India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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May 20, 2021
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I don't care about their lives, torture those idiots , waterboard them, give them electric shocks what do I care?

You push people who may be on the edge and in a conflicted state of mind in the wrong direction.

But atleast wait till you extract intel from them. Killing off unarmed people gives rise to insurgency
They are already in wrong direction, Aman ka Tamasha jumla doesnt works with them.

Kashmir is stable now just for the mere fact that it is under Governor's rule now.

On other hand if you say, "I don't care about their lives", than why the greivances now?

Dont you think that this Islamic radicals and Courts will come after Govt and Forces after you waterboard and 3rd degree torture them? It doesn't make any difference. Were the civilians and KPs armed when these OGWs along with terrorists shot them?

According to you, Human rights of OGWs and terrorists is fine and no Human rights for Forces and Civilians killed? Wah!Wah!

I suggest you to start a campaign supporting OGWs in Kashmir. It will be totally in sync with Human Rights crowd like you.


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May 20, 2021
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No if Sikhs leaders want to throw their people under the bus, it is their decision. With all due respect, these leaders have forgot how these mlechas are. They forget in UK how they target their daughters for conversion etc. You cannot wake somebody who is pretending to be asleep.
Khali Khopdis will come running to Modi once their daughters are been abducted and forcefully converted to Islam, we just saw this in Kashmir few months back.

I always thought that, Nihangs are so brave that they will wage war against Taliban for attrocities on Sikhs there, I always thought that Nihangs are so brave that they will wage war against Pakistan Army for attrocities on Sikhs there.

But what I see is that, they block roads and kill unarmed dalit people in India.

Let them live in Utopia, hehehe, all in good time.


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May 20, 2021
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And I suggest you to kindly quote where I wrote anything about human rights of OGWs and terrorists.

I specifically wrote I don't care if our forces water board or give electric shocks to them.

Has your reading comprehension become so bad that to you it seems that I have written I actually care about the Human rights of these OGWs?

Quote me where I wrote I care about the Human rights of OGWs or anything remotely similar.

The stupidity here is beyond belief.
Bottom line is:

No tears should be shed for OGWs on this thread.

A good OGW is a dead OGW.


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Jun 17, 2021
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Late to this shitfest

Have a theory... it is a move to get relaxation from the 3rd front or the "half/0.5" front... bcoz ugly things are soon coming up at both the borders... & nobody wants military convoys to get tied down by "farmers" in Punjab/west UP... demo of which was given months back when we saw an officer from Signals pleading the "farmers" to let his convoy pass

It is coming right after Xi-Biden meet. & Doval's statement that Civil society is new frontier of war.

I am forced to look at it in this manner: A compromise(by 🇨🇳) on Taiwan means a silence of 🇺🇸 when the Chinese make their moves in Ladakh & Arunachal?

Anyways... Which one is more shameful/disgusting loss of face for US?
Losing Taiwan or India losing Ladakh/arunachal... The former is question of prestige... The latter is business opportunity!

(NOTE: Abuses will be paid back 2x)
The road of unseating BJP in 2024 passes through a defeat in UP in 2022

Pakis would try their all time formula:
1. Conduct a sub conventional/terrorist strike
2. Say BJP govt did false flag to win election

But this time they had opposition with them to play the 3rd front... we have been hearing for some time about the oppositions plan to create civil war conditions before UP elections.

Though saddening... this is a very calculated move

But still... am Looking forward to an attack on military installations/convoys/airbases in J&k and Punjab... & a major one... might be multiple simultaneous attacks.

It was like... bleed Indian armed forces with multiple sub conventional blows & when govt gets forced to reply & gives a go ahead... then choke the logistics with help of "farmers"

Recently we saw an "NGO" going to Supreme court to stop the widening of Chardham roads.

"...every possible series of events is happening, all at once. Live that way, and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before." - Lord Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish (Game of thrones)


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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The road of unseating BJP in 2024 passes through a defeat in UP in 2022

Pakis would try their all time formula:
1. Conduct a sub conventional/terrorist strike
2. Say BJP govt did false flag to win election

But this time they had opposition with them to play the 3rd front... we have been hearing for some time about the oppositions plan to create civil war conditions before UP elections.

Though saddening... this is a very calculated move

But still... am Looking forward to an attack on military installations/convoys/airbases in J&k and Punjab... & a major one... might be multiple simultaneous attacks.

It was like... bleed Indian armed forces with multiple sub conventional blows & when govt gets forced to reply & gives a go ahead... then choke the logistics with help of "farmers"

Recently we saw an "NGO" going to Supreme court to stop the widening of Chardham roads.

"...every possible series of events is happening, all at once. Live that way, and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before." - Lord Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish (Game of thrones)
War grants emergency powers to the ruling government. That means if this escalates and the 0.5 front continues, they can be wiped out and the media be hushed even within India. I don't know whether you were there when the 1971 war happened. The amount of control that the government had even before 1975 emergency was tremendous.

This is a basic protocol; the ruling government is absolute. Any "farmers" or "NGOs" trying to create havoc during the war will be treated at par as the enemies and gunned down or vanished in the internment camps.

As for the opposition, I truly hope that we do have a conflict so that the govt can take this opportunity to purge it of traitorous elements.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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War grants emergency powers to the ruling government. That means if this escalates and the 0.5 front continues, they can be wiped out and the media be hushed even within India. I don't know whether you were there when the 1971 war happened. The amount of control that the government had even before 1975 emergency was tremendous.

This is a basic protocol; the ruling government is absolute. Any "farmers" or "NGOs" trying to create havoc during the war will be treated at par as the enemies and gunned down or vanished in the internment camps.

As for the opposition, I truly hope that we do have a conflict so that the govt can take this opportunity to purge it of traitorous elements.
Tell more brother , about powers of government


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Tell more brother , about powers of government
1> Elections are postponed.
2> Military gets full control of the operations on all fronts with civilian oversight.
3> Anyone posing against the national narrative can be deemed as the enemy of the state and interned.

There is a reason why CPI was messed up during the 1962 conflict. Several thousand Commies were arrested without charges and taken in for questioning, interrogation and allegedly torture to the military camps for having sympathies for the PLA.

They were suspected of passing information and many were also convicted. That set the precedent for the split in the communist parties in India way back then resulting in CPI-Leninist and CPI-Maoist split between 1960-1965 (we Sikkimese weren't even in the Indian picture back then.. 😜 )


1) Communism in Punjab: A Study of the Movement Up to 1967

2) India's Defence of India Act

It gave government powers not normally possible during peace times in a democracy.


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Apr 29, 2020
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Government taking down 3 farm bills
Even now protest are not so strong
Siddhu going to porkistan
Kartarpur opening
Captain amrinder meeting NSA.
Sidhu is our person he is not a traitor
Notice ISPR personal and army personal. Propaganda is always their key
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New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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What a disgusting filth this Sidhu fella has become!
Wouldn't this do wonders to prospects of Congress, Gandhi's in particular?

Sidhu seems like the perfect plant one could ask for and he has Gandhis and Congress by their balls.

Loving it.

Congress is full of potty mouths doing massive service to the party every time they open their mouths.

Mani, Diggy, Salman, Nizami, Sibal.. the list is longer than one can count on fingers.

