India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Automatic Kalashnikov

Senior Member
Aug 17, 2020
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List of raids since 1998-2013, one of which was acknowledged by pakistan. I haven't read the entire thing yet, if found untrue pls inform me or mods to delete it.

Automatic Kalashnikov

Senior Member
Aug 17, 2020
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It did help in setting the tone .Earlier Pakistan was proud that it can hit India anywhere it wants ..Looks like you have forgot the horrors of bombing campaigns in India pre 2014 . Pakistan diplomatic tone was very aggressive

Come today after Balakot strikes and SS . No bombings in hinterlands . Paksitan tone is now of cowed dog who now warns of India doing false flag against themselves and attack Pakistan. Every now and then we see this statement coming out of Pakistan .

Coming to Kashmir ..This insurgency is their since 1990 ..You would be delusional to think that a SS would solve it in a day ..No it will not
But what it has done is to tell Pakistan that there will be a cost ..
They don't have guts to do another Mumbai or Uri ..Pulwama was done by a local youth ..not a direct Pakistan involvement (indirectly they are involved )
I am not delusional, those who claim that cross border ops were done only after 2014 and it did a lot of harm to pakistan are.
Seems like the cost will be imposed only if KIA>a certain number. Recently 9 men were KIA in surankot encounter.
After Uri, they did have the guts to do a Pulwama 2.5-3 years later. So I hope the Balakot strike provides future deterrence to India and its forces.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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What did he do?
There would be posts in dulat , search for them


Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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I am not delusional, those who claim that cross border ops were done only after 2014 and it did a lot of harm to pakistan are.
Seems like the cost will be imposed only if KIA>a certain number. Recently 9 men were KIA in surankot encounter.
After Uri, they did have the guts to do a Pulwama 2.5-3 years later. So I hope the Balakot strike provides future deterrence to India and its forces.
THE EFFECTS of every action has a shelf life. The psychological effects on the enemy are not permanent. SO, it needs to be re-inforced.. That we have not done enough..
But, what has happened is that Pakistan over the last few years, has completely stopped bombing Indian economic centers, which was a routine occurrence ten years ago. Also, Indian artillery strikes were punitive enough that Pakistani terrorist infiltration, by the Army's own acknowledgment has reduced to a dribble..
So, now Pakistan is relying on arms drops and crudely trained local Kashmiri muslims..
So, there has been progress, although not enough.. Also, there is no excuse, in sending forces into the valley, in non bullet proof vehicles.. GOI should buckle up and do better.
We need to remember one thing, As long as Pakistan exists it will always keep pricking us.. How much ever we hit them, they will never completely stop, pricking us in Kashmir, because getting back Kashmir, is part of their reason for being.. However, Indian punitive actions can control the degree to which Pakistan troubles India.. And there has been enough proof over the past few years, that hitting them hard, does reduce the amount of trouble Pakis create in India..


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars will some kick this Paki Mullahs.



Senior Member
Mar 24, 2019
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because we had RAW chiefs like him too
View attachment 125091
True i was also of this opinion previously . But then realised there is one isreal , one usa , one UK but there are multiple India . And their defination of national security differ by huge margin . One of ex NSA said time has come for opening borders with pak and Bangladesh and allow free movement 😅


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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It won't take much from u to have a little bit of optimism and faith in accountability🙄
I'd be very happy if I turn out to be wrong on this issue.

I just think these fatalities have become just another number in the eyes of the top brass.

What has been done about the NE attack on the CO and his family? Have the militants who killed the CO's family been brought to justice or has the attitude of "Chodo yaar" takenover?

Op Kahuta

Tihar Jail
Nov 10, 2021
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I'd be very happy if I turn out to be wrong on this issue.

I just think these fatalities have become just another number in the eyes of the top brass.

What has been done about the NE attack on the CO and his family? Have the militants who killed the CO's family been brought to justice or has the attitude of "Chodo yaar" takenover?
Bruh u got to stop undermining our military and leadership so much. I don't think any1 in the military or the govt has this "chodo yaar" attitude. Like seriously who tf would see their own brother and his family KIA this brutally and yet say "chodo yaar"?? And yes AR did kill some 3 terrorists of NSCN 2 days after the attack and last I heard Para were deployed near the border areas of India-Myanmar. So if I had to guess then yes we avenged them.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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Bruh u got to stop undermining our military and leadership so much. I don't think any1 in the military or the govt has this "chodo yaar" attitude. Like seriously who tf would see their own brother and his family killed this brutally and yet say "chodo yaar". And yes AR did some 3 terrorists of NSCN 2 days after the attack and last I heard Para were deployed near the border areas of India-Myanmar. So if I had to guess then yes we avenged them.
I have nothing but respect for the Soldier who take part in field activities. My criticism is towards GOI and Upper echelons of the Military.

So, you don't see anything wrong in sending our forces without arms in a vehicle that isn't armored?

What's the value placed on the forces who were killed today by our "leadership"? Are their lives worthless?

Op Kahuta

Tihar Jail
Nov 10, 2021
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I have nothing but respect for the Soldier who take part in field activities. My criticism is towards GOI and Upper echelons of the Military.

So, you don't see anything wrong in sending our forces without arms in a vehicle that isn't armored?
The part where u said "chodo yaar" didn't feel like criticism but more like someone who has lost complete faith in the military atleast. And like I said our armed forces leadership ain't like the porkies who don't accept their own people killed or captured in war. No one in our military leadership would ever want their soldiers sacrifice to go in vain and not be avenged or even send them without modernised weapons and equipments. If that'd be true we wouldn't have heroes like Rawat sir and the cross border strikes that followed under his command and so did former leaders of our armed forces.
And yes sending armed police who has been constantly fighting and sacrificing for our motherland in Kashmir, in a non-bulletproof bus is so wrong. I am sure we have armored vehicles used by JKP but the fact these veer weren't transported in it is sad and frankly I am angry and want accountability.
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