India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Jul 29, 2010
Due to fast and cheap internet, all of us "defense fanboys" have become live spectators in Eden Gardens...

every wicket, 4 and 6, hell even singles are evaluated and judged as final outcome of the match - changing moods and morale of us common citizens like young teen girl every hour.

the people who are experts in modern war- general and lieutenants, jawans spend their lives, learning, training to kill and become as hard as a rock both physically and mentally, they live and die for country- THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO IT, HOW TO DO IT, WHEN TO DO IT
When to do is the most important part. It seems PRC and Pakistan are itching us into a fight. Add to that 0.5 front being activated in the form of khalistani and abdul is waiting as always to fight the mushrik.


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Apr 23, 2021
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This is a major misconception ceasefire with Pakistan is important for India's existence and vice versa. Keeping hot border with them could lead to an emotional miscalculation and things could over escalate next thing you know is population centers being levelled to the ground that my friend is oxmoronic. You either engage Pakistan in an all-out conflict or you don't this is the stragetic goal for the higher ups which is the right way of engagement hence ceasefire was extremely good for us and for them likewise if we are not gonna go at it full blown there is no reason dancing on the heads of snakes and a major radioactive outfall. irrespective of any other developments The LOC border is separate entity and both sides desire is to keep it quit

have we got anything by keeping loc quite ?
a big no

have we lost anything ??
yes soilders and civillians are now also being killed like before.

has the situation moved towards betterment??
nope, terror attacks were happening before also and they are happening now also.

have porkis got anything??
yes before ceasefire there was huge shortage of ammunition in porki side.

does keeping loc lit give us anything?
yes, if cease fire was not been done then their forex would have been dropped to a new low.


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Feb 28, 2019
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have we got anything by keeping loc quite ?
a big no

have we lost anything ??
yes soilders and civillians are now also being killed like before.

has the situation moved towards betterment??
nope, terror attacks were happening before also and they are happening now also.

have porkis got anything??
yes before ceasefire there was huge shortage of ammunition in porki side.

does keeping loc lit give us anything?
yes, if cease fire was not been done then their forex would have been dropped to a new low.
Keeping the LoC quiet helped them move their troops to Afghanistan and fight alongside Taliban.

We indirectly facilitated the fall of Kabul but poor us.. we are such hard negotiators yet we end up on the losing side when the victory scroll is read.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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if this was right why did Krishna not ask Arjun to go after Gandhari & Dhritrashtra? But only after those present on the battlefield of Mahabharat? We have to pick our battles carefully or risk further alienating the populace. We can't jail the parents for the sins of a criminal!
Meh, because they're all sanatana dharma followers. You are comparing mangos and khajoor my friend ! Every yuga dharma changes and rules change. Here you are dealing with a bunch of remorseless people whose only idea of life is to kill kafirs and enforce sharia (in this thread a while back someone shared a video where family members are actively supporting a terrorist and IA sadbhavana of soldier or officer is in full display). Am very sure if Krishna were to be here in Kashmir today, he would fully advocate a scorched earth policy

Predator Z

Tihar Jail
Oct 11, 2021
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Is it end of ceasefire or we still happy holding to it. What is the purpose of ceasefire when it doesn't serve the purpose. Every day new strategies by pak army, from targeted killing to ambush on soldiers. IA need to be proactive and act upon against the preparators


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Jun 17, 2009
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I'm handing out permanent bans to members prone to emotional meltdowns and temporary bans to 1st offenders
Emotional meltdowns from guys who do not belong to DFI.
All they do is some comments to spite India, knowing fully well the same 56 inch has the history of facing his enemies and giving it back in their language of understanding.


Tihar Jail
Oct 6, 2020
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Jun 21, 2018
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China is not weak in Himalayas.

China doesn't need a war in Himalayas.

Taiwan's value ideologically politically and strategically is far greater than some rocks on Indian border.
Then you completely missed what I have been saying.

Xi is under a lot stress due to domestic economic factors and internal politics working to oust him.

He needs a quick victory. Taiwan is a year long bloody campaign with no guarantee of victory.

In India, if he can immobilize troop movements with farm protests and cause civil chaos due to COVID, he can grab some small pieces of clay quickly.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Is it end of ceasefire or we still happy holding to it. What is the purpose of ceasefire when it doesn't serve the purpose. Every day new strategies by pak army, from targeted killing to ambush on soldiers. IA need to be proactive and act upon against the preparators
ceasefire is serving a purpose, paki army get to focus on their western border and we get to focus on our Eastern/northern border.

As far as tangos are concerned, that’s what security grid is for.


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Jun 17, 2009
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Then you completely missed what I have been saying.

Xi is under a lot stress due to domestic economic factors and internal politics working to oust him.

He needs a quick victory. Taiwan is a year long bloody campaign with no guarantee of victory.

In India, if he can immobilize troop movements with farm protests and cause civil chaos due to COVID, he can grab some small pieces of clay quickly.
I think he is just doing some media ops, any war with India is going to be a long war with no clear winner in the Himalayas.

On the contrary the same reason can be shown by India and can hurt the trade relations, deny market access. China is aware of the costs.


Dharma Dispatcher
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Nov 10, 2020
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Is it end of ceasefire or we still happy holding to it. What is the purpose of ceasefire when it doesn't serve the purpose. Every day new strategies by pak army, from targeted killing to ambush on soldiers. IA need to be proactive and act upon against the preparators
Demographic security must be an essential part of security doctrine. Its evident now sabka sath sabka vikas has failed. BHARAT's army is under government of India and government of India does not seem to be interested in settlement but appeasement.Coomers failed to realize that appeasement has only made things worse. Thank you so much Modiji for the Reorganization Act 2019 nevertheless it means nothing unless you take it to its only intelligent conclusion which cannot come from appeasement but only settlement.



New Member
Jan 31, 2019
ceasefire is serving a purpose, paki army get to focus on their western border and we get to focus on our Eastern/northern border.

As far as tangos are concerned, that’s what security grid is for.
One can say that they have atleast to a great degree achieved their aim at their Western border and are once again shifting towards us can we say the same for ourselves?

In such a situation how viable is for us to hold on to a ceasefire which handicaps our response towards infiltrators.


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Feb 28, 2016
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One can say that they have atleast to a great degree achieved their aim at their Western border and are once again shifting towards us can we say the same for ourselves?

In such a situation how viable is for us to hold on to a ceasefire which handicaps our response towards infiltrators.
They will dump the ceasefire when Paki breaks it, or when Paki jihadis breach the numerical threshold,
which they will sometime, ghajis just cannot control themselves, it's only a matter of time.

Hope baba spices it up this time and sends the Navy to attack Karachi & Gwadar :daru:

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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I know the frustration of every member in this forum. I am feeling it too.

Apna leader kuch sahi nahi kar raha hai par chalo dushman to sahi bol raha hai... :truestory:

Maybe now is the time for India to behave like Israel.:cowboy::shoot:

I am telling you people. The day India starts behaving like Israel and start treating Pakistan like Palestine. I will say that Modi has proved his ultimate worth to the nation.. Modi has done enough in one life time..:yo:

This should be the all time tactics..:clap2::clap2:


@Waanar @Cheran @shade @Knowitall @Maharaj skandgupta @Nationalist Manasvi Papa @Hariharan_kalarikkal @ajay7322 @Marliii @asaffronladoftherisingsun


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Sep 4, 2019
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Meh, because they're all sanatana dharma followers. You are comparing mangos and khajoor my friend ! Every yuga dharma changes and rules change. Here you are dealing with a bunch of remorseless people whose only idea of life is to kill kafirs and enforce sharia (in this thread a while back someone shared a video where family members are actively supporting a terrorist and IA sadbhavana of soldier or officer is in full display). Am very sure if Krishna were to be here in Kashmir today, he would fully advocate a scorched earth policy
Bhagvad Geeta says Kali Yuga will be a time of uninhibited cruelty and chaos where only men with power will rule, and virtue, chastity, purity, love etc won't matter in worldly affairs.

Establish power through Adharma to establish Dharma. That's the only way.
Scorched Earth is way too tame. A comprehensive policy aimed at ending all hope of peace is necessary.

The central thing here is, while we want peace, they want blood.
Give it to them.

Give them enough blood that THEY'RE the ones who ask for peace.
And don't give it to them till they convert.

I've seen this bullshit after the US started popularizing it and I don't know where it came from to India but this "Hearts and minds" initiative didn't work for anyone.

Did it work in Afghanistan? No.
Iraq? No.
Syria? Lol.
Kashmir? No. I know some of you will say it's worked because militancy is much more tame today.
That's because their handlers have a broken economy and Taliban was cornered in Afghanistan till now. It has nothing to do with "hearts and minds" and I look upon "Patriotic Kashmiris" as nothing more than a pandering crowd (barring a knowledgeable few I actually respect).

Imagine if a state sponsored but deniable group of Hindutva militiamen was active in Kashmir today.
No more than a few hundred.

OGWs got arrested after the killing of Deepak Chand, Virender Paswan and Supinder Kaur, right?

Let's say someone conveniently "leaks" their details.
These militiamen could then go around intinidating, killing and converting their suspected colleagues (and y'know... Everyone associated with them).
This would literally make it a social stigma to get associated with militant groups in the long run, as opposed to today, where helping terrorists is considered to be a noble act.
Use Arya samaj if you must to ease their transition since Arya Samaj is basically an accomodation for monotheists converting to Hinduism without the shock of sudden change.

This is just one very simplified example from a plethora of ways a state sponsored Israeli settler methodology will work towards fixing our internal issues.

Some of you might say "But Waanar, why is Israel still facing a raging insurgency in Palestine?"

Well, I'm glad you asked, lil one. If you didn't, damn you, you're listening to me anyways.

Conversion to Judaism is wayyy harder and uncertain than conversion to Hinduism is for subcon nibbas.
Here, you simply contact a nearby Arya samaj/Agniveer/what-have-you and convert to Hinduism.

Meanwhile, conversion to Judaism involves years of study before being sanctioned by the Rabbi and it might be rejected without any explanation. If Israel encouraged conversions to Judaism and approached it with the sophistication it approached farming in deserts or killing Izz Ad Dinn commanders, you'd see all these sangbaazes in Palestine upholding the Torah instead of Quran.

Unfortunately, jew hatred and aspiring for shahadat is cemented into the Palestinian's heads, so, much harder now. Not like Israel seems interested in it anyways because it could give rise to security issues as every jew, once converted, has a right to Aaliyah (migration to and citizenship of Israel).

We do not suffer from such a complication because Kashmiris are ALREADY IN INDIA.

Let's also talk about the animosity developed between Israelis as they break settlements to settle their guys. They literally destroy a native's life in mere hours.

This is way different from Kashmir, where there is ample land to settle people without breaking any houses, thus, not turning the fight for civilization into a fight for individual survival and prosperity (which matters more to most than their culture, society etc. Especially Kashmiris.)

Unlike what you might've presumed from such a long running insurgency campaign, the Kashmiri miyas actually value their personal wealth and prosperity wayy more than jihad.

Put your hand on THAT and they'll immediately concede to your whims and demands.

The only ones who join terror groups are drug addicts, poor boys who see it as their chance at upliftment and immature kids who are heartbroken because a girl left them or sumthin (yes it's true. Lol no, I'm not kidding. Such romance much wow.)
No one, literally NO ONE joins because they want 72 virgins and a chance at prancing around in heaven with their beloved Mo (unless, as I mentioned before, they're under the influence of drugs).
Also, deep down, the younger generation knows the Quran is a lie. A regular Kashmiri miya is usually much less believing and more progressive than a regular Bihari miya. (I'm sure some of you will disagree. That's fine. Get down in the replies and disagree all you want. I can already hear the angry keyboard noises from your sweaty fingers smashing away)

All I'm saying is, it'll be harder to convert a Bihari miya than a Kashmiri miya. Trust me on that.

And so ends Waanar's nugget of wisdom.

Tune in next time for another episode of "Waanar has had enough of Kashmir's shit".
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New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Conversion to Judaism is wayyy harder and uncertain than conversion to Hinduism is for subcon nibbas.
Here, you simply contact a nearby Arya samaj/Agniveer/what-have-you and convert to Hinduism.

Meanwhile, conversion to Judaism involves years of study before being sanctioned by the Rabbi and it might be rejected without any explanation. If Israel encouraged conversions to Judaism and approached it with the sophistication it approached farming in deserts or killing Izz Ad Dinn commanders, you'd see all these sangbaazes in Palestine upholding the Torah instead of Quran.
You become Joo by blood, not by conversion, they do not promote conversion at all, that is the point of Israel, it is being a Joo by DNA/blood/Tribe whatever you call it, not by religion, many hard core Israeli/Joo nationalist/patriots do not believe in God and do not believe in historicity of events in Torah.

They want the Palis to be given the boot, and their land to be settled by fellow Yehudims, and they will accomplish that by the end of this century by the way things are going currently.

I do agree with the settler method as a permanent fix to this matter tho.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021

