India-China Border conflict


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Dec 2, 2009
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Lol at this rate PLA will have to get restraining order on Indian gernols.
Heights of cuckery, considering the same generals are complaining about PLA's doublespeak and not honoring their words with deeds. What good is the chai-biskoot rounds then?


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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What were you all talking about in those 20+ rounds of meetings? And why are you acting surprised? Did you expect anything better by being a cuck'd nation?

Why did you give up those Kailash heights in such a hurry? What is the incentive for PLA to give up their current stance after that - None!
Chinese went back to Sirijap from Finger-4. That made good optics for the Govt. then and drowned criticism of the 'deal' where in other places, we went back by 10 steps and the Chinese went back by 2. .


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Feb 28, 2016
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I don't get it why these brain-dead gernails doesn't understand this simple logic "You can't fight & expect to win a conflict with even a near peer adversary by just relying on imports. You need to nurture your own MIC to prove the military prowess in a battlefield".

One should not surprise if in future some gernail or a Babu is found guilty in some foreign espionage against the nation. Such turds are just stooges of The Great Pig & it's zooropeans piglets or are just sympathisers of the only middle yellow kingdoms of Asia, who are dwindling this nation in lieu of power & money

I might sound nuts but only solution is brutal chemotherapy at the level of Stalin like purges of establishment & entire babudom. I agree that we may lost many honest young mind (hence I named it chemotherapy) but at the end of the day will reduce this problem to near zero.

@mods if OT move to relevant thread
They are smart, you have wrong high expectations of them, Gernails end-game is to make money and settle his kids and later himself in some gora country to enjoy the booty he has acquired by getting kickbacks from import-hi-import, the Afsar class is the same rotten type as the UPSC passout gandus or those black robe wearing mallet wielding meelards.

Yeah but did they stop to think twice before deploying? Did they fear what India might do in SCS as a response? If they did not do that and just deployed, there is a power asymmetry in favor of the chings. And that asymmetry comes because our economy is not comparable to the Chings.
SCS/SEAsian countries have a trade and investment dependence on China, and none of them are in our budget, so you are right, we can't do ungli in SCS.

You have to build up to it with propaganda in Tibet. Tibet is occupied territory and when properly canvassed through information warfare could be the “behind the enemy lines” support we would need. If Tibetans actively shelter and supply Indian armed forces via a rebellion, then PLA is toast there. That is why the CCP is forcibly settling Hans all over occupied Tibet. In any case, all such calculations need to wait until 2030. Right now , our military sophistication, regional influence and economic wealth does not allow for any type of warfare.
That boat sailed in the 70s and 80s, the Tibetan population there is slaves to the CCP largesse, the ones who could fight for us ran away to Dharamsala.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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Chinese went back to Sirijap from Finger-4. That made good optics for the Govt. then and drowned criticism of the 'deal' where in other places, we went back by 10 steps and the Chinese went back by 2. .
I think compromises were done only in depsang plains which is actually lost and somewhat in pp-15(temporary) and somewhere here and there and similar gains too


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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What were you all talking about in those 20+ rounds of meetings? And why are you acting surprised? Did you expect anything better by being a cuck'd nation?

Why did you give up those Kailash heights in such a hurry? What is the incentive for PLA to give up their current stance after that - None!
I am of the opinion that mutual dis-engagement of the South and North bank of Pangong Tso was beneficial for both parties. Maintaining 2+ divisions of troops + mech equipment on readiness throughout the year drains a huge amount of resources, it is akin to fighting a short-scale war, not to mention casualties due to harsh weather and operational accidents. We don't need another Siachen.

Also, people claiming we should have bargained Depsang, and what not in exchange for the South bank of Pangong Tso clearly have never seen the map of Ladakh.


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May 31, 2020
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Feb 4, 2021
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That turn by Yuan Wang 6 seems pretty sharp and deliberate. I wonder if the Indian Navy took some action. We might never know.
Interesting, pictures remind me of making a path through deep winter snow. trudge out, get followed by another and return then smaller weaker folks can use the path.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
retard thinks China can breakup India because some taiwan minister will visit India .

that only reason it hasnt done so is because Russia is protecting us .

anyways . "one-china" will die by our hands . thats for sure . its only matter of time .
You should read the sino defense forums thier delusions are interesting

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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retard thinks China can breakup India because some taiwan minister will visit India .

that only reason it hasnt done so is because Russia is protecting us .

anyways . "one-china" will die by our hands . thats for sure . its only matter of time .
It's a illusion many outsiders are baffled by sir , hehe
Let em think ,I for one didn't even read their drivel.
Even if a Taiwanese Supreme leader visits us , the chicoms can do naught.
Russia can't protect its ass , hehe
When flow of info is limited , the results are embarrassing.
What you think, if Russians support chicoms over us overtly
We should vector towards Ukraine like it's a long lost child ,
And we should continue the path of relationship with usa

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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You should read the sino defense forums thier delusions are interesting
We don't have any interest in reading those retarded things
For these people are irrelevant for us and so we are for them .
I wonder why you keep on posting these ramblimbs from enemy forums?
What sort of pleasure you feel about it ?
You used to do it with pakis ,now with chicoms ?
I don't even want to read their bs here stop promoting those bastards here for heavens sake

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
retard thinks China can breakup India because some taiwan minister will visit India .

that only reason it hasnt done so is because Russia is protecting us .

anyways . "one-china" will die by our hands . thats for sure . its only matter of time .
These fks destroyed lithuian

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
We don't have any interest in reading those retarded things
For these people are irrelevant for us and so we are for them .
I wonder why you keep on posting these ramblimbs from enemy forums?
What sort of pleasure you feel about it ?
You used to do it with pakis ,now with chicoms ?
I don't even want to read their bs here stop promoting those bastards here for heavens sake
They do it to us i find it interesting to know what the enemies are saying


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
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retard thinks China can breakup India because some taiwan minister will visit India .

that only reason it hasnt done so is because Russia is protecting us .

anyways . "one-china" will die by our hands . thats for sure . its only matter of time .
China already signed a death warrant the day they imposed one child policy. They are now in a hurry because their population will decline every year increasing the number of pensioners draining their resources. After 2030 all those people we call as boomers will retire in massive numbers. Whatever geopolitical game they have to play and make gains they have to hurry up and do it now. Xi will have to take Taiwan before 2030. I don't think he will easily get his next term in 2027. For now we need to hold on to our positions and play a waiting game. Strengthen our armed forces and focus on the economy. For Chinese given their aging and declining population their window is closing fast. That is why all this wolf warrior diplomacy shit.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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This is actually an extremely concerning development. Chinese have decent weapons, what they lack are experience and training. A complete blunder by MI5 and the CIA in controlling their vital intelligence leaks. West is indeed a civilization in decline.
Unfortunately all that training will be directed at us. Is this a sly move with the approval of The Empire (USA) ?
We don't know how much these britshits taught them. Maybe not all the confidential NATO tactics but just enough to take on IAF ? Never discount the shrewdness of the empire. It might be his way of reacting after our support to Ruskies during the Ukraine war , just as how they are funding porkies again.

People who are worried about Hu Jintao, He is feeling much better now. :lol:

As per their official media

View attachment 178177
Indeed ! He will never have felt better in his life, for he has been laid to rest for ever.

