India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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May 31, 2020
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We now have geostationary spy satellites in orbit which basically hover over the Indian subcontinent and can take pictures in real-time.
those are very low resolution 50m - 100m , u can see moving ship by their wake / waves , but wont be able to tell which ship it is.

i seen chinese post about it on weibo . no idea what kinda tech we have but maybe it can detect warships.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
We now have geostationary spy satellites in orbit which basically hover over the Indian subcontinent and can take pictures in real-time.
I was giving a bit of thought to Russia Ukro war and some things came to my mind when I applied some observation back here with Pakshitsan.

Ukro were able to fend of Ruskis due to constant Supply of armament from West.

Pakhanistan does not have such luxury and they are essenstially a landlocked state Except for a sea route.

So to key to defeating Porkistan is blocking their supplies. And here When I say war I mean land invasion, pork will have to depend upon Drones too but that wont happen as we will block all routes of getting those drones from China.

Other than that destroying a Navy in case of provacation like Pulwama is the right tit for tat.

we can destroy 10 billion worth equipment with just 1 billion to 500 million spent. It would be fine even if we fire Brahmos in Salvo.

10 billion will push them back by several decades. To replenish their navy they will run to China which will further cause them to turn money from Industry to Defence. Win win situation regardless.

General obeservation whichever sides does the most damage in the first 48 hrs decide the fate of war like the case of gulf war.

I was hoping that we had Geo satellite permanently hovering over Arabaian sea Region to track every pak ship possible. Goal should be to take out its entire navy as fast as possible. Ideally before they are able to make a comeback.

How fast would Americas resposne be? How long would it take them to destroy pak navy, Assume we have everything tech that the Americans have.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Ukro were able to fend of Ruskis due to constant Supply of armament from West.

Pakhanistan does not have such luxury and they are essenstially a landlocked state Except for a sea route.
China will supply arms & money to Pakistan surplus, at an even greater scale and pace than NATO is doing to Ukraine. Bonus, Pakistan is already trained on many Chinese weapons so it will be plug-and-play for them.

This is where CPEC will come into play. If we want to choke that we have to be prepared for 2-front war with China as well.

10 billion will push them back by several decades. To replenish their navy they will run to China which will further cause them to turn money from Industry to Defence. Win win situation regardless.
In the last 5 years, Pakistan has received ships, missiles, and jets from China just as donations. Pakistan doesn't have money to keep them operational but they have them. They will get more if they decide to fight us.

How fast would Americas resposne be? How long would it take them to destroy pak navy, Assume we have everything tech that the Americans have.
Within a day.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
In the last 5 years, Pakistan has received ships, missiles, and jets from China just as donations. Pakistan doesn't have money to keep them operational but they have them. They will get more if they decide to fight us.
No matter how rich, one simply does not donate 10 ships for free. Besides in case of war no more ship will reach the coast, absolute blockade.

Next you know their oil refineries, Reserves, power palnts are being hit. We will send them to stone age by taking out all of their offesnive capabilities first.

For that to happen we need absolute edge over pork.


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Feb 28, 2016
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No matter how rich, one simply does not donate 10 ships for free. Besides in case of war no more ship will reach the coast, absolute blockade.

Next you know their oil refineries, Reserves, power palnts are being hit. We will send them to stone age by taking out all of their offesnive capabilities first.

For that to happen we need absolute edge over pork.
Some green-uniform afsar on our side will bitch about how that violates Geneva, Vienna, Lunda,Lasuna conventions.

btw is it so bad that Dukkar navy is actually a threat?


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Pakistan has tried numerous large scale infiltration attempts, like shams right since the end of the first Kashmir War. From Kashmir down to Rajasthan.

One such instance of an attack happened in 1956. Not many know about this unfortunately.

Unlike the Israeli army, the Indian army is battle hardened, well experienced, and can adapt for the most part against its foes.


New Member
Jan 12, 2020
Pakistan has tried numerous large scale infiltration attempts, like shams right since the end of the first Kashmir War. From Kashmir down to Rajasthan.

One such instance of an attack happened in 1956. Not many know about this unfortunately.

Unlike the Israeli army, the Indian army is battle hardened, well experienced, and can adapt for the most part against its foes.
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I once visited hussaniwala border post


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
I once visited hussaniwala border post
Fierce battles fought here multiple times.

In 1956- 4 jak rif foiled pakistan plans to weaken the so called “hindu morale”
In 1965- 2 maratha LI sent the pakis packing across the border
In 1971- A singular battalion, 15 patiala (Punjab) stood its ground against a whole paki brigade supported by tanks, and fought viciously for a whole day, to which the pakistanis even admitted that premature withdrawal from the indian commander was what helped them ultimately overrun the post. Pakis will spam pics of hussainiwala battle and forget that they lost over 100 killed as per their own attacks, and at least 7 tanks blew up🤣🤣.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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This is probably the reason why government doesn't dole out citizenships to Pak Hindus en masse

That's some nice logic. Deny citizenship to persecuted Hindus fleeing from terrorist islamic state on the off chance that some of them may be spies, but keep allowing Rohingya sullahs who are openly anti Bharath anti hindu and pro sullah terror and don't even deport them....
Maulana ki jai ho
It would have been a blessing to India if she never gave birth to the filth, only worry I have is I will run into Nehru, Gandhi and few other INC bastards when I go to hell after death. Not sure if there is 2nd level hell that I can go to escape ever running into these bastards
Curious, why will you go to naraka ? Didn't do enough prayashchitta for your paapa ? :)


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Curious, why will you go to naraka ? Didn't do enough prayashchitta for your paapa ? :)
I try to do everything as bramhan with conscious soul but why I think that is between me and paramatma.....what prayashchitta and no need to bring one's parents into it at a personal level. May be I missed your sarcasm here

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