India-China Border conflict

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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I wouldn't worry about oil supplies from the Gulf. The Gulf countries have no incentive to stop oil exports to India. China has neither the naval capability nor ground presence to compel the Gulf countries to act against their interests.

India needs to make sure it stays that way and Pakistan cannot act as a conduit for an increased Chinese presence in the Arabian sea.

Pipelines from Iran, Central Asia, and Russia going to China is concerning though and limits China's fuel vulnerabilities.

Political instability in Iran and Central Asia would be very damaging to Chinese energy security. India can perhaps work with the US on a quid-pro-quo basis on this in exchange for cooperation on the matter of Pakistan.
Get the fook out of brics currency bullshit then ..
Truth to be told when fighting a superpower we need another superpower behind us
We must not trust the russkies, they are not SOVIET UNION!! and the world is not what it was in 1971.
So in foresight we may laugh as much as we want on USA and biden being reduced to meme by saudis but it's not funny if American decline will affect us.
Americans shouid do something to change situation in middle East back to normal.
And mind you guinea in South America Or even USA itself is very far away. To supply us oil fast


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Nov 1, 2016
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Great read on Chinese helicopter industry:

Cloning and Honing - Super Frelon Copied and Enhanced in China

The story of the Chinese Super Frelon began in the mid-1970s, when thirteen examples of the Aérospatiale SA-321Ja were purchased for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missions. Alexander Mladenov and Krassimir Grozev look at the latest Chinese-built derivatives of the long-serving three-engine heavyweight, still in production for a variety of domestic military and parapublic applications.

The Chinese helicopter industry, in the form of Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC), is still busily developing and building improved versions of the Aérospatiale SA-321 Super Frelon, a type largely forgotten in the other parts of the world. The original Sud Aviation (Aérospatiale’s predecessor) prototype made its maiden flight way back in 1962 and remained in military service in France until 2010, although a lack of orders led Aérospatiale to cease production in 1981. The second-generation family of Super Frelon copies are typically representative of the Chinese aircraft design school, which is well-versed in squeezing all the development potential from otherwise popular foreign designs long-since abandoned by their original manufacturers. The Z-8 also has the distinction of being the largest rotorcraft ever produced in China.

Carbon-copying the Super Frelon

After China purchased thirteen new-build Super Frelons equipped for the ASW role from France, the Chinese military insisted that local industry launch into the production of locally built copies and Jingdezhen-based CAIC commenced efforts to ‘carbon-copy’ the then-advanced three-turboshaft French design in the late 1970s. The 13-tonne SA-321 bears a six-blade main rotor and five-blade tail rotor, with a maximum payload of 11,0230lb (5,000kg), while its fuselage features a boat hull with side floats for emergency water landings and take-offs, and a non-retractable tricycle type undercarriage. The duplication of the SA-321 was undertaken without officially obtaining French assistance and the 1,550shp emergency-rated Turbomeca Turmo IIIC3 turboshaft engines were carbon-copied by the Changzhou Lan Xiang Machinery Works, then given the local designation WZ-6. The first flight of the original Chinese-built Super Frelon prototype was on 11 December 1985 and a second prototype joined the flight-testing effort in October 1987. The carbon-copied SA-321 was designated Z-8 and the testing effort proved to be a rather protracted affair, which was not completed until 1994 due to long delays in localization of the production activities. A year later the Z-8 was launched into production in the basic ASW version. It came equipped with a Chinese-made copy of the original French-made mission suite, including the dipping sonar, while its armament comprised the A244-S lightweight anti-submarine torpedo. Quality problems, however, are reported to have affected Z-8 production and as a consequence only twelve examples rolled out at CAIC in the 1990s, equipping the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).
In a parallel effort in the late 1990s, the Z-8A version for assault transport was launched for the Chinese Army Aviation service but this undertaking also proved ill-fated and as a consequence only ten examples were manufactured. Instead, the Russian-made 13-tonne Mi-17-5 and Mi-171E types became the preferred tactical transport choice for the Chinese military. The Russian twin-engine helicopters sported better overall performance and reliability than the Z-8A and were consequently purchased in large numbers throughout the late 1990s and the 2000s to equip the People's Liberation Army Ground Force (PLAGF). By the early 2000s the quality problems were reportedly solved to a large extent and the aviation service of the PLAN began receiving both the improved Z-8J transport version and the Z-8S SAR derivative. Further Z-8 sub-versions were later developed for some new naval applications.

The PLAGF was the next customer for the Super Frelon’s Chinese copies, taking the Z-8K version on strength in the second half of the 2000s, with deliveries reported to have commenced in 2007. This SAR variant is also used for general transport and as a jump ship for paratroop training. It comes equipped with an EO/IR turret, searchlight and hoist. By 2011, a further improved Z-8B version entered service with the PLAGF, equipped for assault transport and outfitted with a new-generation glass cockpit. It is provided with seating for 27 fully equipped troops or 15 stretchers but was procured in only small numbers. In 2109, Z-8Bs were spotted outfitted with new mission equipment for enhanced battlefield survivability, including radar and laser warning receivers, countermeasures dispensers and missile approach warning sensors. In general, the baseline Z-8 failed to enter into large-scale production for the Chinese military, with some 100 to 120 units of all derivatives rolled out from the mid-1980s to the late 2000s. The early production machines are reported to have suffered from numerous quality problems with the airframe and the systems as well as low reliability of the engines, primarily due to the rather low technological standard of the Chinese rotorcraft industry at the time.


New Member
Jan 19, 2022
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Get the fook out of brics currency bullshit then ..
Truth to be told when fighting a superpower we need another superpower behind us
We must not trust the russkies, they are not SOVIET UNION!! and the world is not what it was in 1971.
So in foresight we may laugh as much as we want on USA and biden being reduced to meme by saudis but it's not funny if American decline will affect us.
Americans shouid do something to change situation in middle East back to normal.
And mind you guinea in South America Or even USA itself is very far away. To supply us oil fast
Lowering engagement with BRICS isn't a good idea. Unfortunately, the US and its allies have alienated most of the countries with the resources that India needs to fuel its growth. Russia can't be relied upon in an India-China conflict but access to Russian energy stops India from being totally at the mercy of Middle East countries when it comes to oil prices. India is just too big to slot neatly into the Western camp and should instead look for opportunities wherever it sees them. Indian engagement in BRICS and SCO is also useful in preventing those groups from acting against Indian interests.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Get the fook out of brics currency bullshit then ..
Truth to be told when fighting a superpower we need another superpower behind us
We must not trust the russkies, they are not SOVIET UNION!! and the world is not what it was in 1971.
So in foresight we may laugh as much as we want on USA and biden being reduced to meme by saudis but it's not funny if American decline will affect us.
Americans shouid do something to change situation in middle East back to normal.
And mind you guinea in South America Or even USA itself is very far away. To supply us oil fast
You drank the kool-aid then?
Apr 2, 2023
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lol check this Chinese site

The country of white-eyed wolves who can't get enough to eat—Vietnam
2023-04-03 09:30 HKT

China is the country with the most neighbors in the world, so there are many territorial disputes. But now most of them have been resolved through negotiations, and among the many territorial disputes, the division of Bailongwei Island in the Beibu Gulf between China and Vietnam is particularly eye-catching. Bailongwei Island originally belonged to China's territory. Bailongwei Island covers an area of 3.045 square kilometers. It is located in the middle of Hainan Island in China and the coast of Vietnam. It is 120 kilometers away from Hainan Island and 120 kilometers away from Haiphong City in Vietnam.

China and Vietnam have many territorial disputes, mainly concentrated in the Nansha Islands and Xisha Islands. The Xisha Islands are currently under the actual control of China. In the Nansha Islands, Vietnam has occupied most of China's islands and reefs, and Vietnam has occupied most of the geographical conditions of the Nansha Islands. Superior islands. At present, China is still unable to take it back, but this small island in the Gulf of Tonkin, Bailongwei Island, was originally leased to Vietnam by China, but Vietnam did not return it, and it is still occupied by Vietnam so far.

But when it comes to the relationship between China and Vietnam, it is really hard to say. After all, China and Vietnam did have a good time fighting side by side, but no one thought that Vietnam would turn its guns to China and completely turn against China. . When the United States attacked Vietnam, China gave Vietnam a lot of help, a lot of weapons and equipment, and about 20 billion in funds, but the white-eyed wolf in Vietnam not only did not thank China, why is he called a white-eyed wolf? China helped him so much to provide him with food, weapons, and funds to fight against American aggression, but after knocking the United States away, he pointed his guns at China and wanted to invade China's territory and territorial waters, which led China to launch self-defense against Vietnam in 1979 In a narrow sense, the counterattack refers to the war that broke out between China and Vietnam on the Sino-Vietnamese border from February 17 to March 16, 1979. In a broad sense, it refers to the Sino-Vietnamese border military conflict between 1979 and 1989. If China hadn't helped Vietnam when the United States invaded Vietnam, I think Vietnam would have perished by now.

The area of Bailongwei Island is very small. When the tide is low, the area of this small island is only 3.05 square kilometers. The population of Bailongwei Island is about 900. It is precisely because of the small area of Bailongwei Island that the entire island is a hilly terrain with a raised middle, and the highest altitude is about 61m. The surrounding sea area is rich in fishery, rich in rare fish and seafood such as abalone, sea cucumber, red fish, squid, grouper, etc. It is a rare and excellent fishing ground. Bailongwei Island originally belonged to China's territory, but now it has been included in Vietnam's territory.

What is the strategic value of Bailongwei Island?
1. According to surveys, the Beibu Gulf has huge reserves of oil and gas resources, about 2.3 billion tons of oil and 1.4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas.

2. The Beibu Gulf is an important sea transportation route in China's Guangxi and Guangdong provinces. In particular, Guangxi Beihai and Fangcheng ports can only go to sea through the Beibu Gulf. Bailongwei Island is a necessary place to go to sea, and its transportation status is particularly high.
3. Bailongwei Island has an extremely important strategic position, has excellent offshore defense advantages, and has great value in early warning in the air.

None of the above-mentioned crucial values can or cannot be fully utilized by China at present. Back then, we did our best to help Vietnam fight against the American invaders, successfully liberated Vietnam, and drove away the American invaders. You must know that China was not very rich at that time. , but he still tried his best to help him fight against the United States, but he didn't expect him to turn his guns and turn against China in the end. Although it is an era of peace now, we must not forget what the Vietnamese government did at that time.

In the near future, I hope to solve all the islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands together with Vietnam. The ultimate solution is to liberate all the Chinese islands and reefs occupied by Vietnam! I can't let this white-eyed wolf wantonly occupy an inch of my territory.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Isn't that kind of a legacy thing? And China has not objected to it anyway. There is no direct access to Chinese towards that area.

hmm dont know , we have a hut across outside our border line . they have two roads approaching via the valley from two sides.

according to weibo we stopped their construction in 2017 or something + added 3 posts . dont know where.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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hmm dont know , we have a hut across outside our border line . they have two roads approaching via the valley from two sides.

according to weibo we stopped their construction in 2017 or something + added 3 posts . dont know where.
Rudimentary foot track only, I wouldn't worry. At max what they can do is a platoon-level scuffle.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Old Immortal (Laoxian?) Modi: Sinner Through the Ages

Damn, Hans out there making Modi sound like a badass Chinese Xianxia main character
Yeh darr accha hai :)
I smell fear for maulana modi in them. If sabka saath vishwaguru can cause such
ass burn, imagine if a real strong man (maybe yogi ?) at the helm can do to these lizards ?


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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why does this "US News" website sound familiar, any of their past news stories familiar to DFI?
SCOOP: U.S. intelligence helped India rout China in a clash late last year in the high Himalayas:
Gear up boys....The Empire wants a share of the brown sepoy's blood...white man's burden and all that , eh chaps ?


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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friendship & alliance and the resources we put it into this. Let Putin take the blame. Then we can walk away with a clear conscience.
Mate... emotional thinking does not go well with geopolitics. 'friendship' 'conscience' have zero place in this dirty game. Only mutual interests decide your allies and that too temporarily.

Russia has thrown away allies it found inconvenient.
And so should and will any nation worth its salt. As the great Abhijit Chavda says, the only and only important thing is to protect your own national security and interest.

Chanakya in his treatise Arthshastra
More truer words cannot be spoken. If only our IFS babus and MEA brown sahibs were taught Arthashastra in their course rather than britshit junk in UPSC, we would not be in such a sorry state re our border situation


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Gear up boys....The Empire wants a share of the brown sepoy's blood...white man's burden and all that , eh chaps ?
so far none of the muricans have said it aloud, the way i see it, ideal scenario for them would be PLA exhausting their resources on the seas east and south of china and towards the west on us. and in the end, muricans will make an entrance and save the day by defeating an exhausted CCP.


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Aug 21, 2020
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so far none of the muricans have said it aloud, the way i see it, ideal scenario for them would be PLA exhausting their resources on the seas east and south of china and towards the west on us. and in the end, muricans will make an entrance and save the day by defeating an exhausted CCP.
Still a better situation for us than no help from West at all and we get f*cked by china as an alternative.


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Feb 28, 2019
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Let's take it this way, since you live in USA.
I come there for a fuckall reason and again for some reason I find out where you live.
I being the jerk iam, decide to break inside your home.
At night, there is a white neighbor of yours, with whom you have on and off relationship.
But at time , the white guy shoots me dead before I can break into your home.
Evidence is recorded in your camera, that i was an intruder and a weapon is recovered from me since my intention was to behead you.
But due to quick reaction of your white neighbor who shot me dead with his m2hb browning 50 caliber machine gun which he always points towards your house, atleast your house was saved and your head was saved .
No doubt you too could have bludgeoned me to death or stabbed me to death or even shot me to death or electrocuted me to death if you were to have a taser with you.
But you were saved from all that hassales, since I was dispatched quickly with a volley of 50 caliber bullets, my face blown off , my legs torn off my guts dirtying your yard.
But i was killed in the yard, so it's easy to dispose of my body you see.
Now from next day again you both point guns at each other. While smiling 😊
Exactly this is how I see our elationship with USA.
( I decided to have a little 🤏 fun while writing this, sorry for that but I needed to murder my self to make a point)

What have you been watching lately, kid?

Redneck Manga?


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Feb 28, 2019
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China has released a third set of names in Chinese, Tibetan and pinyin characters for Arunachal Pradesh, as part of its efforts to reemphasise its claim over the Indian state.

China's ministry of civil affairs on Sunday released the standardised names of 11 places for Arunachal Pradesh, which it calls "Zangnan, the southern part of Tibet" in accordance with regulations on geographical names issued by the state council, China's cabinet.

The official names of the 11 places were released on Sunday by the ministry, which also gave precise coordinates, including two land areas, two residential areas, five mountain peaks and two rivers and listed the category of places' names and their subordinate administrative districts, State-run Global Times reported on Monday.

This is the third batch of standardised geographical names for Arunachal Pradesh issued by China's civil affairs ministry.

The first batch of the standardised names of six places in Arunachal was released in 2017, and the second batch of 15 places was issued in 2021.

^Timing is predictable. Should we read it as messaging by China as Bhutan King comes calling? We will claim the whole of Bhutan next if....


New Member
Aug 21, 2020
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China has released a third set of names in Chinese, Tibetan and pinyin characters for Arunachal Pradesh, as part of its efforts to reemphasise its claim over the Indian state.

China's ministry of civil affairs on Sunday released the standardised names of 11 places for Arunachal Pradesh, which it calls "Zangnan, the southern part of Tibet" in accordance with regulations on geographical names issued by the state council, China's cabinet.

The official names of the 11 places were released on Sunday by the ministry, which also gave precise coordinates, including two land areas, two residential areas, five mountain peaks and two rivers and listed the category of places' names and their subordinate administrative districts, State-run Global Times reported on Monday.

This is the third batch of standardised geographical names for Arunachal Pradesh issued by China's civil affairs ministry.

The first batch of the standardised names of six places in Arunachal was released in 2017, and the second batch of 15 places was issued in 2021.

^Timing is predictable. Should we read it as messaging by China as Bhutan King comes calling? We will claim the whole of Bhutan next if....
Ye kuttey ni sudhrenge kbi. We are waiting for more than 50 years for them to change but they keep increasing their nuisance. We should get rid of cucked nehruvian non alignment and join/create an anti china alliance with West. We need to up our ante before something catastrophic happens to us due to our 'sab changa si' slow babudom. Kadi ninda turtle needs to go and we need someone like manohar parikkar otherwise everything will remain same forever.

