India-China Border conflict


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Apr 17, 2014
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A platoon is always led by a experienced NCO (Havildar & above) with actual field experience who will guide the newcomers. Experience part is not an issue.

Even during Galwan the most gallantry awards went to fierce young bloods < 25 in age, infact there was a study in Army which concluded that most gallantry awards for bravery goes to soldiers age 25 years or below throughout multiple wars.

After 30, a man gets a family, and become risk averse & put less effort in general.


IMO I see Agniveers getting out at 22 a win-win. Its like a demo of short-term military service akin to what China & Israel does. Jobless & aimless youths of our society taking tiktok reels, its better to spend 4 years in military, learn discipline and earn some hard cash.
I have actually heard the opposite .. As per ex servicemen accounts .. Only those that have served with you for many years will follow you into the teeth of an enemy defence rest all will be happy to just hold position.

Zoid Raptor

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Mar 6, 2019
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IMO I see Agniveers getting out at 22 a win-win. Its like a demo of short-term military service akin to what China & Israel does. Jobless & aimless youths of our society taking tiktok reels, its better to spend 4 years in military, learn discipline and earn some hard cash.
Do Agniveers get advantages similar to the US military vets like priority in educational institutions or when competing for a job! The "At-will" employment policy is also slightly different for vets as in they can't be laid off as easily as a regular employee


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Only those that have served with you for many years will follow you into the teeth of an enemy defence rest all will be happy to just hold position.
An Army soldier is posted out every 3 years to a new location, new commander, new unit, and new platoon.

So, go figure if this is correct or not.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
What is the current status of buildup of new radar posts/bases on our side? In the last 2 years we have seen satellite images of the chinkus building up massively in the Arunachal and Himachal border areas


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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What is the current status of buildup of new radar posts/bases on our side? In the last 2 years we have seen satellite images of the chinkus building up massively in the Arunachal and Himachal border areas
Both sides building like crazy. Our pace is bit slower than China (infact Chinese buildup speed is unreal TBH), but we are catching up.

Trans-Arunachal highways which will be completed by 2030 will be final nail in coffin for infra development, i.e., after that no more land-grab possible (unless GoI almost voluntarily gives it away like Nehru-Gandhian-era military doctrine).


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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A platoon is always led by a experienced NCO (Havildar & above) with actual field experience who will guide the newcomers. Experience part is not an issue.

Even during Galwan the most gallantry awards went to fierce young bloods < 25 in age, infact there was a study in Army which concluded that most gallantry awards for bravery goes to soldiers age 25 years or below throughout multiple wars.

After 30, a man gets a family, and become risk averse & put less effort in general.


IMO I see Agniveers getting out at 22 a win-win. Its like a demo of short-term military service akin to what China & Israel does. Jobless & aimless youths of our society taking tiktok reels, its better to spend 4 years in military, learn discipline and earn some hard cash.
And all those people who've actually served in the IA particularly on the LAC have opined that unlike plains warfare , mountain warfare required at least a couple of years including acclimatization apart from imbibing the basics before moving on to specialised duties there.

Hence Agniveer scheme in the present form is inadequate with those very same ex servicemen opining that the tenure should be increased to 8 years as it used to be in the past before the scheme preceding the Agniveer scheme came into effect.

The added recommendation was the recruitment age group be between 16-22 with 2 years being allocated to training & light duties before actual deployment so that the Agniveers not only get acclimatized but also develop the necessary esprit de corps - a vital component in any army modern or mediaeval which a mere 4 year tour of duty will not impart or ensure.

Apart from the above the quota for elongated service needs to be enhanced from the current 25% . These are the principal objections from those who've actually served at those heights & take a more pragmatic view of the scenario unlike their counterparts who tend more towards orthodoxy & dogmatism .

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Both sides building like crazy. Our pace is bit slower than China (infact Chinese buildup speed is unreal TBH), but we are catching up.

Trans-Arunachal highways which will be completed by 2030 will be final nail in coffin for infra development, i.e., after that no more land-grab possible (unless GoI almost voluntarily gives it away like Nehru-Gandhian-era military doctrine).
It is much harder to build in mountains (15000 ft) valleys and mountain rivers for India. Much harder in plateau of Tibet (4-6000 ft) for the Chinese.

jai jaganath

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Jul 3, 2022
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Prove it.
There were few pics where some white men were training their sof not PAP
I got it from a Chinese sof enthusiast
If I get it I will post it
But it's very much confirmed that Chinese are hiring ex-operatives for their sof upgradation

