India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Mar 24, 2019
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Absolutely, Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs in whole are cucks, man… I mean whoever I see is a liberandoo only, be them anywhere.
Take this for example, a paki does a song with KR$NA (KP) in the name of Aman ki asha, and you happily
do it and then this snake sheds his skin.

Or an Air Vice Marshall of the Indian Airforce

Or a liberandoo like Nidhi Razdan
View attachment 120227

Or this shit below by Natasha Kaul

It’s just bizzare!

Kus Tavaan 😡
It is because our stories of ramayan mahabharat is a tussle between good and evil . There is no concept of identity . No concept of my religion is truth and others are false or concept of religious conquest against another religion . It is same for sikhism if u go by their book . This mentality has been inherited from generation to generation . This new age hindutva is just a reaction and is not proactive or stands on its own without external hitting .. that is why this community has insane ability to forget and move on , And choose peace instead of perpetual conflict if its possible . Thats why KP dint behave like palestanians when they were driven out of their land .


Dharma Dispatcher
New Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Absolutely, Kashmiri Hindus and Sikhs in whole are cucks, man… I mean whoever I see is a liberandoo only, be them anywhere.
Take this for example, a paki does a song with KR$NA (KP) in the name of Aman ki asha, and you happily
do it and then this snake sheds his skin.

Or an Air Vice Marshall of the Indian Airforce

Or a liberandoo like Nidhi Razdan
View attachment 120227

Or this shit below by Natasha Kaul

It’s just bizzare!

Kus Tavaan 😡
Coomers are sikh cuckverts and degenerated into khalistanifaggotry which is bastard literal spawn of mcauliffe the christian britfag who inserted half assed translations into sikh scriputres replacing HARI PARBRAMHA etc with christian lord.


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Aug 17, 2021
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Missed a hunting oppurtunity by showing cognitive empathy...complete chutiyapa
JKP comprises of locals only and you need their support to fight there. Cannot go around butchering people like morons
Kashmiri terrorism, with Pakistan's demise and India's rise, will be watered down to insurgency, and then a law and order problem. Earlier, Naxalism too had an ideological bent and foreign funding- now its just a law and order issue in most parts. Keeping locals in confidence works, regardless of what the pumping blood says


New Member
May 20, 2021
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There is a reason why CI ops around the world had armed forces trying to win over local groups. You think they do it for the heck of it?
Neither Putin nor CCP agrees with you.

History has shown that, only brutal force has put islamic radicals/militants to their place, vibrant example is Chechnya. Putin has installed his own puppet to rule Chechnya after he cut down the islamic militants to their strength.

US did try to win over local groups in Afghanistan, what was the result?


New Member
Dec 12, 2016
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Neither Putin nor CCP agrees with you.

History has shown that, only brutal force has put islamic radicals/militants to their place, vibrant example is Chechnya. Putin has installed his own puppet to rule Chechnya after he cut down the islamic militants to their strength.

US did try to win over local groups in Afghanistan, what was the result?
Man, russian went after terrorist families, spetsnaz killed every family member of those who joined terrorists mainly chechens including kids, they were brutal in dealing with these scums,they did not even spare their orthodox Christian mercenaries who joined Chechen, they rounded up and executed each and every of 70 arrested mercenaries during first Chechen war


New Member
Jan 24, 2021
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Lol...this fucking idiot was crying when Kashmiri Pandits were getting killed..
Truth to be told Kashmir is war zone hell hole , and just because Kashmiri Pandits are fucking weaklings we have to send our boys out there to die.
This loser belongs to a tribe who ran on the first sight of trouble , didn't have guts to fight and pick up weapons and now when are settled in hinterlands are the biggest source of human rights ..chootiya quam

Here is simple funda ..this is war's us vs them ..I am happy that my tribe survive

Having said that we should not be going into fake encounters shits and there should be price of doing that BUT THIS IS WHY WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE ENQUIRY AND TILL THAT HAPPENS KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT AS THIS EFFECTS MORALE OF OUR BOYS WHO ARE DYING FOR YOU COWARDS
You refer to a post in which the poster talked of questioning the state. Questioning of the state is not treason except in tyrannical states. Want India to be like China, do you?
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New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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You refer to a post in which the poster talked of questioning the state. Questioning of the state is not treason except in tyrannical states. Want India to be like China, do you?
You mean do we want India to be like China where the rule of law prevails, the nation competes with America in influence and economy, poverty is well under control, literacy and education is high, the political junta has the will to send the military to cement it's claims, terrorism and it's ideology is dead or dying, cultural enrichment and assertion is gaining speed with a confident and non-sycophantic leadership who doesn't bend to the west?

Golly, no, sir. Whatever gave you that idea?
We're very happy when our young men die unnecessarily as long as we can pretend play we're not surrounded by a rabid communist and an islamist state.
We love to dance around the problems and goddamnit if it isn't heartwarming to see an insurgency drag on for 4 decades with various foreign players and belligerents getting involved.
I'm a man of culture. I fully believe this glorious tradition of suicide bombings, rape and murder of my people must continue as it has.
What's a people without tradition, eh?

We're not like China, oh gosh, no.
We just want to be a democracy like the UK whose H-boys kill unarmed IRA men and women in Gibraltar or outright open fire on crowds when faced with secession in Ireland.

We love to be judged by the double standards of the west where a bombing is answered by invading two (arguably three) nations which had barely anything to do with the bombings but, on our side, we're expected to practice restraint in the name of democracy after a foreign sponsored genocide.

Isn't democracy just lovely, sir?

By the gods, I love democracy. Especially when heavy handedness can't be practiced on terrorists because your average voter has an IQ of room temperature in an igloo and can be manipulated into castrating and juggling his own balls for a political party who promises him cars with four doors and even more whores. I too, can't stop drawing comparisons with China with a myopic, non contextual view of it's growth after it's oh-so-tyrannical practice of unfettered ......*gasp*...... tyranny.

It's practically a democratic blasphemy to breath the same air as a tyrannical regime, much less do even mildly similar things, lest we be branded by the hot iron stamp of "Undemocratic".

This is why, while the CCP members breath through their nose, I breath through my ass.
I take democracy to the heart, good sir.
It smells weird, my burps sound like farts and farts sound like burps, but I manage.
I can sacrifice the anatomy the gods bestowed upon me on the altar of democracy. What's a few strangers who just happen to have mothers on the same side of the border?

I fully believe in keeping these tyrannical regimes in check too.
This is why I support NATO efforts in starving and killing Yemenis (who are also suffering the world's biggest humanitarian crisis) trying to stave off the tyrannical Saudi's influence.

Simpletons may say it's hypocrisy but we true sons of democracy know the truth, don't we?

This is all a ploy to get the Houthis to win the war against Saudi Arabia so one day we can highlight the benefits of Democracy in a Matt Damon starring thriller on the silver screen.
Such intellect! How could the commies ever compete!
They never stood a chance!

I ignore the literal hundreds of dictators and terrorists NATO supported just to get an edge over their competition because in the end, what matters is democracy!
Keeping your own people safe!

This is why I fully support democracy.
It keeps my people safe by sending them to the divine safety of Svarg.

TLDR- Western nations keep themselves safe by sponsoring a pro Western tyrant over an anti western tyrant to keep up the facade of democracy while lecturing nations with minimal foreign footprint for not doing the same and keeping within their own borders.
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Dharma Dispatcher
New Member
Nov 10, 2020
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You refer to a post in which the poster talked of questioning the state. Questioning of the state is not treason except in tyrannical states. Want India to be like China, do you?
Modern nation states don't encourage civic duties but only rights a lethal flaw in democracies.Democracy and secularism in prety much every country today is about mooslames getting away speaking anything about majority. And a bunch of minority gets to decide and drop certifications regarding what should be considered phobic secular or communal.Historically speaking, multicultural societies nations have seen a lot of infighting and the situation can only improve if the focus is towards integration and assimilation of all communities by finding common grounds. Most of the multicultural democracies of the world do not have mixed neighbourhoods but packets of different communities who feel comfortable in their own zones these democracies are perceived to be liberal and secular. You can surely assimilate pretty much every community sooner or later but this scenario is not tenable at all when it comes to mooslames.

Go on to make list of fatal perversions there are many the people of knowledge can ofcourse add to the list.

1)Tolerance of intolerance in the name of tolerance.
2)Perpetuation of inequality in name of equality.
3)A joke of freedom that impinges upon freedom.
4)Silently democracies have become sanctuaries for terrorists.
5)social ruptures, sectarianism and secessionist gaandmasti.

Sir pe tapla

New Member
Aug 15, 2021
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Neither Putin nor CCP agrees with you.

History has shown that, only brutal force has put islamic radicals/militants to their place, vibrant example is Chechnya. Putin has installed his own puppet to rule Chechnya after he cut down the islamic militants to their strength.

US did try to win over local groups in Afghanistan, what was the result?
You are going to trust Putin and CCP now? Putin declared the insurgency over in 2017, yet attacks and clashes continue to happen. They talk out of their asses and people believe them.

Same goes with CCP, a country very good at hiding things. We know little to nothing about the conflicts that go on apart from the Uyghur one and even then there is little to be known.

US is a bad example. Kashmir is our land, Afghanistan was not US territory. US were foreigners and shared nothing close to the characteristics of Afghan people.

Killing unarmed ogw give us nothing. I don't care about their lives, torture those idiots , waterboard them, give them electric shocks what do I care?

But atleast wait till you extract intel from them. Killing off unarmed people gives rise to insurgency, that's a fact whether you like it or not. You push people who may be on the edge and in a conflicted state of mind in the wrong direction.


New Member
Sep 21, 2021
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You are going to trust Putin and CCP now? Putin declared the insurgency over in 2017, yet attacks and clashes continue to happen. They talk out of their asses and people believe them.

Same goes with CCP, a country very good at hiding things. We know little to nothing about the conflicts that go on apart from the Uyghur one and even then there is little to be known.

US is a bad example. Kashmir is our land, Afghanistan was not US territory. US were foreigners and shared nothing close to the characteristics of Afghan people.

Killing unarmed ogw give us nothing. I don't care about their lives, torture those idiots , waterboard them, give them electric shocks what do I care?

But atleast wait till you extract intel from them. Killing off unarmed people gives rise to insurgency, that's a fact whether you like it or not. You push people who may be on the edge and in a conflicted state of mind in the wrong direction.
I agree with this. Killing the families etc gives everyone a martyr to rally around. I believe its better to have a "re education"


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
View attachment 120328
Gurus teachings are the need of the hour for Sikh brethren in Gurgaon
No if Sikhs leaders want to throw their people under the bus, it is their decision. With all due respect, these leaders have forgot how these mlechas are. They forget in UK how they target their daughters for conversion etc. You cannot wake somebody who is pretending to be asleep.

