India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2021
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TIn Foil Hat Time

Modi meets NS in KTM
India escalates matters with pigs on some pretext
NS loyalists in PA stage coup at same time
Balochis take their aggression to record levels
PA is distracted in controlling Balochi's
India meantime takes control of significant parts of POK
NS offers to mediate publicly on behalf of porkys and of course, Modi accepts
NS & Modi agree to ceasefire
POK stays with India, balochistan gets liberated
Rest of porkystan elects a new PM - NS
NS & Modi sign historic peace deal
NS reduces PA significantly as enmity with India has ended

I know...I know... too many fallacies, but a man can dream - can't he?
And Modiji wins hilale pakistan :pound:

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
Senior Member
Mar 24, 2009
Have you seen the wreckage?
Analysis can be performed. The missile is not completely destroyed. The electrons might have survived, we cannot confirm. The assumption with such missile is that they end with explosion either detonation of primary warhead or self-destruct. The sub-assembles are made quite durable to withstand different forces like impact or g-force.
Even if the guidance system is partially destroyed scientist and engineers can reverse engineer it to perform analysis. Pakistani scientists had reverse-engineered the American Tomahawk missile to build Babur cruise missile.
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Regular Member
Jun 1, 2017
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Btw if we want to look at far fetched possiblities this could be a warning shot fired at Biden. If America through back channels is trying to put too much pressure on India to go against Russia, this might send a warning signal that 2nd completely uncontrollable situation could occur for him

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
Analysis can be performed. The missile is not completely destroyed. The electrons might have survived, we don't anything. The assumption with such missile is that they end with explosion either detonation of primary warhead or self-destruct. The sub-assembles are made quite durable to withstand different forces like impact or g-force.
Even if the guidance system is partially destroyed scientist and engineers can reverse engineer it to perform analysis. Pakistani scientists had reverse-engineered the American Tomahawk missile to build Babur cruise missile.
That was china they sent the remains of the missiles to china and then Chinese reverse engineered them and those missiles were basically unexploded and intact this one was completely intact

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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It's my mistake, i should have been more sensible and respectful towards members. But do understand i was running out of time that time so hurridly typed everything.

Apologies to everyone again.

I have stressed in the past and want to iterate again that when uncertain wait for official response especially in cases of conflicts where our nation's security is on line, where everyword shared every info shared here or anywhere by members respectable members can lead to consequences which we may not be ready for. Treat every info from our adversaries as a propaganda and if you can't refute it then wait for official confirmation, don't jumpt to conclusions which may benefit our enemies.

Sometimes even if you know somethings it may be required to limit it yourself and wait for the right time to share it, part about brahmos (which is unconfirmed even till now) could have been kept off till official line was shared by GOI.

Apologies to the mods, you allowed free flow of speech which is actually one of the reasons why i respected the forum but probably i disagree in case of events like those, just different principles i guess here.

I owe my apology to @mist_consecutive @India Super Power @THESIS THORON and @Super Flanker . I have disagreements with you on the topic or different issues but i understand that i should have been more responsible when sharing my viewpoint. Once again sorry. Also mods please get a tag for under 18 lads, i mean it jk.

I guess this meme that i totally didn't steal from someone should be enough to make up for my dumbfuckery! :)
It's okay bro
I have got too much of scolding here due to my pessimism
Unless u are Indian there is no issues


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Analysis can be performed. The missile is not completely destroyed. The electrons might have survived, we don't anything. The assumption with such missile is that they end with explosion either detonation of primary warhead or self-destruct. The sub-assembles are made quite durable to withstand different forces like impact or g-force.
Even if the guidance system is partially destroyed scientists and engineers can reverse engineer it to perform analysis. Pakistani scientists had reverse-engineered the American Tomahawk missile to build Babur cruise missile.

Even if Brahmos aerospace hands them over completely new manufactured missiles from Its factories

They can achieve shit from this or even china

without Russians support so chill
Stop shivering

not so dravidian

Senior Member
Feb 3, 2021
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Any information on mission computer and guidance computer?
Where they recovered by Pakistanis?

What is the condition for air frame? Can RCS analysis be done on it by Pakistanis?
Can analysis be performed on BrahMos's fuel or exhaust?

This is a serious problem. Do we need to replace BrahMos with some other missile?

A lot of questions need to be answered. Espionage angles also needs to be perused. Every missile tends to have self destruct sequence. Pakistan receiving missile is pristine condition needs to be queried.
There was a pic of altera FPGA


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2019
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US forces blew up their choppers in atleast two operations to prevent critical tech from landing into enemy hands. And that's a helicopter. The missile apart from the booster section is mostly in the dirt.

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