Revisiting Mountain Corps
* The heading given above in the previous post a little misleading as it says Raising Mountain Corps to Deter China. Well, Mountain Corps is applicable to both -China as well as Pakistan as unlike strike Corps for plains there is no dedicated Mountain strike Corps in India.
* Calling that strike Corps is also not apt. What was intended was that India required a quick reaction mountain corps with acclimatized troops that could be made use of in dealing with contingencies anywhere in mountainous terrain. It was a departure from Indian Military and Strategic thought in India who thought offensive actions in mountains was a no go area. They thought mountains can not be the flanks of decision during wars with Pakistan.
* It was strange the idea will be doggedly contested by in Service rivalry, rivalry within the Army itself from self-appointed stalwarts of Mud Corps. by Indian police bosses who in the meanwhile raised more tan 100 CAPF battalions. from MEA and overall by Finance Babus led especially by Chidambaram and MMS. This was the time when Indian bureaucracy was taking India towards being a police sate rather than being strong in defending borders. They placed trust on Pakistan and China more than their Armed Forces.
Of special mention here is our dear Ajay Shukla who must have written more than 100 articles against raising mountain corps. His motives are becoming so clear today's when India is in dire need of such a Corps. Ajay Shukla is having the last laugh..