India-China Border conflict

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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If India positions Pralaya short range missiles opposite Doklam near the Siliguri Corridor and fire this short range missiles to destroy or neutralize Doklam where Chinese have positioned their short range missiles or rockets and Artillery then the key question is…….. Can the Chinese shoot down the incoming Pralaya missiles? If they then, can tell us what will be the Chinese shooting down success rate? Say 5 Pralaya are fired; how many can they shootdown?

On the other hand, India can shoot down 4 out of 5 short range Chinese rockets with S-400.

Hence, it is advantage India and the Chinese are neutralized.

Please offer me comments……
Aug 17, 2020
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If India positions Pralaya short range missiles opposite Doklam near the Siliguri Corridor and fire this short range missiles to destroy or neutralize Doklam where Chinese have positioned their short range missiles or rockets and Artillery then the key question is…….. Can the Chinese shoot down the incoming Pralaya missiles? If they then, can tell us what will be the Chinese shooting down success rate? Say 5 Pralaya are fired; how many can they shootdown?

On the other hand, India can shoot down 4 out of 5 short range Chinese rockets with S-400.

Hence, it is advantage India and the Chinese are neutralized.

Please offer me comments……
The Chinese also have s400 and they can fire short range missiles also and not just rockets. And firing s400 for rockets, how feasible is that?


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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India has decided to enhance its offensive capabilities by adding about 250 more Parlay Missiles/Rockets to its northern arsenal. This deadly missile has a 250 miles range and is accurate to CEP of 20 yards. Chinese have thru its paid agents and authors in India have been threatening to unleash their longe range artillery or Rockets on Indian positions to make a short work of Indian defensive positions. One author who wrote a book on Chinese rocket force was of the opinion that Chinese would defeat Indian military in just one week because they had long range rockets.

With the decision to field 250 additional Parlay missiles for the northern border, has India equalized the score. Indian Parlay is far more deadly as it is more accurate.

My question is that how many more Parlay India has to field to deter Chinese permanently?

My second question is when will the Chinese paid Indian authors stop falling into Chinese propaganda trap?
even with 120 + 250 pralay, balance does not tilt in our favour. at best the needle starts moving from no rocket force capability to some rocket force capability.

if we take one of my favourite benchmark scenario for missile assessment:

so far there are no calculations in public domain on how many parlays will be needed to take out say 6 sq km airfield or a infantry base. let’s say it takes 20 pralay, does 370 pralay look like a big number. I don’t think so because the front is thousand km long.

But, we need not do assessments solely based on pralay. It’s pralay + Brahmos + ITCM (when it comes in)

don’t know how many prahaar are there in the inventory.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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even with 120 + 250 pralay, balance does not tilt in our favour. at best the needle starts moving from no rocket force capability to some rocket force capability.

if we take one of my favourite benchmark scenario for missile assessment:

so far there are no calculations in public domain on how many parlays will be needed to take out say 6 sq km airfield or a infantry base. let’s say it takes 20 pralay, does 370 pralay look like a big number. I don’t think so because the front is thousand km long.

But, we need not do assessments solely based on pralay. It’s pralay + Brahmos + ITCM (when it comes in)

don’t know how many prahaar are there in the inventory.
According to Pentagon, China has an estimated 2,300–2,400 ballistic and cruise missiles in total, including about 90 ICBMs and approximately 320 nuclear warheads.

We have to keep in mind that the above quoted numbers are not totally India-centric.

Our Rocket Force will be mostly China-centric.


New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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According to Pentagon, China has an estimated 2,300–2,400 ballistic and cruise missiles in total, including about 90 ICBMs and approximately 320 nuclear warheads.

We have to keep in mind that the above quoted numbers are not totally India-centric.

Our Rocket Force will be mostly China-centric.
Since I'm an absolute giga noob in Rocketry (Rocket strategy?) and China has an entire branch (PLARF) for this, what kind of strategic targets would the Chinese hit with such a large arsenal if we were to go to war?


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
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According to Pentagon, China has an estimated 2,300–2,400 ballistic and cruise missiles in total, including about 90 ICBMs and approximately 320 nuclear warheads.

We have to keep in mind that the above quoted numbers are not totally India-centric.

Our Rocket Force will be mostly China-centric.
I think it would be foolish to think that chinese will not use their whole might against india

The Shrike

New Member
Jun 12, 2021
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even with 120 + 250 pralay, balance does not tilt in our favour. at best the needle starts moving from no rocket force capability to some rocket force capability.

if we take one of my favourite benchmark scenario for missile assessment:

so far there are no calculations in public domain on how many parlays will be needed to take out say 6 sq km airfield or a infantry base. let’s say it takes 20 pralay, does 370 pralay look like a big number. I don’t think so because the front is thousand km long.

But, we need not do assessments solely based on pralay. It’s pralay + Brahmos + ITCM (when it comes in)

don’t know how many prahaar are there in the inventory.
Just for comparison the US is buying in the order of 1000 cruise and ballistic missiles per year (mostly AGM-158 JASSM, Tomahawk cruise missiles and increasingly the new PRSM tactical ballistic missiles in the coming years).

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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According to Pentagon, China has an estimated 2,300–2,400 ballistic and cruise missiles in total, including about 90 ICBMs and approximately 320 nuclear warheads.

We have to keep in mind that the above quoted numbers are not totally India-centric.

Our Rocket Force will be mostly China-centric.
‘we are discussing tactical missile Pralaya here not Chinese total arsenal of missiles. Then again reassess your thought process if 70% of Chinese forces are deployed from Japan to Vietnam with a bulk facing Taiwan. How much of the rocket force is left for Russian border, Tibet, Sinkiang and Indian border. If you ask me then my answer is not much.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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‘we are discussing tactical missile Pralaya here not Chinese total arsenal of missiles. Then again reassess your thought process if 70% of Chinese forces are deployed from Japan to Vietnam with a bulk facing Taiwan. How much of the rocket force is left for Russian border, Tibet, Sinkiang and Indian border. If you ask me then my answer is not much.
I implied that only, nothing different I mentioned.
Apr 2, 2023
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The absolute state of this stupid chink. India should increase funding to Balochs to bl@w up these cretins more
Chinks are hated everywhere
Gunmen kill 9 Chinese at mine in Central African Republic


March 19, 2023

BANGUI, Central African Republic (AP) — Gunmen stormed a Chinese-operated gold mining site that had recently been launched in Central African Republic, killing nine Chinese nationals and wounding two others Sunday, authorities said.


Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Defence of Siliguri Corridor

Siliguri Corridor which is only 56 miles wide between Nepal and Bangladesh is the most vulnerable point, if hostilities breakout between China and India in the future. Both Chinese and Indian military planners fully realize its importance.

That move 5 years back by the Chinese to extend their road network in the Doklam tri - junction was an open attempt by them to get closest to this corridor. India told them to stop , then and there and they did stop.

In that sector of Doklam-Chumbi-Bhutan-India, there is an advantage for India as India is on high ground and with huge military force including artillery could shred attacking Chinese force hence during Doklam crisis the Chinese withdrew or stopped.

Why do the Chinese want Doklam?

It is a flat plateau closest to Doklam where they can locate their short range rocket force and threaten Siliguri Corridor. That is a dangerous situation and Chinese are to be denied that advantage…… How?

1. No Doklam to the Chinese
2. A rocket force (150 to 500km) of India’s own to be posted there
3. Widen the Siliguri corridor

The first two are already being discussed and acted upon with all Chinese advantage neutralized. It is point number 3 which should talked more.

To widen Siliguri corridor we have to buy land next to the corridor from both Nepal as well as Bangladesh.

Hence, if the existing corridor becomes a casualty of Chinese rocket force then widened corridor running via Nepal and Bangladesh are open.

This land purchase from either Nepal or Bangladesh is not easy. They are likely to demand equivalent land where it is important to them. It was the error of the 1947 independence map makers of Gandhi/Nehru negotiators not to ask for a wider corridor. Chinese will make this acquisition very difficult by bribing opposition in both the countries to stop it.

This widening of the Siliguri corridor is not an issue for urgent consideration now but India’s north east future lies thru it. It is next 10 to 15 years hence we are talking about. By then an Indian economy of $10 to 15 Trillion is something the Nepal and Bangladesh has to depend upon for trade, technology and other Goods & Services. Hence the two bordering countries will give serious consideration to India’s request.

If all these happen as suggested; then all Chinese advantages are gone.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
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After they exhaust their missiles, they will be left utterly defenseless to any other enemy. Chinese are not Pakistanis (stupid af). They won't use their entire stock unless they're losing at a massive and indisputable scale.
I disagree if they face defeat or stalemate at our hands then they will use whatever means they have to fight...if these lot weren't dimwitted then they wouldn't have picked a fight with their giant neighbour who had no interest to make an enemy out of them

