India-China Border conflict


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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No one is asking GoI to start a war, not even to mouth off foolish chinka like wolf warrior statements. But just say bluntly that this was an unprovoked act of aggression by chinka, they tried to capture a post but were beaten back and our land has been defended. Is this asking for too much. But no ! They go full defeatist saying minor clash , defused, peace and tranquility blahblah....makes my blood boil dammit !


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
No one is asking GoI to start a war, not even to mouth off foolish chinka like wolf warrior statements. But just say bluntly that this was an unprovoked act of aggression by chinka, they tried to capture a post but were beaten back and our land has been defended. Is this asking for too much. But no ! They go full defeatist saying minor clash , defused, peace and tranquility blahblah....makes my blood boil dammit !
Modi government is everything people accused congress of. Can you imagine what BJPigs would be screaming if it was a UPA rule right now?


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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500 PLA.. That's too neat a number.. Also, consider the fact that, Arunachelese are scared of Chink invasion, and have an incentive to blow it out of proportion to get Modiji in distant Delhi excited..
Arunachalis or any of us in the northeastern states are not scared of China. Give us the level of fortifications you get at Punjab and see how we step into Tibet while the fat babus in MoD are farting eating their pakoras and sipping their chais.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Modi government is everything people accused congress of. Can you imagine what BJPigs would be screaming if it was a UPA rule right now?
Don't talk through your arse. Under Congress rule, the PLA entered India at will and the soldiers were ordered to pull back. The occasional aggression displayed was only when PLA would withdraw.

Some of your RW folks go overboard with your comments and emotions.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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No one is asking GoI to start a war, not even to mouth off foolish chinka like wolf warrior statements. But just say bluntly that this was an unprovoked act of aggression by chinka, they tried to capture a post but were beaten back and our land has been defended. Is this asking for too much. But no ! They go full defeatist saying minor clash , defused, peace and tranquility blahblah....makes my blood boil dammit !
That will hurt the Chinese han ego... They will take losses but losing face is a big deal for them. GoI doesn't want to risk it.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Okay, so now that today's news inflow has trickled down, this is what we have heard till now -

Hard facts (which have been confirmed) -
  1. Clash indeed happened (conflicting if one or two clashes).
  2. Injuries to our soldiers (6 admitted to 151 BH Basistha, Guwahati).
  3. Location - Tawang, Yangtse.
The narrative provided by different agencies -

  1. Our esteemed GoI/MoD:- Minor scuffle which was immediately diffused, minor injuries. Flag meeting resolved the issue (Sb changa si)
    Conclusion:- Stinks of deliberate downplaying of the incident, especially in light of fact #2.

  2. News channels:-
    • Anywhere from 100(Shiv Aroor) to 600 (Print) Chinese troops.
    • Minor stone-pelting only (IndiaToday)
    • Dangerous Melee weapons were used (Print)
    • Chinese tried to occupy an Indian post at 17,000 ft (IndiaToday)
    • Chinese tried to build a fence (Times Now).
    • The tensions were high even before (leaves canceled, officers called back, etc.) (Times Now)
    • We overpowered the Chinese (multiple sources).
  3. Weibo:- Small gunfight took place.
    Conclusion:- Probably fake news, no other sources even mention it.

  4. Satellite images
    1. Sentinel:- No build-up or offensive formation observed in 2nd - 12th Dec.
    2. Google Earth:- An IA post corresponding to what IndiaToday reported (at 17,000 ft) indeed exists at Yangtse, Tawang.

Principles to follow:-
  • Occam's razor (the simplest explanation is generally the correct one)
  • There is no smoke without fire (news/data points don't originate out of nowhere)
  • GoI is a pussy.

Final Conclusion:-
  • It seems like the tensions were high as Chinese moved troops opposite Yangtse around 10 days back. A minor scuffle took place 10 days back (source, Times Now). Judging the situation, local troops and commanders put on high alert.
  • 9th Dec morning, some 300 Chinese troops approach IA post at Tangtse, confronted by ~50 Indian troops. Clash starts (it is unclear if stone-pelting only or melee weapons used). Within 30 mins our reinforcements arrive and we overpower the Chinese.
  • 10th Dec Flag meeting between commanders to resolve the situation.
  • The fact that 6 injured Indian soldiers needed to be referred to BH at Guwahati signals their injuries were serious, which cannot be catered by local field hospitals or even MH Tawang.
View attachment 185773
nice man , vid of one of the previous stand off from this area was leaked . jan 2022

its on the east side near the water fall .

any chance there is some new posts there ?? , this place is far outside our border and LAC

sucks but vid got deleted . but i remember it showed a stone wall and a post .

View attachment 185774
right most red cross in first pic, thats where clash vid was shot .

any chance someone here has that vid ?

View attachment 185777
Ya'll Nibbiars Stealing all this in the name of Pika Au Akumbar.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
New Member
Aug 15, 2016
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That will hurt the Chinese han ego... They will take losses but losing face is a big deal for them. GoI doesn't want to risk it.
This is what I don't get, not risk what ? Time and again in every clash IA has come out on top, so what are these MeA and babu napunsaka afraid of ? Losing ? By now it should be clear that chinka is a paper tiger army. We should hurt them exactly where it hurts, their ego. Along with the statements outlined above flood SM with all pix and vids... enough of this "we are a professional army " xutiapa.....others keep.mutilating our corpses and releasing videos...we keep silent.. doesn't work like that in Kali Yuga. What did Krishna say ? This western Abrahamic nonsense of professionalism at any cost is abs BS


New Member
May 22, 2022
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That will hurt the Chinese han ego... They will take losses but losing face is a big deal for them. GoI doesn't want to risk it.
Who cares for their inflated ego ? F*ck these madar***s, just shoot them at sight at slightest provocation, even suggest burning them alive.
The only thing these roaches understand is absolute brutality.

I don't want to give example from history, but the only one who show the world how to treat these sub human maggots properly was Japan, remember 1937 Nanjing, these vermins have such a trauma from that event they start squeaking like rats whenever Japan try to rearm a little.
Even little Vietnam assrap*d them & their puppet in '79 unlike the defeatist pussyfooting approach of chew-tea-yeaha UPSC babus

OT but this is how you treat these pigs & shatter their fragile image-




for some one intrested -


New Member
Dec 10, 2022
No one is asking GoI to start a war, not even to mouth off foolish chinka like wolf warrior statements. But just say bluntly that this was an unprovoked act of aggression by chinka, they tried to capture a post but were beaten back and our land has been defended. Is this asking for too much. But no ! They go full defeatist saying minor clash , defused, peace and tranquility blahblah....makes my blood boil dammit !
Modi government is everything people accused congress of. Can you imagine what BJPigs would be screaming if it was a UPA rule right now?
No offence to congress supporters , but watch this video and specially at 3:40 minutes . Congress was deeply compromised by NGOs . They had a big influence at every level . At least this govt doing the necessity . You guys are more focused on rhetoric , language and social media pics videos . Focus on the real thing that matters .

This one regarding Arunachal highway



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Aug 10, 2019
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फिर दिया मुह तोड़ जवाब. India Beat China again at Tawang. China fails again


New Member
May 20, 2021
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This same incident happened in November last year, that time I posted this report back than:

China's motive was to control a 17,000 feet high peak that provides commandeering view on both sides of the border.

Strategic worth:

* Situated along the LAC in Arunachal Pradesh, the peak has immense strategic significance.

* Provides commanding view on both sides of the border.

* India controls access routes to the top on its side of the border.
Last edited:


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Or it is the other way around. We have become successfully better in treating our combat wounds and preventing disease that no longer a combat wound usually mean death. But it does correlate into higher rate of injuries & permanent injuries or loss of limbs.

Ugra Bhairav

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Oct 24, 2021
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If the 600 number is true it seems that the Chinese indeed have better force projection capabilities when compared to us in localised conflict.

The myth of Chinese soldiers being unable to sustain themselves in such regions is also disappearing as every single day week month give the Chinese more experience in mountain warfare and logistics.
Bhai If you are hell bent to do incursion across the territory you will use maximum numbers you can to overpower in the said conflict area to your adversary.

Chinies are doing the same, nothing special about this. They are again diverting from their internal rifts due to their "Zero Covid" Policy and Tanking Economic Condition.

You cannot always preempt what other side is upto.

Had India decides to do the incursions in any proclaimed Chinese Territory, we would have done the same. Outnumbering the Chinese Strength present in the said area of conflict.

But India never believes in such tactics.

Such incidents will be repeated frequently depending upon internal political and economic dynamics of China. Nothing special in such said clashes.

It is upto India at highest political Level i.e. PM, RM, HM, NSA (James Bond) to decide how India should respond to frequent incursions.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Randi Rona is definitely overblown but what if China starts blocking our imports?
We cant live without the phones, APIs, machinery.
Then it is a massive shot into our economy. It will jolt the entire nation to gear up and produce the stuff we so desperately need. Nothing like necessity being the mother to create inventions.

