonic missiles . no one said it can .

let weapon hideout.

sure dude .

only part that is plausible is 1 and 4


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May 20, 2021
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Bottomline is:

Nobody here should shed tears for some Abduls and his goats being fried from the missile attack, even if it is a "misfire".

Pakistan is an enemy nation, it is the country that shoots Indian civilians and troops without provocation on daily basis.

If the friendly fire occured within the Indian territory than it must should have been accounted as failure and incompetency.

This missile incident exposed Pakistan's AD capability, the DGISPR press briefing was a sham, the route and trajectory shown there was completely imaginary, probably charted out after India's communication call.

