India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


Regular Member
Feb 6, 2021
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Was a post saying army convoy's will have posters of young Kashmir's achivements and are instructed to talk to people politely at stops,and will have red flag instead of blue was SC shot of an article
and then some firan clad patriotic kashmiri will come to their tent and...


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2023
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Legend says that GOI has 1.5 TB of Chinese humiliation videos.. bigger than my stash of porn from my college days..
The legend will die like porkis die dreaming of Kashmir generations after generations.

GoI and its useless PR stunt. We need the video of dusra pilot which porkis were shouting about in Abhinandan capture video, we needed photos of F-16 crash, we needed photos of Balakot madrassa damage just like US releases after attacking terrorists hideouts, we needed atleast few videos of Chinese catured by India in Galwan.

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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The legend will die like porkis die dreaming of Kashmir generations after generations.

GoI and its useless PR stunt. We need the video of dusra pilot which porkis were shouting about in Abhinandan capture video, we needed photos of F-16 crash, we needed photos of Balakot madrassa damage just like US releases after attacking terrorists hideouts, we needed atleast few videos of Chinese catured by India in Galwan.
More likely that GOI has nothing to show as proof.. except Trust Me Bro..


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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RR (rastriya rifles) maybe taking casualties but 69 RR (randi rona DFI regiment) is on full blast , no hate tho - if i had time i would be joining you ✊

anyways , interesting article from Gen syed

if ur too lazy to read it he is saying pakistan has shifted attention to poonch rajouri sector . this used to be a quiet sector. army is taking more casualties than terrorists . army will change sop + maybe armoured vehicles - and what not . there has been no deployed/thinning of troops from poonch-rajouri to lakadh . maybe more troops will be brought in . shit will only get worse

imho pakistan used the quiet periods - past few years to cultivate good OGW in this sector . they are now being used effectively , TRF had the aukut to hit a convoy at a position visible from a army post and then vanish. plus with the cease fire and 50,000 PLA troops mean pakistan can more freely fuck with us.

Why terrorist activity has shifted from Kashmir to Poonch-Rajouri
Kashmir’s strong and layered counter-infiltration (CI) and counter-terrorism (CT) grid makes planning proxy operations difficult. On the other hand, dilution of troop deployment and a chequered history of local support may have led to activity and presence of terrorists shifting there

The Indian Army is not used to persistent negative encounters that upset its tremendous track record in counter-terrorist operations. It does not claim continuous success either, as negative encounters did occur in the past intermittently — although mostly after long intervals. That was when the strength of terrorists was high, intelligence less reliable, and even speculative search and destroy operations were productive in contacts. The recent run of encounters in the depth areas of the Poonch-Rajouri sector have resulted in more losses for the Army than the terrorists, in an environment in which the strength of terrorists is much diluted, but better technologies are available. In addition, while the Kashmir zone — the traditionally more volatile area — is relatively quiet, it’s the Pir Panjal (South) in the Jammu sector which has, in recent months, witnessed more operational activity and presence of terrorists.

Army personnel during a cordon and search operation in Poonch district on Friday. (Photo: PTI)
Why has terrorist presence and activity shifted to the Poonch-Rajouri sector? The answer is clear. Terrorism is like water; it takes the path of least resistance. Kashmir is too hot for Pakistan to make a strong statement on its “relevance” and “capability to calibrate” — both issues that are important to Pakistan’s doctrine of proxy hybrid war. Kashmir’s strong and layered counter-infiltration (CI) and counter-terrorism (CT) grid makes planning of proxy operations difficult. The Poonch-Rajouri sector has had a chequered history of local support, which enabled Pakistan to establish a strong proxy presence in the forested and rocky tracts of the Pir Panjal (South). Although this waned over time, perhaps some clandestine efforts to re-cultivate the population have occurred in recent years, with some reported antipathy among the Gujjar community. However, there is only speculative evidence of this. The abrogation of Article 370 has also made Kashmir less conducive to separatist trends.

Secondly, is there any truth that the Army’s redeployment of some formations from this sector has led to the dilution of optimum deployment? From May 2020 onwards when the Ladakh sector was activated, some troops were lifted from the Jammu sector and redeployed there. There may have been some dilution, but HQ Northern Command has always been watchful of this and has followed the basic principle of re-deploying and creating other reserves. In any case, the Rashtriya Rifles troops from the Poonch-Rajouri sector were never disturbed. Yet, when adversary focus comes on a sub-sector, some redeployment for a stronger grid, especially the presence of uncommitted response elements, must be arranged. Some of this has already been done, a little more could follow.
Also Read | Death of 3 civilians in Poonch has echo in Valley: ‘Is this Naya Kashmir?’
Has the Indian Army encountered anything similar in the past? If so, how did it deal with it? My own experience in the Valley in 1999-2001, provides an answer. The move of the Army’s 8 Mountain Division from North Kashmir to Kargil in June 1999 opened up wide spaces for the entry of terrorists from across an unfenced LoC. They adopted the tactics of suicide attacks on Army and police camps. It was rumoured that some Pakistan Army elements were providing the field leadership. There were big contacts and raging battles with the Army for the better part of the next 18 months or so. Redeployment did take place and the Kilo Force was created to take charge. I do not think tactical or operational space has been lost in Poonch-Rajouri and the overall capability of Pakistan to sustain any success is still limited. Besides, the Indian government’s demonstrated capability for retaliation when an undetermined threshold is crossed will keep Pakistan on tenterhooks.

So, is this about drills, SOPs and minor tactics? Does the Army accept the need for a review of some identified weaknesses — for example, the inevitable aspect of convoy security, hardening of operational vehicles, enhancing the size of movement of reinforcements, etc? I recall 2007-08 when there were several ambushes in the Valley from maize fields which terrorists stopped from being harvested. We reviewed all movements, SOPs and response drills with special emphasis on the first two minutes of contact when most casualties occur. The Army is an organisation adept at self-learning. It only needs reminders of legacy events and the methods that are available in-house. I recommend brigade-sized operations to be conducted in the lower reaches of the Pir Panjal with drone support, as the foliage cover is lowest at this time. This needs to be reinforced by a strong public outreach, as done in the Valley.

Festive offer
Also Read | ‘This is the prize for working for the nation’: BSF man, brother of civilian killed in Poonch
Lastly, and very importantly, the unfortunate post-event happenings remain allegations until a thorough investigation is carried out. Three local civilians have died under questionable and suspicious circumstances. With experience, I may state that the Army is an institution in which ethics cannot be diluted. Even if mistakes have occurred, the transparency of an inquiry and suitable disciplinary action is something that is expected of it. Senior commanders and political and civil society leaders will need to be balanced in their utterances and the media must not speculate. Such events have a nasty way of upsetting much of the balance achieved by the bold decisions of August 5, 2019. An immediate drive to address the emotions prevailing among the local communities in the area of Pir Panjal South must be undertaken by direct contact and interaction. Its effect on the Valley must not be underestimated and precautionary measures must also be taken there. The gunning down of a former SSP at Baramulla indicates there is more to come. Rumours will be rife and adversaries and their cohorts will be on the lookout to exploit this.

Over the last 33 years, such moments have often come and gone. I think the nation needs to remain reassured of the ability of the government and Army to see it through.
The writer, a member of the National Disaster Management Authority, is former corps commander of the Srinagar-based 15 Corps


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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RR (rastriya rifles) maybe taking casualties but 69 RR (randi rona DFI regiment) is on full blast , no hate tho - if i had time i would be joining you ✊

anyways , interesting article from Gen syed

if ur too lazy to read it he is saying pakistan has shifted attention to poonch rajouri sector . this used to be a quiet sector. army is taking more casualties than terrorists . army will change sop + maybe armoured vehicles - and what not . there has been no deployed/thinning of troops from poonch-rajouri to lakadh . maybe more troops will be brought in . shit will only get worse

imho pakistan used the quiet periods - past few years to cultivate good OGW in this sector . they are now being used effectively , TRF had the aukut to hit a convoy at a position visible from a army post and then vanish. plus with the cease fire and 50,000 PLA troops mean pakistan can more freely fuck with us.
I think he's clear the deployment of RR isn't affected not so much the regular IA formations which may have been redeployed across the LAC .

While the concern for the repeated loss of lives among the members especially the younger ones here is heartening to note conversely what amazes me is the lack of stomach for losses especially when we dominate the situation there by any yardstick.

Gargantuan organizations like the IA take some time to change tactics along with the requisite paraphernalia & are willing to stomach losses during the interval.

I wonder what'd happen to these same guys tomorrow when we get into a full fledged war across the LAC with China coz the way things stand it's going to be one bloody war of attrition like Ukraine³ or Ukraine⁴ not just 3x or 4x of Ukraine .

Every such minor engagement in less than a span of half an hour , given the media coverage , which'd claim half a dozen lives will be touted as a loss for the IA & consequently India . Is this how we plan to take on the PLA as in is this the dress rehearsal for that ? Points worth pondering in my 2 cents.
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Senior Member
Dec 17, 2022
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I think he's clear the deployment of RR isn't affected not so much the regular IA formations which may have been redeployed across the LAC .

While the concern for the repeated loss of lives among the members especially the younger ones here is heartening to note conversely what amazes me is the lack of stomach for losses especially when we dominate the situation there by any yardstick.

Gargantuan organizations like the IA take some time to change tactics along with the requisite paraphernalia & are willing to stomach losses during the interval.

I wonder what'd happen to these same guys tomorrow when we get into a full fledged war across the LAC with China coz the way things stand it's going to be one bloody war of attrition like Ukraine³ or Ukraine⁴ not just 3x or 4x of Ukraine .

Every such minor engagement in less than a span of half an hour , given the media coverage , which'd claim half a dozen lives will be touted as a loss for the IA & consequently India . Is this how we plan to take on the PLA as in is this the dress rehearsal for that ? Points worth pondering in my 2 cents.
you are right about not having a stomach for losses. but not war losses. its these types of losses that are preventable.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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you are right about not having a stomach for losses. but not war losses. its these types of losses that are preventable.
I think both of us were around during the Kandahar hijacking crisis & the Wing Co Abhinandan episode . Such attitudes aren't born overnight. We need thicker skins & gut linings.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2022
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I think both of us were around during the Kandahar hijacking crisis & the Wing Co Abhinandan episode . Such attitudes aren't born overnight. We need thicker skins & gut linings.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Automatic Kalashnikov

Senior Member
Aug 17, 2020
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The legend will die like porkis die dreaming of Kashmir generations after generations.

GoI and its useless PR stunt. We need the video of dusra pilot which porkis were shouting about in Abhinandan capture video, we needed photos of F-16 crash, we needed photos of Balakot madrassa damage just like US releases after attacking terrorists hideouts, we needed atleast few videos of Chinese catured by India in Galwan.
Surprisingly IA has a DG information warfare and that officer is on Twitter in personal capacity


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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its bababanaras , isnt it .

Btw Bababanaras >> DG ISPR

In fact, if IA DG Information hires DFI & supplies us with relevant videos & information, we will own the entire world info warfare. Even Chinese 50-cent army will be solo-ed negative difficulty.

Too bad such great talent is going waste here on this forum, when we can win the glorious info war for Bharat.

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