India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Brood Father

New Member
Jun 27, 2015
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Look i will just put this out there.

Indians but most importantly Hindus need to get their priorities right. Don't try to throw your overwhelming fountain of compassion where it's not needed.

How many of you did something for those sadhus who were lynched the Hindus killed in NE and Bengal all those temples demolished in the south?

Crying here over OGW who supply arm and provide shelter to terrorists is not going to help anyone.

Leave your misplaced sense of entitlement somewhere else and understand the reality on the ground.

If tomorrow someone was to provide a gun to your enemy to kill you this entire saga will become crystal clear for you.

Both the GOI and Indian tax payer spend a lot on kashmiris. From there college fees to quotas to place of stay everything is subsidized to dirt cheap rates just for them. If even after all this they have a reason to shelter someone who just took the life of a innocent and shattered his family they have it coming that's it.
The worst part is even in defence forum who daily witness the cries of the family of the fallen soldiers are defending Kashmiri OGW .
These chootiye are useful idiots ..I saw one in this forum who said that encounter looks fake ..You know how much damage you cause ..BC this is war ...Either you will win or you will perish ..This is war of survival ..GET THIS IN YOUR FUCKING THICK SKULLS


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Oct 1, 2016
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My take on this and similar:
1. The Pakistanis are well within their rights to let Chinese or whoever use their bases for whatever purpose.
2. The Chinese are doing what they do best .....expansionism of their boundaries and ideology, which is in line with their superpower ambitions.
3. The more the Chinese start using Pakistani bases, the more the Westerns would be forced to lean on India to counter China.
4. Two front war for India ain't a newly germinating reality, we would have already factored that in, so counter-measures would be in place or in progress.
5. The presence of Chinese assets cannot give any more strategic depth to Pakistan because geography is a given. What works on Pakistani assets, would work in the same way for any other assets (India bombing military assets in Pakistani territory is different from bombing assets in China). In a war, those assets are game too.
6. Going forward from point 3, given their leanings towards us based on Chinese reality in Pakistan, although they won't want to let go of Pakistan fully, the Westerns would be forced to hedge their bets with India.
7. The picture therefore in the Indian Subcontinent region would be that Westerns would not mind India having a border with Afghanistan. This change has more to do with disconnecting the direct physical connection between China and Pakistan rather than anything else.
8. The disconnect would have benefits like Pakistan's continued and increased reliance on Westerns, restricting alternative accesses to Central Asia both through Afghanistan and Pakistan, restricting Chinese access to Indian Ocean Region.
9. India intends to have it's territories back and have a border with Afghanistan as it is very important for our geo-political interests in the Central Asian Region and beyond.
10. Given the convergence of interests between the Westerns and us, it is most likely that we will take our territories back from Pakistan to start with (take back would in my opinion be feuelled by overwhelming military ability in our favour + overwhelming diplomatic opinion in our favour + overwhelming diplomatic pressure on Pakistan + huge social unrest in Pakistan). How much time for remaining territories...... depends on how it pans out after retake part 1.
11. After retake part 1, disintegration of Pakistan is a huge possibility.
12. China's advance would be substantially weakened.
* Obviously China has its own plans. I am putting forth my POV as an Indian.
** Chinese use of Pakistani territories therefore acts as a catalyst to speed up the process of leanings and retake part 1. So that's a glass half full for me.
*** Taiwanese indepence is an important cog in the wheel. If things go south for them, it only postpones what is presented above.
**** By 2026 part 1.
***** 2035-40 part 2.
****** Assumption- The government with current intent stays on.
I likes your thought process . I didn't thought off this. But it is very risky. I have been through similar views on DFI which stats that If China advances on Taiwan at that time we should execute Part1 and Part2.
The Member pointed out that this is reason China hesitating to move on Taiwan currently.
But your POV is well taken, as i was wondering for two reasons why we should take POK back
1. Minority community dominated people
2. why west will support us on this.

In my view , For China , loosing Taiwan will be more advisable than loosing POK to India because it cuts them forever through CPEC.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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I see some Sikhs, KPs supporting these protests. Absolute cucked state of these peace-loving garbage people. Which KMs stood and supported you when targetted killings of Hindus and Sikhs recently were happening in Kashmir ?

Whether he was innocent or not cannot be determined. Many OGWs work as informers and hide their allegiance from their friends and family. Even if he was innocent, if you are okay with militants firing from your shoulders, you must not feel remose if the bullets of retaliation hit you.


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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I see some Sikhs, KPs supporting these protests. Absolute cucked state of these peace-loving garbage people. Which KMs stood and supported you when targetted killings of Hindus and Sikhs recently were happening in Kashmir ?

Whether he was innocent or not cannot be determined. Many OGWs work as informers and hide their allegiance from their friends and family. Even if he was innocent, if you are okay with militants firing from your shoulders, you must not feel remose if the bullets of retaliation hit you.
Kek i am surprised that you are surprised, did you forget that randi who went on the live tv on rndtv and started preaching about muh bhai chara and aman ka launda nach not even 13 days after his father was gunned down by jihadis?

@FalconSlayers i am not following this whole issue, you posted some pics from Hyderpora right? IIRC you suggested that some of the casualties were from the building falling down.

That means these were either with the terrorists, or captive of them or aiding them and considering forces uses have this SOP of taking down the building which have terrorists residing in, then it's just a basic collateral damage at the most and minimum a terrorist aid killed in the cross fire not directly.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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I see some Sikhs, KPs supporting these protests. Absolute cucked state of these peace-loving garbage people. Which KMs stood and supported you when targetted killings of Hindus and Sikhs recently were happening in Kashmir ?

Whether he was innocent or not cannot be determined. Many OGWs work as informers and hide their allegiance from their friends and family. Even if he was innocent, if you are okay with militants firing from your shoulders, you must not feel remose if the bullets of retaliation hit you.
Absolutely, Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs in whole are cucks, man… I mean whoever I see is a liberandoo only, be them anywhere.
Take this for example, a paki does a song with KR$NA (KP) in the name of Aman ki asha, and you happily
do it and then this snake sheds his skin.

Or an Air Vice Marshall of the Indian Airforce

Or a liberandoo like Nidhi Razdan

Or this shit below by Natasha Kaul

It’s just bizzare!

Kus Tavaan 😡

Sir pe tapla

New Member
Aug 15, 2021
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As if they require any reason to pick up arms ..Going by your logic the reason he died was because of CI ops ..Indian army should stop doing CI ops ..I mean what's the point of dying for such thankless souls . It's not even a month when 9 of our died because of these OGW who were providing food and shelter to terrorist ..We did arrest them but WE LOST 9 MEN...
Maybe for you our army don't come first but for me it does ..
For you your stupid and foolish emotions come first. Fortunately our army has better sense than this. Ask any rational officer would he rather take a captured OGW or someone dead. Then come back with your stupid responses.

The nerve of this guy.

Do dead people provide intel according to you? Intel that could possibly prevent other terror attacks and soldiers from dying? Intel that could lead to arrest of other soldiers?

There is a reason why CI ops around the world had armed forces trying to win over local groups. You think they do it for the heck of it?

Come back to me when better sense prevails.
Aug 17, 2020
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I see some Sikhs, KPs supporting these protests. Absolute cucked state of these peace-loving garbage people. Which KMs stood and supported you when targetted killings of Hindus and Sikhs recently were happening in Kashmir ?

Whether he was innocent or not cannot be determined. Many OGWs work as informers and hide their allegiance from their friends and family. Even if he was innocent, if you are okay with militants firing from your shoulders, you must not feel remose if the bullets of retaliation hit you.
If he was innocent, and had armed terrorist in his house, he doesn't really have an option but to do what they tell him to do


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
I see some Sikhs, KPs supporting these protests. Absolute cucked state of these peace-loving garbage people. Which KMs stood and supported you when targetted killings of Hindus and Sikhs recently were happening in Kashmir ?

Whether he was innocent or not cannot be determined. Many OGWs work as informers and hide their allegiance from their friends and family. Even if he was innocent, if you are okay with militants firing from your shoulders, you must not feel remose if the bullets of retaliation hit you.
Is it on social media or msm?


New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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Do we have a clear picture on how these OGWs/innocents/militants were killed? Were they used as a human shield by the terrorists, or by the forces? Or was it a case of bad intel?
Agar clear nahi hai to idhar kyun choodiyaan todd rahe log? Forces conduct several hundred operations every year in Kashmir, what is the possibility of one going wrong? Let's save the vidhwaa vilaap for the ex-post analysis of the investigation report

Brood Father

New Member
Jun 27, 2015
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For you your stupid and foolish emotions come first. Fortunately our army has better sense than this. Ask any rational officer would he rather take a captured OGW or someone dead. Then come back with your stupid responses.

The nerve of this guy.

Do dead people provide intel according to you? Intel that could possibly prevent other terror attacks and soldiers from dying? Intel that could lead to arrest of other soldiers?

There is a reason why CI ops around the world had armed forces trying to win over local groups. You think they do it for the heck of it?

Come back to me when better sense prevails.
Are you fucking blind ..You can't win over them ,You can only scare and subjugate them and force them to abandon terrorism ...
Yes you are right forces on the ground take decision and this time they took decision and SHOT HIM ......NOW SUPPORT THEM UNCONDITIONALLY AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT

