India-China Border conflict


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Nov 1, 2022
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Kinda unfortunate to see so many learned and well read people on the subject have refused to move beyond the incidents of Jun 16th-17th 2020.

The same quaking by CCP lackeys in MSM, particularly The Hindu and other commie rags long past their sell by date.
Kanti Bajpai used to be a sane commentator on geo strategic issues from our PoV & forwarding our PoV . I really can't tell what's happened to him in the past 3 yrs .

Perhaps his being based in Singapore has something to do with it. A year back or thereabouts I saw an interview of his on YT promoting his book where Kishore Mahbubhani a well known China stooge was on to his favorite position of backing China in the Indo China dispute literally exhorting India to make its peace with China listing the reasons & the consequences while all Bajpai did was sit back & smile without once refuting or rebutting Mahbubhani's position.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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China has renamed Tibet, something else. Read in between the lines that they want to start a dispute or war with somebody else. Nobody has direct interest in Tibet, other than India. Hence, they are opening up a dispute with India, since their desire to grab Taiwan has not succeeded.

Much will be known how do they reposition their military resources to Tibet. If they don’t then it is simply an intimidation. If they bring in some more resources from mainland China then they are serious about Tibet and border fight with India.

How is India going to react to that additional military threat?

1. China’s military power against India is built on propaganda and not on huge superiority. No sir, they are not as powerful in Tibet as their propaganda seems to say. India is as powerful and capable of giving them a befitting reply. Chinese would be careful initiating any action against India on the Himalayan border. A loss on this inhospitable frontier will kill their prestige of invincibility.

2. Indian build up of military cum civil infrastructure in the Himalayas has been accelerated. Chinese have a superior infrastructure on plateau tableland of Tibet. But it has a drawback. As soon as they step on the mountains, which climb to average 20,000 feet and valleys dropping to 10,000 feet, it is a different ball game. India is fully prepared for it for the last 50 years. Chinese are not prepared at all.

3. Their rocket force, of which they are very proud of, is falling short on performance. Some analysis has been published to back it.

Hence get ready for fight with China.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
China is not arming NE terrorists. If you have noticed, all NE movements are religious - Christian or muslim or ethnic. All of it is funded by west via Bangladesh borders. Blaming China is absurd when China is not doing anything.

As for land, India is the one claiming Aksai Chin as Indian despite the presence of ancient roads connecting Tibet to Xinjiang via Aksai Chin and India having not even a single outpost in known history in that area. Merely because British drew a map does not mean India should make a big fuss of it. India did not even bother revising the map after independence which shows India's incompetence, not Chinese fault.
Your a delusional ass retard. So how do you explain all the chinese weapons that NE territories have? Or the constant escape of NE terrorist leaders into china? The current leadership of Nagaland socialist council is hiding where again?

“India did not bother revising the map so we were justified in attacking their soldiers and killing them for no reason”. Peak Wumao IQ. Firstly, wether you like it or not, what was a part of british India is a part of India. No amount of mental gymnastics by ching chong little dicks will save this.

Secondly, China itself is occupying tibet. You should be glad you even have tibet and stop trying to fuss over some minor land which has always been a part of our country. And as for Aksai Chin, if it was a part of your land, than why did you have to launch an offensive to capture it?

You low IQ ching chong’s never fail to entertain me.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
I don't care if Phillipinos are racist towards Indians. Matter of fact every country is racist towards India & demeans us, China included.

What I want is bat munchers to get the fuck out of my country's land, stop encroaching on our peaceful neighbors, stop economic & technological war against us, and stop funding/arming our enemies.

If China funds & arms Pakistan, terrorists on the northern border & insurgents on the eastern border against India, we should leave no stone unturned to fund & arm countries & militia groups who are against China.

My enemy's enemy is my friend.
Average chinese hates the average pakistani. but that doesn’t stop the chinese government form funding them.

Arjun Mk1A

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Mar 6, 2022
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Damn. Within hours guy cover got blown away. Ladakh region were very much part of Indian territory. Even before british dogras were controlling that area.

Tibet is an independent country before 1951. Such a revisionist history were being thrown at us.

China is a rodent level nuisance. Destroy the field you were dependent on.

Hope we should fuck them again in coming years


New Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Damn. Within hours guy cover got blown away. Ladakh region were very much part of Indian territory. Even before british dogras were controlling that area.

Tibet is an independent country before 1951. Such a revisionist history were being thrown at us.

China is a rodent level nuisance. Destroy the field you were dependent on.

Hope we should fuck them again in coming years
Tibet is the key of PRC's geopolitical superiority over entire South Asia. The conquest of Tibet was considered of extreme strategical importance for PRC and it secured PRC's core. And CCP believes India doesn't have the resources to challenge PRC


New Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Average chinese hates the average pakistani. but that doesn’t stop the chinese government form funding them.
Why would Average chinese hates the average pakistani? it doesn't make any sense. There's barely any news coming from South Asia(including Pakistan) on Chinese media. Most average Chinese know little about Pakistan and think its a geologically distant country just as India or some country located in Arab's land
. Average Chinese may even believe Pakistan and Palestine are the same country
Because in Chinese pronunciation, they sound almost identical


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Nov 1, 2022
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Tibet is the key of PRC's geopolitical superiority over entire South Asia. The conquest of Tibet was considered of extreme strategical importance for PRC and it secured PRC's core. And CCP believes India doesn't have the resources to challenge PRCView attachment 232193
Good. This is precisely what we want the CCP to think.


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Jun 17, 2022
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CCP knows this and think it's no big deal. Because there's no large scale rebellion so far. So CCP thinks the society is generally stable and under control.View attachment 232202
It means chinese society is docile who can be easily control through muscle power.
During war time such docile population becomes liability. CCP can never capture TW with such docile population, and TW population who are observing these incidents, ideologically falling further away from CCP. So subversion is also out of window.


New Member
Apr 25, 2020
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It means chinese society is docile who can be easily control through muscle power.
During war time such docile population becomes liability. CCP can never capture TW with such docile population, and TW population who are observing these incidents, ideologically falling further away from CCP. So subversion is also out of window.
Taiwan is CCP's testicles
CCP's short term ambition is take down Taiwan. There are many realistic obstacles and most of them are created by westerners.
Do you really think CCP cares about TW population? well, half of them can be optimized if without western interference.


New Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Taiwan is CCP's testiclesView attachment 232207CCP's short term ambition is take down Taiwan. There are many realistic obstacles and most of them are created by westerners.View attachment 232208Do you really think CCP cares about TW population? well, half of them can be optimized if without western interference.
Currently CCP's balls are at the mercy of someone else's hands, that makes CCP impotent for now.

Also. As per you CCP could "optimize" only half of them in the absence of western interference, it should explain the incompetence of CCP.


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Nov 24, 2023
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Tibet is the key of PRC's geopolitical superiority over entire South Asia. The conquest of Tibet was considered of extreme strategical importance for PRC and it secured PRC's core. And CCP believes India doesn't have the resources to challenge PRCView attachment 232193
Skywatcherji as a man of science with knowledge of space request your enlightened views on why wud the chicom fear Tibetan rituals, which of course they learned from their journeys to the west.

""The prisoners in Sakya were accused of three principal “crimes”: assisting the Sakya Lama to escape to India; assisting the Khampa guerrillas with food supplies and weapons; and performing rituals to prevent Chinese war-making.""

Y wud the rational chicom fear wrath of dharma???(that too in 1950s)

Does it mean that a resource less Bharath or it's influence was feared in the 50s by the chicomese ,even though bharath was not actively involved.

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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China is not arming NE terrorists. If you have noticed, all NE movements are religious - Christian or muslim or ethnic. All of it is funded by west via Bangladesh borders. Blaming China is absurd when China is not doing anything.

As for land, India is the one claiming Aksai Chin as Indian despite the presence of ancient roads connecting Tibet to Xinjiang via Aksai Chin and India having not even a single outpost in known history in that area. Merely because British drew a map does not mean India should make a big fuss of it. India did not even bother revising the map after independence which shows India's incompetence, not Chinese fault.
Tumhe intelligence bureau se zyada maalom hai kya ?
Unke ex officers ne kaha hai ki, it's china .

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Philippine is completely under influence of USA. USA conquered philippines during WW2 and since then has been maintaining a military base there and control over govt machinery. Philippine being christian is also helping as most of its population is pro-USA.

Philippinos are not condescending as they don't have white man complex. But they are fanatical as hell. Just talk or chat to philippinos and you will see them talking about bible, jesus every now and them. It gives a muslim vibes as muslims also keep saying allay, wallahs regularly between speeches.
To kya hogya bande ?
Let them talk , mereko bibel ke baare me suune ka hai , hogyi Shanti ?


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Tibet is the key of PRC's geopolitical superiority over entire South Asia. The conquest of Tibet was considered of extreme strategical importance for PRC and it secured PRC's core. And CCP believes India doesn't have the resources to challenge PRCView attachment 232193
CCP sees india as a grave threat at india-china border - reason y PLA/CCP is having a chimp out at india-china border , because indian army blocked PLA from building a small road in doklam . 20/30 airports , pouring billions into road/bridge/rail construction all on that empty land called tibet .

CCP will turn India into a enemy . best thing for CCP is to just give up Tawang , fuckoff from indian ocean / pakistan .

