India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2021
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When I was a kid(in 90s)... I had seen this tendency among villagers/illiterates/dehaatis... (no offense meant) that they used to pick up certain english phrases(dialogues) from movies & often repeated them meaninglessly & felt proud in themselves... For eg. "You shut up"/"get out" etc.

Same today I observe with Madarsachaap nation of Pakistan. They also pick up English phrases & repeat it meaninglessly & feel delighted as if they did something big. For ex... "Tea is fantastic"/"Wait and watch" & nowadays "ABSOLUTELY NOT"

Had my countrymen been doing same today... I would have felt ashamed but thank God... tens of millions are professionally conversant in English so much so that we don't feel any delight in it.

The Shrike

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2021
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After increasing cooperation with US in area of cyber defense. Indian ranking currently in cyber security is 10.
India also groups that frequently target porki and chinki. Eg sidewinder, etc.
Few months before whole porkistan light was gone of due to a fault.
Whole of porki SAM system LY80(supplied in 2014)stopped functioning (quiet unusual)
Even many countries used Chinese missile but this type of unusual incident never happened
Thats why porki are responding.
I think the Chinese just sold them defective (as in does not match brocher specification in real life) SAM system, SAA Ajints did not have to mess it up.


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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I think the Chinese just sold them defective (as in does not match brocher specification in real life) SAM system, SAA Ajints did not have to mess it up.
Chinese missile system penetrated Israeli air defence system in 2006 war this was huge emmrasment to israel
Chinese missile are not that much defective.
Chinese missile are frequently used in various conflict all around the world including Syria, Iraq, etc.
No one can ignore their performance in war.
Chinese missile system are proven system
In missile technology Chinese have proved themselves no doubt their other equipment quality is somewhat not upto mark
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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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We are going to have to be very careful the next few years. The Pakistanis are just about winning in Afghanistan and they are going to be gloating about it. Only a matter of time before they get it into their heads to do something stupid in India.
We haven’t done nearly enough on improving our military situation on the LoC, artillery purchase should be fast tracked. A Pakistan that believes it has defeated the US will be emboldened to do something similar to us. We need to be prepared.

Any Pakistani double speak about how Pakistan will itself be threatened by the Taliban etc is BS being fed to the west. Also anyone in India, if any are that stupid, who believe that we can work a deal with the Taliban is completely mad. We might be able to get a few not in ISI’s picked to occasionally be supportive but they will be in a minority and the Taliban are not going to pick the side of any kafirs, while we may not be as hated as the Americans, let’s not sugar coat this - Modi and the BJP are not going to be the Talibans favourite people. I’m afraid Afghanistan is written off as a country but can be useful for us to keep the Pakistanis occupied, atleast in the non Pashtun parts and with the occasional Pashtun warlord. Will cost us money but it’s doable. We need to stop being muddle headed about this. The Taliban are going to be an uncomfortable reality and we need to quickly work on that while also shoring up our security grid.

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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you are exaggerating the threat, situation is more dangerous to Pakistan than India. If it is needed Indian will go to war to eliminate the terror sanctities inside Pakistan, especially PoK.

As per strategic planners, A short and quick war will make these jihadis retreat and for regrouping it may take years.
Terrorism in Afghanistan and kashmir will go on until Pakistan Army as an institution or the Pakistani Punjab core itself is destroyed..
Pakistan is a one trick pony.. It is not capable of making Pakistan an attractive investment destination through reforms and hard work. The only way it knows is to use its influence with various terrorist groups, it helped create, to extract investment and consessional loans from the west and China..


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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you are exaggerating the threat, situation is more dangerous to Pakistan than India. If it is needed Indian will go to war to eliminate the terror sanctities inside Pakistan, especially PoK.

As per strategic planners, A short and quick war will make these jihadis retreat and for regrouping it may take years.
Of course he’s exaggerating, he’s not what he tries to be.. A pity more people haven’t wised up to that.

All the BS of tens of thousands lining up to do jihad is a joke, unlike the Americans we are not going anywhere and artillery has a way of turning any large scale jihadi grouping to manure very quickly..

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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For enforcing a NFZ over POK... we need a minimum of 2 AWACS & 15 flights of 4 aircraft each i.e. minimum 60 4th generation fighter jets in FOB's of J&K like avantipore, srinagar, udhampur & 3-4 batteries of Barak-8 SAM & enough point defence systems to to protect above☝ assets.... all in J&K theatre

Do we have enough resources to concentrate THEM on a specific front? NO.

First build the numbers... then plan big & achieve big.
The NFZ would have to be enforced only during a conflict, until we achieve our military objectives.. We have enough aircraft which can take off from udampur, srinagar, adampur etc.. Also, Barak ER and S-400 would help in area denial. Of course the requirement would be much less, if India decides to escalate the conflict and degrade Pakistan air force substantially first


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2021
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Of course he’s exaggerating, he’s not what he tries to be.. A pity more people haven’t wised up to that.

All the BS of tens of thousands lining up to do jihad is a joke, unlike the Americans we are not going anywhere and artillery has a way of turning any large scale jihadi grouping to manure very quickly..
Ok... I am a paki:hail:

3 people of my caste got seats in PM Modi's cabinet expansion & Nalanda is the political stronghold of my caste. BJP is totally reliant on my caste in UP to bifurcate the OBC votes.(Any politically aware person can guess my caste)

I had to come down to this "caste" thing bcoz not any "paki" would have knowledge of the same in this detail.

(Anyways according to pakis... Hindus have only 2 caste: brahman & shuddar😐)

Now enough with these paki tags... mind your own ethnicities 🤐
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धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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When I was a kid(in 90s)... I had seen this tendency among villagers/illiterates/dehaatis... (no offense meant) that they used to pick up certain english phrases(dialogues) from movies & often repeated them meaninglessly & felt proud in themselves... For eg. "You shut up"/"get out" etc.

Same today I observe with Madarsachaap nation of Pakistan. They also pick up English phrases & repeat it meaninglessly & feel delighted as if they did something big. For ex... "Tea is fantastic"/"Wait and watch" & nowadays "ABSOLUTELY NOT"

Had my countrymen been doing same today... I would have felt ashamed but thank God... tens of millions are professionally conversant in English so much so that we don't feel any delight in it.
”Deep Pockets”, “we’ll surprise you” and “Free Kashmir”.


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2021
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Ok... I am a paki:hail:

3 people of my caste got seats in PM Modi's cabinet expansion & Nalanda is the political stronghold of my caste. BJP is totally reliant on my caste in UP to bifurcate the OBC votes.

I had to come down to this "caste" thing bcoz not any "paki" would have knowledge of the same.

(Anyways according to pakis... Hindus have only 2 caste: brahman & shuddar😐)

Now enough with these paki tags... mind your own ethnicities 🤐
Bhai aapne to bilkul unki language m likha h shuddar 😂😂😂😂


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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For enforcing a NFZ over POK... we need a minimum of 2 AWACS & 15 flights of 4 aircraft each i.e. minimum 60 4th generation fighter jets in FOB's of J&K like avantipore, srinagar, udhampur & 3-4 batteries of Barak-8 SAM & enough point defence systems to to protect above☝ assets.... all in J&K theatre

Do we have enough resources to concentrate THEM on a specific front? NO.

First build the numbers... then plan big & achieve big.
Only way to enforce NFZ over POK would be to massively degrade the PAF's capability to fight (attack or defence their airspace) such that they will no longer try to take off to challenge us. My armchair guesstimate would be destroying at least half their airforce (including most of their F-16s) and then not letting them recapitalise (from either Gulf or Chinese sources), if it can be done with the loss of a few dozen of our own fighters then I think its a good proposition. If we are able to degrade the PAF they then tomorrow 1) we can attack any terror camps at will and 2) remove the pakies of the board from any future 2+ front conventional war with China.
The NFZ would have to be enforced only during a conflict, until we achieve our military objectives.. We have enough aircraft which can take off from udampur, srinagar, adampur etc.. Also, Barak ER and S-400 would help in area denial. Of course the requirement would be much less, if India decides to escalate the conflict and degrade Pakistan air force substantially first
Why ya’ll over scratching your heads? Wait for those S400s to get delivered and it be deployed at Budgam airbase in Srinagar, automatic No Fly Zone in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2020
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Ok... I am a paki:hail:

3 people of my caste got seats in PM Modi's cabinet expansion & Nalanda is the political stronghold of my caste. BJP is totally reliant on my caste in UP to bifurcate the OBC votes.

I had to come down to this "caste" thing bcoz not any "paki" would have knowledge of the same.

(Anyways according to pakis... Hindus have only 2 caste: brahman & shuddar😐)

Now enough with these paki tags... mind your own ethnicities 🤐
Kaun jaat ho:
@iNorthernerOn9 : KURMI.

Give this issue sometime it will settle and for porks, they just lost their biggest card to blackmail US and lets us see.

Taliban must understand if it goes for expansionism it will be screwed. Point is how it takes things ahead.
It will be interesting.

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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This is a right way of looking at the upcoming changes in the region. I hope this remains the key point of national discourse.

I would call upon those analysts who used to call US presence in the region as an impediment vis a vis India not taking strong military action.
I strongly believe to this day, that had the US not invaded Afghanistan, making Pakistan an indispensible ally, the Pakistan sponsored attack on the Indian parliament in 2001 would never have happened.. That it came so soon after the US campaign in Afghanistan began should not come as a surprise. The war on terror, should have started with an attack on the terror epicenter that is Pakistan.
If the US faces another Vietnam like humiliation with the Kabul government being rolled up by the Taliban, so be it..
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Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Kaun jaat ho:
@iNorthernerOn9 : KURMI.

Give this issue sometime it will settle and for porks, they just lost their biggest card to blackmail US and lets us see.

Taliban must understand if it goes for expansionism it will be screwed. Point is how it takes things ahead.
It will be interesting.
Also, Taliban is expanding far too quickly. Most of these newly captured areas would be lightly defended, and would fall quickly if there is a counter offensive.. But, at the end of the day, it comes to morale. The Afghan armed forces are well equipped to take on the Taliban. But, do the soldiers think that the Kabul Government is an entity and idea, worth dying for, is another question..

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