India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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And our casualties were high too.

I don't frankly think M16s or the new weapons Afghans bring in Kashmir are going to have much effect, though.

Can't judge the effect of heavy arty.

I swear, all this can be solved by a Op Parakram-esque exercise.
Pakis will lose a lot of will and cash trying to mirror our mobilization.
I can judge it, due to self propelled nature of their sh 15 , counter battery fire will be very difficult

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
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Aug 28, 2019
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I hope this will bring change in procurement policy of IA specially SF. With this shit in Kashmir IA sf would need better equipment like nvgs, peqs and comtacs (hopefully)
This is not ideally SF mandate
Instead RR should be heavily modernised, they should turn into a pseudo spec ops unit

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
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Aug 28, 2019
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And our casualties were high too.

I don't frankly think M16s or the new weapons Afghans bring in Kashmir are going to have much effect, though.

Can't judge the effect of heavy arty.

I swear, all this can be solved by a Op Parakram-esque exercise.
Pakis will lose a lot of will and cash trying to mirror our mobilization.
What will have an effect is Advanced Optronics and communication systems
One dude on a coconut tree with a AR and a decent thermal scope can wreak havoc if Location hasn't been pinned even for 90 seconds


Psychopathic Neighbour
New Member
Jan 26, 2021
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What will have an effect is Advanced Optronics and communication systems
One dude on a coconut tree with a AR and a decent thermal scope can wreak havoc if Location hasn't been pinned even for 90 seconds
Mallus Don't get it till now that there are no coconut trees in Kashmir , till now .

Secondly operations now are info provided to army and then army reach the spot and smoke the jihadi type .
Thirdly regarding their artillery , you think all will be deployed along LOC ? Given they will face heat in Afghan region and conflict will intensify further


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May 20, 2021
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Mudi is no daddy pootin - he will not take any proactive military action, or use the military option to solve long standing issues. He just wants to be left alone to do sabka saath sab ka vikas and making India the Vishvaguru.
We have lost buffer zones time after time. Tibet was a perfect buffer zone between India and China, lost during Nehru era.

Putin is all about creating buffer zones, the whole Ukraine fiasco is about all this only.

And the present leadership is not able to fully contain Bhutan, Nepal, Burma which acts as the current buffer zones between India and China.

Srilanka is slowly coming under Chinese influence, so will Bangladesh after Sheikh Hasina steps down.

We lack strategic vision that's it.

And now someone may argue that, we have to be a "double digit Trillion dollars economy" or "self-reliant in Defence sector" to deal with all these troubles.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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I'm not talking of Sarp Vinash.
If we amass troops on border for an "exercise" and make some minor intrusions on the LOC, no matter what intel Pakistanis hold, they'll have to mirror our deployment.

That mobilization will be extremely costly, not just economically but also because they'll have to draw down troops currently holding Taliban and BRAS at bay, thus an erosion of the grid already in place in those areas.

They can't simply ignore a massive Indian formation on LOC, prepped to push in at any moment.

If they do, fuck US-India alliance! I see PoK in our hands!

Plus, westerners can't possibly be dumb enough to give the short stick to their only reliable counterbalance to China in the SE region, especially with Russia grabbing the most heat and focus.

Right, guys? Right?
Guys? :notsure:
Do we even have a Pro-India voice in PoK? What will you do to the Pakistanised population there? We didn’t even bothered to kickstart an insurgency in PoK after Porkis did in J&K. Killing a few Porkis everyday in Balochistan and Waziristan has no impact on Pakistan unless a few are killed in PoK everyday. For that we’ll need strong info warfare but do we have that?


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Dec 8, 2021
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To all the worried Dukh-aatma(s)

As I have already stated... there is 8.5 month election gap this yr... enough room for Military & Geopolitical maneuvering without worrying about immediate electoral repercussions (& even the elections after these 8.5 months is in Gujarat in December... a secure turf for BJP)... so if porkis try anything... response will not be like before... permanent changes to LOC on Cards... Mark this post.


Soon you people will see news on emergency purchase of EXCALIBUR shells from US.
Bhai mai bata raha hun dont keep high hopes from your atrologer guy. At most immi going to get ousted nothing else. Pak will only collapse once we take POK and cut of china pak corridor.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Do we even have a Pro-India voice in PoK? What will you do to the Pakistanised population there? We didn’t even bothered to kickstart an insurgency in PoK after Porkis did in J&K. Killing a few Porkis everyday in Balochistan and Waziristan has no impact on Pakistan unless a few are killed in PoK everyday. For that we’ll need strong info warfare but do we have that?
Just do a mass forced evacuation like Israel did in the six day war.


New Member
Jun 17, 2021
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What will you do to the Pakistanised population there?

For the nth time... 80% of POK population lives(concentrated) in 3 cities of Mirpur, Muzaffarabad and kotli... All 3 on the periphery of pakistan proper. Don't take these 3 cities.

Rest 20% are sprinkled in tens of settlements... can be forced to evacuate through Propaganda... "Indian fascist hindutva brahmin troops are conducting genocide... run... run momins run"

With the kind of brainwashing Paki abdools have... it won't be difficult to make common abdools believe that hindutva army is coming to cull them
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धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
New Member
Oct 14, 2020
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For the nth time... 80% of POK population lives(concentrated) in 3 cities of Mirpur, Muzaffarabad and kotli... All 3 on the periphery of pakistan proper. Don't take these 3 cities.

Rest 20% are sprinkled in tens of settlements... can be forced to evacuate through Propaganda... "Indian fascist hindutva brahmin troops are conducting genocide... run... run momins run"
All 3 cities are not small stuff, recapturing PoK without these 3 cities is worthless.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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All 3 cities are not small stuff, recapturing PoK without these 3 cities is worthless.
Im telling you, do what Israel did and just force these people out. Dont let journos around first, and say "Ooh look we found it empty, pakis must have evacuated". Then call the journos and show em around a bit.


New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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All 3 cities are not small stuff, recapturing PoK without these 3 cities is worthless.
We had a discussion regarding this once and I stand by my statement-
Israelis had this "Davidka" Mortar back in the Six Days war. Didn't do too much but definitely made a hell of a sound. Scared the Arabs shitless to the point they thought Jews were harnessing black magic.

Now, if it were upto me, there'd be little noise and and a sudden and sharp decrease in that region's carbon emission.
But since there are HRWs salivating at the thought of gaining some relevance like vultures, we could always scare them away before the troops enter.
So, am I saying use Davidka?
Nah, we probably have better noise makers. But the principle remains the same.

Lots of noise, lots of propaganda (localised and focused, not global) and lots of scare tactics.

Also, we could learn a bunch of things from Saudi blockade in Yemen and how they manage the diplomatic pressure.

I reckon blocking supply lines for essential needs will cause a serious exodus. It's gonna be nearly impossible to do any of these without backlash, but then again, if our establishment can pull off Smiling Buddha, this should be a cakewalk.

There will have to be serious knowledge transfer and increase in frequency of interaction between the MEA and MOD/MHA.

Like... Real serious shit...

Thankfully, internet proliferation is not that high in the rural PoK landscape. The cities....
It gets tricky there but I'm sure it's not impossible.

Side note- We won't have to be as considerate and cautious if Russia invades Ukraine or China invades Taiwan or both.

Global Defence

